Re: Develop-test-debug cycle in v3

From: Jane Young <>
Date: Thu, 13 May 2010 11:02:11 -0700

I'm interested. Please send it to me.


Justin Lee wrote:
> I have a set of scripts that I've developed to help with this
> actually. updateBundle will actually build the module you're in and
> update the file in a glassfish build. rebundle will scan for changed
> files and call updateBundle on the affected modules. These scripts
> assume certain environment variables but they've been working for me
> for a while. I can publish them somewhere if people are interested.
> On 5/13/10 12:00 PM, Jane Young wrote:
>> Hi Yamini,
>> Yamini K B wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I'm new to v3 and am just getting started with it. I'm able to do
>>> the builds successfully but I have some questions:
>> Welcome to GlassFish 3.1!
>>> 1. Re-build (i.e svn update; mvn -U clean install) of complete
>>> sources takes very long at times (nearly an hour on on my laptop
>>> running Ubuntu) How can I speed this up?
>> The "-U" option will check for the updated releases and SNAPSHOTs
>> artifacts on the remote repositories. This will take a long time,
>> since the GlassFish references 8 remote repositories (we use Nexus as
>> the proxy server so there is one reference point in the pom) and
>> maven communicates to these repositories to search for the updated
>> artifacts. If you have one successful build which means your local
>> Maven repository (by default it's <uesr-home>/.m2/repository) is
>> populated with the artifacts referenced in GlassFish v3 workspace,
>> then you don't need to use "-U".
>> Also, once you have a successful build, you can build selected
>> modules in the v3 directory by using the "-pl or --projects" option.
>> e.g.
>> mvn -Dmaven.repo.local=/export/GlassFish/Apr20/repository -pl
>> admin,common install
>>> 2. When ever I re-build, I unzip the target afresh. In
>>> v2 recompiling wasn't trouble at all since build automatically
>>> publishes the jars into the lib folder. Recompiling 1-2 modules and
>>> copying the jars into modules folder is ok, but this manual copying
>>> is not possible when updating and building at the top most level. Is
>>> there a better way to do this?
>> From the GlassFish installation in "modules" folder, you can create
>> symlinks to the maven artifact in the target folder.
>> The other option is to modify the pom file and change the default
>> target directory to the GlassFish module directory but I don't advice
>> doing this since poms are part of the build and under source
>> control, so it can be accidentally committed.
>> Thanks,
>> Jane
>>> I've read the developer instructions, FAQs etc. but any other tips
>>> and tricks for quick develop-test-debug cycle would be appreciated!
>>> Thanks,
>>> -Yamini
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