Re: GlassFish developer scripts

From: Justin Lee <>
Date: Mon, 07 Jun 2010 12:31:02 -0400, e.g., you can run from anywhere. The others need a specific
directory for various reasons. I also use these scripts with my grizzly
development so I can't assume that I can just cd to the glassfish dev
root and run. Scripts like target the maven module
you're in so cd'ing somewhere else makes little sense. I've started
running some of these scripts on linux and have started seeing some
compatibility issues and I've started cleaning some of that up but I'm
not sure I've pushed any such changes yet. I'm absolutely certain I
haven't updated them all in any case.

On 6/7/10 12:22 PM, Yamini K B wrote:
> Hi Justin,
> > What didn't work? Have you tried a recent version? There've been a number of
> > tweaks that may fix your problems. If they don't, we can take a look and see
> > what's broken for you.
> I haven't tried the latest scripts. If I remember correctly, the first error I
> got was 'source not found'. The built-in command 'source' is not available in
> '/bin/sh'. I changed the first line of the scripts to use bash. Then I ran into
> the first error mentioned by Jane. I didn't try to fix it. Another point is that
> all the concerned scripts need to be copied into v3.1 workspace, it would be
> nice if the scripts can run irrespective of the location.
> Anyways, I will try the latest scripts and let you know the results.
> Thanks,
> -Yamini
> >
> > On 6/7/10 1:18 AM, Yamini K B wrote:
> >> Hi,
> >>
> >> I would like to share some scripts which I'm sure would help those who are new
> >> to GlassFish development.
> >>
> >> When I first started trying out changes to the code, I used to forget to copy
> >> the built jar into the installation modules folder at times and would end up
> >> wasting a lot of time in trying to figure out what went wrong. And then, I
> >> started to link the concerned jars. However, whenever I updated and built the
> >> complete workspace (which I do almost everyday), I had to erase the exiting
> >> installation and unzip the distribution again which I found very annoying.
> >>
> >> Unfortunately, Justin's scripts (see mail thread here
> >> <>) didn't
> >> work for me, so I wrote my own scripts.
> >>
> >> 1. My first attempt was a simple script to parse 'svn update'
> >> output to identify changed modules and copy the updated jars into the
> >> installation folder. This script requires some pre-steps. (I don't actually use
> >> this script anymore!)
> >> 2. My next script creates links only for specific module jar(s)
> >> 3. After that, I went a step further and thought why not link all jars.
> >>
> >> So now, my installation is always up to date no matter how many times I
> >> update/build my workspace or modules :)
> >>
> >> Regards,
> >> -Yamini
> >>
> >>
> >>
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