Re: QL Tests on Windows

From: Vivek Pandey <Vivek.Pandey_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 05 Nov 2009 07:05:23 -0800

Does, C:/Documents and

ms/rails-2.3.4/bin/rails exist? I see the path separators mixed up
(forward and back slashes).

Ming, perhaps either there is some issue with the path or unzip your job
is doing. Can you check why its happening on Windows?


Byron Nevins wrote:
> QL Tests never pass on Windows for me for the past week or so. Is
> anyone seeing QL tests *passing* on Windows?
> create-app-common:
> [echo] JRUBY_HOME: C:\Documents and
> Settings\bnevins/.m2/repository/org/glassfish/scripting/bundle/jruby-all/jruby
> [echo] C:\Documents and
> Settings\bnevins/.m2/repository/org/glassfish/scripting/bundle/jruby-all/jruby/bin/jruby
> -S rails -d mysql hell
> oworld
> create-app-common-unix:
> create-app-common-windows:
> [exec] C:/Documents and
> Settings/bnevins/.m2/repository/org/glassfish/scripting/bundle/jruby-all/jruby/bin/../bin/rails:19:in
> `load': N
> o such file to load -- "C:/Documents and
> Settings/bnevins/.m2/repository/org/glassfish/scripting/bundle/jruby-all/jruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/ge
> ms/rails-2.3.4/bin/rails" (LoadError)
> [exec] from C:/Documents and
> Settings/bnevins/.m2/repository/org/glassfish/scripting/bundle/jruby-all/jruby/bin/../bin/rails:19
> [INFO]
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> [INFO]
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> [INFO] An Ant BuildException has occured: The following error occurred
> while executing this line:
> C:\gf\v3\tests\quicklook\build.xml:110: The following error occurred
> while executing this line:
> C:\gf\v3\tests\quicklook\build.xml:190: The following error occurred
> while executing this line:
> C:\gf\v3\tests\quicklook\web\jruby\build.xml:34: The following error
> occurred while executing this line:
> C:\gf\v3\tests\quicklook\web\jruby\build.xml:63: The following error
> occurred while executing this line:
> C:\gf\v3\tests\quicklook\web\jruby\build.xml:77: exec returned: 1
> [INFO]
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> [INFO] For more information, run Maven with the -e switch
> [INFO]
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> [INFO] Total time: 5 minutes 41 seconds
> [INFO] Finished at: Wed Nov 04 23:18:07 PST 2009
> [INFO] Final Memory: 11M/22M
> [INFO]
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------