How does OSGi Resolve Duplicates

From: Byron Nevins <Byron.Nevins_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 12 Nov 2009 10:34:43 -0800
LocalStrings is a class that handles strings coming from a file named

admin-cli.jar has such a properties file in it:

Now a completely separate OSGi module is developed that happens to also have its own  This module has admin-cli.jar as a dependency.

At runtime a call is made to fetch a string -- but it does NOT look inside its own module -- instead it looks in the properties file in admin-cli.jar!
The call to getResource("") picks up resources from outside the module that is making the call in preference to resources inside the module.

That seems unpredictable and weird to me. 

Why does OSGi do that -- is it predictable?
Is there some OSGi way to force getResource() to look only in the current module?

(This is an actual bug that just appeared in a CLI extension module)

Byron Nevins  -  Sun Microsystems, Inc.
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