Re: Logging messages in GlassFish v3.1

From: Tom Mueller <>
Date: Wed, 26 May 2010 11:47:49 -0500

On 5/26/2010 11:21 AM, Naman Mehta wrote:
>> 2. How does one get a new subsystem id to use for messages, while
>> ensuring that it is unique?
> Message id should start with character and followed by integer
> number. First characters should be module name so it should be always
> unique for different modules. In below example for EJB module message
> id starts with 'EJB' followd by number. Within module developer needs
> to take care for the same by looking at their file.
I need more detail on this. What specifically do you mean by "module
name". For example, given the following file:


What is the module name? Is it "config-api"? Is it "admin"? Is it
""? And how are these converted to the
subsystem id (all caps) that shows up in a message id?
