Re: glassfish hang (blocking all upgrades)

From: Bobby Bissett <Robert.Bissett_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Mon, 09 Nov 2009 14:23:55 -0500

> In this scenario you are doing an upgrade from v2 to v3, right? It
> seems that the UpgradeLogging service is not called because it will
> create the file in the config dir during an
> upgrade. If the file is not there then the server log file will not be
> setup properly.
> The fact that the file is missing will not cause the hang.

Yep, I *think* I remember when we talked about this a while back. I was confused about where the server output was really going, but it's a feature (not bug) of asadmin -- with the verbose flag I see everything.

I think the actual problem appears here:
> >ERR:Nov 9, 2009 1:46:43 PM
> postConstruct
> >ERR:SEVERE: Failure while upgrading domain.xml. Please redeploy

I've filed issue 10910.

Thanks for giving it a look.
