Re: stealing jsp and servlet api jars for my source build

From: Bobby Bissett <Robert.Bissett_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Tue, 01 Dec 2009 16:49:57 -0500

>> My module has a dependency on jsp-api.jar and servlet-api.jar (it
>> needs actual jars with these names). Can I use the jars that have
>> already been built by other modules? For instance, grabbing the
>> output of the jsp.xml build and copying that where my ant script
>> wants it as jsp-api.jar?
> Yes. If you don't use Maven, you will need to copy the jar file
> from the local repository.

Thanks, will do. I have a comment in the main build.xml file as well
that the javahelp module needs to be built after the jsp one.

>> Since the jsp build depends on servlet-api, I should be able to
>> grab that as well after jsp.xml has run. But I don't see where the
>> servlet code is being built at all. Can I just depend that it will
>> be in the local maven repo after jsp runs and grab it from there?
> javax.servlet:3.0 is built in v3 workspace. Is it possible to
> depend on javax.servlet instead of servlet-api:2.5?
> If no, then we'll need to build servlet-api:2.5 from source.
> To build javax.servlet:30, we'll need to add this module in v3-
> build.xml. This build script is for building individual v3 modules
> since some external modules have dependencies on them.

Sure, I try that since I just need the api and not the impl. But I see
that another module is using servlet 2.5 already: wsit is using the
following two properties to build subcomponents:


...with the comment "I see these are already published by JavaEE api
v3 build" in wsit.xml. Does that make sense (or should it change in
the wsit build)?

Thanks again,