Re: Annotation scanning failure

From: Hong Zhang <>
Date: Mon, 12 Apr 2010 15:43:07 -0400

This is the related glassfish issue:

I guess the ADF team should try with a recent v3.1 build to see if the
problem still remains..

- Hong

On 4/12/2010 3:33 PM, Ed Burns wrote:
> I'm sharing this out to dev_at_glassfish in the hopes that someone has an
> answer.
>>>>>> On Mon, 05 Apr 2010 15:58:46 -0400, Andy Schwartz said:
> AS> Matthias Wessendorf (ADF team) recently did some testing of ADF on
> AS> GFv3. He ran into two problems:
> AS> 1. Annotation scanning failure
> AS> The GF annotation scan fails when it attempts to load an ADF class that
> AS> contains WLS-specific dependencies. This in turn causes the application
> AS> startup to fail. I believe that GF is planning to be more lenient - ie.
> AS> continue on with the scan rather than prevent the application from
> AS> starting up. Not sure whether there is a GF issue tracking this.
> AS> Hopefully someone cc'ed here knows.
> Any ideas for this?
> Ed