Develop-test-debug cycle in v3

From: Yamini K B <Yamini.Kb_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 12 May 2010 22:16:35 +0530


I'm new to v3 and am just getting started with it. I'm able to do the
builds successfully but I have some questions:

1. Re-build (i.e svn update; mvn -U clean install) of complete sources
takes very long at times (nearly an hour on on my laptop running Ubuntu)
How can I speed this up?
2. When ever I re-build, I unzip the target afresh. In v2
recompiling wasn't trouble at all since build automatically publishes
the jars into the lib folder. Recompiling 1-2 modules and copying the
jars into modules folder is ok, but this manual copying is not possible
when updating and building at the top most level. Is there a better way
to do this?

I've read the developer instructions, FAQs etc. but any other tips and
tricks for quick develop-test-debug cycle would be appreciated!
