About NonBlockingWireOutputPipe's TTL Setting

From: Wu Jie <>
Date: Tue, 11 May 2010 14:31:39 +0900

Hello JXTA Dev Team
Hello GF Shoal Dev Team

Sorry for interrupting you.

I come from Fujitsu China and have sth doubt about TTL(time to live) setting
in JXTA's implementation(JXSE).

public boolean send(Message message) throws IOException {
       ... ...
       WireHeader header = new WireHeader();

       header.setTTL(destPeers.isEmpty() ? 200 : 1); //★My Problem
       ... ...
★My Problem:
Is there any special purpose to set TTL to 200 when destPeers is empty?
#why not be set to any other number?

[Background of Problem]
If TTL is set to a big number, I think it may lead bad influence to the overhead
of network. To put down the overhead of network, may I set a number less than 200
for TTL when destPeers is empty?

Could you please give me any comment or suggestion? Any help will be appreciated.

Best Regard
Wu Jie