Re: bump: Re: adding a property to an element in domain.xml?

From: Bobby Bissett <>
Date: Thu, 17 Jun 2010 17:02:28 -0400

> Bobby Bissett wrote:
>> To meet our M2 goal, I could just promote these props to
>> attributes. Anyone? Anyone?
> I always prefer optional attributes than props. User doesn't need
> to dig out the doc to find the exact property name. Much easier to
> get/set in CLI and admin console.

I hear you, but there are other reasons for not having these two
particular props as attributes. They're not technically part of the
cluster info, but it's where they are used, so the Powers that Be (I
think Bill) suggested handling them this way.

I know I'm supposed to get the names to someone -- is that you Anissa?
I just committed the change and was starting to look through my email
for the right person.
