POM change review request: was request for help in changing spec.version in /security/

From: Ron Monzillo <Ronald.Monzillo_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Fri, 06 Nov 2009 14:39:41 -0500

Sahoo wrote:
> Ron,
> No other change is needed. You may like to ensure this by looking at the
> MANIFEST.MF of the jar produced out of that module. It should say 1.4
> wherever 1.2 was appearing earlier.

thanks, that is indeed the case.

May I make the following change to the jacc pom file?
The version of the api included in EE6 is 1.4.


> Thanks,
> Sahoo
> Ronald.Monzillo_at_Sun.COM wrote:
>> *** ./ Fri Nov 6 10:49:44 2009
>> --- ./ Wed Nov 4 14:47:10 2009
>> ***************
>> *** 47,53 ****
>> <packaging>jar</packaging>
>> <properties>
>> <></>
>> ! <spec.version>1.2</spec.version>
>> </properties>
>> <name>${} API v.${spec.version}</name>
>> <url></url>
>> --- 47,53 ----
>> <packaging>jar</packaging>
>> <properties>
>> <></>
>> ! <spec.version>1.4</spec.version>
>> </properties>
>> <name>${} API v.${spec.version}</name>
>> <url></url>
>> can you please provide some direction as to what if any other changes
>> must be made to make this change.
>> thanks,
>> Ron