Re: QuickLook failing badly today, domain timeout

From: Snjezana Sevo-Zenzerovic <Snjezana.Sevo-Zenzerovic_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Mon, 10 Aug 2009 15:28:18 -0700

You might be onto something - look at this:

[exec] There is a process already using the admin port 4848 -- it
probably is another instance of a GlassFish server.

Lloyd, you might want to check what version/build is running this port...

Jason Lee wrote:

> I have the same setup, and all tests passed for me (clean maven repo
> and all). If it helps, I DID have LOTS of skips at one point, but
> realized I had a v2 instance running. :)
> On Aug 10, 2009, at 4:57 PM, Lloyd Chambers wrote:
>> Jane,
>> Something is seriously wrong with today's code. QL never failed like
>> this before today.
>> 1. I can start the server manually just fine, use the web GUI, etc.
>> 2. I am on Mac OS X 10.5.8, and could that make a difference? I
>> updated over the weekend. Maybe another Mac user can confirm.
>> 3. Tests fails really badly:
>> [echo] [testng] ===============================================
>> [echo] [testng] QuickLookTests
>> [echo] [testng] Total tests run: 98, Failures: 29, Skips: 16
>> [echo] [testng] Configuration Failures: 2, Skips: 0
>> [echo] [testng] ===============================================
>> 4. Even pre-starting the server,
>> the web container fails to start mid-way through the test (see below).
>> 5. I nuked the maven repo and rebuilt from sratch. No change.
>> Lloyd
>> *
>> *
>> *
>> *
>> *
>> *
>> *Part way through the QL run.*
>> INFO: Started bundle org.glassfish.web.cli [22]
>> Aug 10, 2009 2:51:02 PM com.sun.enterprise.web.WebContainer
>> createHttpListener
>> INFO: Created HTTP listener http-listener-1 on port 8080
>> Aug 10, 2009 2:51:02 PM com.sun.enterprise.web.WebContainer
>> createHttpListener
>> INFO: Created HTTP listener admin-listener on port 4848
>> Aug 10, 2009 2:51:02 PM com.sun.enterprise.web.WebContainer createHosts
>> INFO: Created virtual server server
>> Aug 10, 2009 2:51:02 PM com.sun.enterprise.web.WebContainer createHosts
>> INFO: Created virtual server __asadmin
>> Aug 10, 2009 2:51:02 PM
>> com.sun.enterprise.v3.server.ApplicationLifecycle startContainers
>> SEVERE: Cannot start container web
>> java.lang.NullPointerException
>> at com.sun.enterprise.web.WebContainer.postConstruct
>> <http://web.WebContainer.postConstruct>(
>> at
>> com.sun.hk2.component.AbstractWombImpl.inject(
>> at com.sun.hk2.component.ConstructorWomb$
>> at Method)
>> at
>> com.sun.hk2.component.ConstructorWomb.initialize(
>> at com.sun.hk2.component.AbstractWombImpl.get(
>> at
>> com.sun.hk2.component.SingletonInhabitant.get(
>> at com.sun.hk2.component.LazyInhabitant.get(
>> at
>> com.sun.hk2.component.AbstractInhabitantImpl.get(
>> at
>> at
>> com.sun.enterprise.v3.server.ApplicationLifecycle.startContainers(
>> at
>> com.sun.enterprise.v3.server.ApplicationLifecycle.setupContainerInfos(
>> at
>> com.sun.enterprise.v3.server.ApplicationLifecycle.deploy(
>> at
>> com.sun.enterprise.v3.server.ApplicationLoaderService.processApplication(
>> at
>> com.sun.enterprise.v3.admin.adapter.InstallerThread.load(
>> at
>> Aug 10, 2009 2:51:02 PM org.glassfish.api.ActionReport failure
>> SEVERE: Aborting, Failed to start container
>> com.sun.enterprise.web.WebContainer
>> Aug 10, 2009 2:51:02 PM org.glassfish.api.ActionReport failure
>> SEVERE: Exception while deploying the app
>> java.lang.Exception: Aborting, Failed to start container
>> com.sun.enterprise.web.WebContainer
>> at
>> com.sun.enterprise.v3.server.ApplicationLifecycle.setupContainerInfos(
>> at
>> com.sun.enterprise.v3.server.ApplicationLifecycle.deploy(
>> at
>> com.sun.enterprise.v3.server.ApplicationLoaderService.processApplication(
>> at
>> com.sun.enterprise.v3.admin.adapter.InstallerThread.load(
>> at
>> Aug 10, 2009 2:51:02 PM
>> com.sun.enterprise.v3.server.ApplicationLoaderService processApplication
>> SEVERE: Exception while deploying the app : java.lang.Exception:
>> Aborting, Failed to start container com.sun.enterprise.web.WebContainer
>> *
>> *
>> *Lots of problems.*
>> llcMP:code llc$ ql
>> [INFO] Scanning for projects...
>> WAGON_VERSION: 1.0-beta-2
>> [INFO]
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> [INFO] Building Glassfish Quicklook Bundle
>> [INFO] task-segment: [test]
>> [INFO]
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> [INFO] [resources:resources]
>> [INFO] Using default encoding to copy filtered resources.
>> [INFO] [compiler:compile]
>> [INFO] No sources to compile
>> [INFO] [resources:testResources]
>> [INFO] Using default encoding to copy filtered resources.
>> [INFO] [compiler:testCompile]
>> [INFO] No sources to compile
>> [INFO] [surefire:test]
>> [INFO] No tests to run.
>> [INFO] [antrun-extended:run {execution: default}]
>> [INFO] Executing tasks
>> [echo] compile classpath:
>> /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/quicklook/target/classes
>> [echo] plugin classpath:
>> /Users/llc/.m2/repository/commons-codec/commons-codec/1.3/commons-codec-1.3.jar:/Users/llc/.m2/repository/commons-httpclient/commons-httpclient/3.0.1/commons-httpclient-3.0.1.jar:/Users/llc/.m2/repository/junit/junit/3.8.1/junit-3.8.1.jar:/Users/llc/.m2/repository/commons-logging/commons-logging/1.0.3/commons-logging-1.0.3.jar:/Users/llc/.m2/repository/org/testng/testng/5.6/testng-5.6-jdk15.jar:/Users/llc/.m2/repository/com/sun/jsftemplating/jsftemplating-dynafaces/0.1/jsftemplating-dynafaces-0.1.jar:/Users/llc/.m2/repository/org/codehaus/plexus/plexus-utils/1.1/plexus-utils-1.1.jar:/Users/llc/.m2/repository/ant/ant-launcher/1.6.5/ant-launcher-1.6.5.jar:/Users/llc/.m2/repository/ant/ant/1.6.5/ant-1.6.5.jar:/Users/llc/.m2/repository/org/apache/commons/commons-io/1.3.2/commons-io-1.3.2.jar:/usr/local/apache-maven/lib/maven-2.0.9-uber.jar
>> clean:
>> [delete] Deleting directory
>> /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/quicklook/classes
>> [delete] Deleting directory
>> /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/quicklook/dist
>> [delete] Deleting 4 files from
>> /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/quicklook
>> all:
>> setOSConditions:
>> start-derby:
>> start-derby-unix:
>> start-derby-windows:
>> setOSConditions:
>> start-server-felix:
>> [echo] +-----------------------------+
>> [echo] | |
>> [echo] | S T A R T I N G GLASSFISH |
>> [echo] | in Felix mode |
>> [echo] | |
>> [echo] +-----------------------------+
>> start-server-felix-unix:
>> [exec] There is a process already using the admin port 4848 --
>> it probably is another instance of a GlassFish server.
>> [exec] Command start-domain executed successfully.
>> start-server-felix-windows:
>> build-deploy:
>> [echo] ANT PROJECT GlassFish-V3-QuickLook
>> build:
>> compile-tests:
>> [echo] compiling test client to ..//classes/test
>> [mkdir] Created dir:
>> /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/quicklook/classes/test
>> [javac] Compiling 7 source files to
>> /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/quicklook/classes/test
>> [javac] Note: Some input files use or override a deprecated API.
>> [javac] Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details.
>> [javac] Note: Some input files use unchecked or unsafe operations.
>> [javac] Note: Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details.
>> build:
>> compile-tests:
>> [echo] compiling test client to ..//classes/test
>> [javac] Compiling 5 source files to
>> /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/quicklook/classes/test
>> [javac] Note: Some input files use unchecked or unsafe operations.
>> [javac] Note: Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details.
>> build:
>> compile-tests:
>> [echo] compiling test client to ../classes/test
>> [javac] Compiling 4 source files to
>> /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/quicklook/classes/test
>> build:
>> compile-tests:
>> [echo] compiling test client to ..//classes/test
>> [javac] Compiling 2 source files to
>> /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/quicklook/classes/test
>> compile-tests:
>> [echo] compiling test client to ../../classes/test
>> [javac] Compiling 1 source file to
>> /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/quicklook/classes/test
>> [javac] Note:
>> /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/quicklook/web/helloworld/src/test/
>> uses or overrides a deprecated API.
>> [javac] Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details.
>> build:
>> build-impl:
>> archive-type:
>> [echo] archive-type is war
>> build-war:
>> [echo] Now creating a war file ../../dist/basicweb/hellojsp.war
>> [mkdir] Created dir:
>> /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/quicklook/classes/basicweb/app
>> [mkdir] Created dir:
>> /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/quicklook/dist/basicweb
>> [javac] Compiling 1 source file to
>> /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/quicklook/classes/basicweb/app
>> [mkdir] Created dir:
>> /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/quicklook/classes/basicweb/app/META-INF
>> [copy] Warning: Could not find file
>> /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/quicklook/web/helloworld/metadata/persistence.xml
>> to copy.
>> [war] Building war:
>> /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/quicklook/dist/basicweb/hellojsp.war
>> [war] Warning: selected war files include a WEB-INF/web.xml
>> which will be ignored (please use webxml attribute to war task)
>> archive-type:
>> [echo] archive-type is war
>> build-ear:
>> archive-type:
>> [echo] archive-type is war
>> build-appclient-ear:
>> archive-type:
>> [echo] archive-type is war
>> build-jar:
>> deploy:
>> setOSConditions:
>> deploy-v3-impl:
>> [echo] deploying hellojsp.war
>> deploy-v3-impl-unix:
>> [exec] CLI001 Invalid Command: deploy
>> [exec] Command deploy failed.
>> [exec] Result: 1
>> deploy-v3-impl-windows:
>> build-deploy:
>> compile-tests:
>> [echo] compiling test client to ../../classes/test
>> [javac] Compiling 1 source file to
>> /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/quicklook/classes/test
>> [javac] Note:
>> /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/quicklook/web/jsfastrologer/src/test/
>> uses or overrides a deprecated API.
>> [javac] Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details.
>> build:
>> build-impl:
>> archive-type:
>> [echo] archive-type is war
>> build-war:
>> [echo] Now creating a war file ../../dist/jsftest/jsfastrologer.war
>> [mkdir] Created dir:
>> /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/quicklook/classes/jsftest/app
>> [mkdir] Created dir:
>> /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/quicklook/dist/jsftest
>> [javac] Compiling 1 source file to
>> /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/quicklook/classes/jsftest/app
>> [mkdir] Created dir:
>> /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/quicklook/classes/jsftest/app/META-INF
>> [copy] Warning: Could not find file
>> /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/quicklook/web/jsfastrologer/metadata/persistence.xml
>> to copy.
>> [war] Building war:
>> /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/quicklook/dist/jsftest/jsfastrologer.war
>> [war] Warning: selected war files include a WEB-INF/web.xml
>> which will be ignored (please use webxml attribute to war task)
>> archive-type:
>> [echo] archive-type is war
>> build-ear:
>> archive-type:
>> [echo] archive-type is war
>> build-appclient-ear:
>> archive-type:
>> [echo] archive-type is war
>> build-jar:
>> deploy:
>> setOSConditions:
>> deploy-v3-impl:
>> [echo] deploying jsfastrologer.war
>> deploy-v3-impl-unix:
>> [exec] CLI001 Invalid Command: deploy
>> [exec] Command deploy failed.
>> [exec] Result: 1
>> deploy-v3-impl-windows:
>> build-deploy:
>> compile-tests:
>> [echo] compiling test client to ../../classes/test
>> [javac] Compiling 1 source file to
>> /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/quicklook/classes/test
>> [javac] Note:
>> /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/quicklook/web/jsfinjection/src/test/
>> uses or overrides a deprecated API.
>> [javac] Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details.
>> build:
>> build-impl:
>> archive-type:
>> [echo] archive-type is war
>> build-war:
>> [echo] Now creating a war file ../../dist/basicweb/jsfinjection.war
>> [delete] Deleting directory
>> /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/quicklook/classes/basicweb/app
>> [delete] Deleting directory
>> /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/quicklook/dist/basicweb
>> [mkdir] Created dir:
>> /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/quicklook/classes/basicweb/app
>> [mkdir] Created dir:
>> /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/quicklook/dist/basicweb
>> [javac] Compiling 2 source files to
>> /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/quicklook/classes/basicweb/app
>> [mkdir] Created dir:
>> /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/quicklook/classes/basicweb/app/META-INF
>> [copy] Warning: Could not find file
>> /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/quicklook/web/jsfinjection/metadata/persistence.xml
>> to copy.
>> [war] Building war:
>> /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/quicklook/dist/basicweb/jsfinjection.war
>> [war] Warning: selected war files include a WEB-INF/web.xml
>> which will be ignored (please use webxml attribute to war task)
>> archive-type:
>> [echo] archive-type is war
>> build-ear:
>> archive-type:
>> [echo] archive-type is war
>> build-appclient-ear:
>> archive-type:
>> [echo] archive-type is war
>> build-jar:
>> deploy:
>> setOSConditions:
>> deploy-v3-impl:
>> [echo] deploying jsfinjection.war
>> deploy-v3-impl-unix:
>> [exec] CLI001 Invalid Command: deploy
>> [exec] Command deploy failed.
>> [exec] Result: 1
>> deploy-v3-impl-windows:
>> build-deploy:
>> compile-tests:
>> [echo] compiling test client to ../../classes/test
>> [javac] Compiling 1 source file to
>> /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/quicklook/classes/test
>> [javac] Note:
>> /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/quicklook/jdbc/jdbcusertx/src/test/
>> uses or overrides a deprecated API.
>> [javac] Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details.
>> build:
>> build-impl:
>> archive-type:
>> [echo] archive-type is war
>> build-war:
>> [echo] Now creating a war file ../../dist/jdbcusertx/jdbcusertx.war
>> [mkdir] Created dir:
>> /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/quicklook/classes/jdbcusertx/app
>> [mkdir] Created dir:
>> /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/quicklook/dist/jdbcusertx
>> [javac] Compiling 6 source files to
>> /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/quicklook/classes/jdbcusertx/app
>> [javac] Note:
>> /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/quicklook/jdbc/jdbcusertx/src/java/
>> uses unchecked or unsafe operations.
>> [javac] Note: Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details.
>> [mkdir] Created dir:
>> /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/quicklook/classes/jdbcusertx/app/META-INF
>> [copy] Warning: Could not find file
>> /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/quicklook/jdbc/jdbcusertx/metadata/persistence.xml
>> to copy.
>> [war] Building war:
>> /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/quicklook/dist/jdbcusertx/jdbcusertx.war
>> [war] Warning: selected war files include a WEB-INF/web.xml
>> which will be ignored (please use webxml attribute to war task)
>> archive-type:
>> [echo] archive-type is war
>> build-ear:
>> archive-type:
>> [echo] archive-type is war
>> build-appclient-ear:
>> archive-type:
>> [echo] archive-type is war
>> build-jar:
>> deploy:
>> setOSConditions:
>> deploy-v3-impl:
>> [echo] deploying jdbcusertx.war
>> deploy-v3-impl-unix:
>> [exec] CLI001 Invalid Command: deploy
>> [exec] Command deploy failed.
>> [exec] Result: 1
>> deploy-v3-impl-windows:
>> build-deploy:
>> compile-tests:
>> [echo] compiling test client to ../../classes/test
>> [javac] Compiling 1 source file to
>> /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/quicklook/classes/test
>> [javac] Note:
>> /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/quicklook/persistence/jpainjectemf/src/test/
>> uses or overrides a deprecated API.
>> [javac] Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details.
>> build:
>> build-impl:
>> archive-type:
>> [echo] archive-type is war
>> build-war:
>> [echo] Now creating a war file
>> ../../dist/jpainjectemf/jpainjectemf.war
>> [mkdir] Created dir:
>> /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/quicklook/classes/jpainjectemf/app
>> [mkdir] Created dir:
>> /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/quicklook/dist/jpainjectemf
>> [javac] Compiling 4 source files to
>> /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/quicklook/classes/jpainjectemf/app
>> [mkdir] Created dir:
>> /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/quicklook/classes/jpainjectemf/app/META-INF
>> [copy] Copying 1 file to
>> /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/quicklook/classes/jpainjectemf/app/META-INF
>> [war] Building war:
>> /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/quicklook/dist/jpainjectemf/jpainjectemf.war
>> [war] Warning: selected war files include a WEB-INF/web.xml
>> which will be ignored (please use webxml attribute to war task)
>> archive-type:
>> [echo] archive-type is war
>> build-ear:
>> archive-type:
>> [echo] archive-type is war
>> build-appclient-ear:
>> archive-type:
>> [echo] archive-type is war
>> build-jar:
>> deploy:
>> setOSConditions:
>> deploy-v3-impl:
>> [echo] deploying jpainjectemf.war
>> deploy-v3-impl-unix:
>> [exec] CLI001 Invalid Command: deploy
>> [exec] Command deploy failed.
>> [exec] Result: 1
>> deploy-v3-impl-windows:
>> build-deploy:
>> compile-tests:
>> [echo] compiling test client to ../../classes/test
>> [javac] Compiling 1 source file to
>> /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/quicklook/classes/test
>> [javac] Note:
>> /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/quicklook/security/helloworld/src/test/
>> uses or overrides a deprecated API.
>> [javac] Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details.
>> build:
>> build-impl:
>> archive-type:
>> [echo] archive-type is war
>> build-war:
>> [echo] Now creating a war file
>> ../../dist/security/hellojspsecure.war
>> [mkdir] Created dir:
>> /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/quicklook/classes/security/app
>> [mkdir] Created dir:
>> /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/quicklook/dist/security
>> [javac] Compiling 1 source file to
>> /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/quicklook/classes/security/app
>> [mkdir] Created dir:
>> /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/quicklook/classes/security/app/META-INF
>> [copy] Warning: Could not find file
>> /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/quicklook/security/helloworld/metadata/persistence.xml
>> to copy.
>> [war] Building war:
>> /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/quicklook/dist/security/hellojspsecure.war
>> [war] Warning: selected war files include a WEB-INF/web.xml
>> which will be ignored (please use webxml attribute to war task)
>> archive-type:
>> [echo] archive-type is war
>> build-ear:
>> archive-type:
>> [echo] archive-type is war
>> build-appclient-ear:
>> archive-type:
>> [echo] archive-type is war
>> build-jar:
>> deploy:
>> setOSConditions:
>> deploy-v3-impl:
>> [echo] deploying hellojspsecure.war
>> deploy-v3-impl-unix:
>> [exec] CLI001 Invalid Command: deploy
>> [exec] Command deploy failed.
>> [exec] Result: 1
>> deploy-v3-impl-windows:
>> build-deploy:
>> build:
>> setup:
>> setOSConditions:
>> create-user-common-v3-impl:
>> create-user-common-v3-impl-unix:
>> [exec] create-file-user --host localhost --port 4848 --user
>> admin --passwordfile asadminuserpassword.txt --interactive=false
>> --echo=true --terse=true --authrealmname=file --groups=testgroup1
>> --AS_ADMIN_USERPASSWORD=secret testuser3
>> [delete] Deleting:
>> /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/quicklook/security/basicauth/asadminuserpassword.txt
>> create-user-common-v3-impl-windows:
>> setOSConditions:
>> create-user-common-v3-impl:
>> create-user-common-v3-impl-unix:
>> [exec] create-file-user --host localhost --port 4848 --user
>> admin --passwordfile asadminuserpassword.txt --interactive=false
>> --echo=true --terse=true --authrealmname=file --groups=testgroup5
>> --AS_ADMIN_USERPASSWORD=secret testuser42
>> [delete] Deleting:
>> /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/quicklook/security/basicauth/asadminuserpassword.txt
>> create-user-common-v3-impl-windows:
>> setOSConditions:
>> create-user-common-v3-impl:
>> create-user-common-v3-impl-unix:
>> [exec] create-file-user --host localhost --port 4848 --user
>> admin --passwordfile asadminuserpassword.txt --interactive=false
>> --echo=true --terse=true --authrealmname=file --groups=testgroup10
>> [delete] Deleting:
>> /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/quicklook/security/basicauth/asadminuserpassword.txt
>> create-user-common-v3-impl-windows:
>> build-impl:
>> archive-type:
>> [echo] archive-type is war
>> build-war:
>> [echo] Now creating a war file
>> ../../dist/security-basicauth/basicauth.war
>> [mkdir] Created dir:
>> /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/quicklook/classes/security-basicauth/app
>> [mkdir] Created dir:
>> /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/quicklook/dist/security-basicauth
>> [mkdir] Created dir:
>> /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/quicklook/classes/security-basicauth/app/META-INF
>> [copy] Warning: Could not find file
>> /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/quicklook/security/basicauth/metadata/persistence.xml
>> to copy.
>> [war] Building war:
>> /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/quicklook/dist/security-basicauth/basicauth.war
>> [war] Warning: selected war files include a WEB-INF/web.xml
>> which will be ignored (please use webxml attribute to war task)
>> archive-type:
>> [echo] archive-type is war
>> build-ear:
>> archive-type:
>> [echo] archive-type is war
>> build-appclient-ear:
>> archive-type:
>> [echo] archive-type is war
>> build-jar:
>> compile-tests:
>> [echo] compiling test client to ../../classes/test
>> [javac] Compiling 1 source file to
>> /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/quicklook/classes/test
>> deploy:
>> setOSConditions:
>> deploy-v3-impl:
>> [echo] deploying basicauth.war
>> deploy-v3-impl-unix:
>> [exec] CLI001 Invalid Command: deploy
>> [exec] Command deploy failed.
>> [exec] Result: 1
>> deploy-v3-impl-windows:
>> build-deploy:
>> compile-tests:
>> [echo] compiling test client to ../../classes/test
>> [javac] Compiling 1 source file to
>> /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/quicklook/classes/test
>> build:
>> build-impl:
>> archive-type:
>> [echo] archive-type is war
>> build-war:
>> [echo] Now creating a war file
>> ../../dist/EJB_slsbnicmt/slsbnicmt.war
>> [mkdir] Created dir:
>> /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/quicklook/classes/EJB_slsbnicmt/app
>> [mkdir] Created dir:
>> /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/quicklook/dist/EJB_slsbnicmt
>> [javac] Compiling 3 source files to
>> /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/quicklook/classes/EJB_slsbnicmt/app
>> [mkdir] Created dir:
>> /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/quicklook/classes/EJB_slsbnicmt/app/META-INF
>> [copy] Copying 1 file to
>> /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/quicklook/classes/EJB_slsbnicmt/app/META-INF
>> [war] Building war:
>> /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/quicklook/dist/EJB_slsbnicmt/slsbnicmt.war
>> [war] Warning: selected war files include a WEB-INF/web.xml
>> which will be ignored (please use webxml attribute to war task)
>> archive-type:
>> [echo] archive-type is war
>> build-ear:
>> archive-type:
>> [echo] archive-type is war
>> build-appclient-ear:
>> archive-type:
>> [echo] archive-type is war
>> build-jar:
>> deploy:
>> setOSConditions:
>> deploy-v3-impl:
>> [echo] deploying slsbnicmt.war
>> deploy-v3-impl-unix:
>> [exec] CLI001 Invalid Command: deploy
>> [exec] Command deploy failed.
>> [exec] Result: 1
>> deploy-v3-impl-windows:
>> build-deploy:
>> compile-tests:
>> [echo] compiling test client to ../../classes/test
>> [javac] Compiling 1 source file to
>> /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/quicklook/classes/test
>> build:
>> build-impl:
>> archive-type:
>> [echo] archive-type is war
>> build-war:
>> [echo] Now creating a war file ../../dist/EJB_sfulnoi/sfulnoi.war
>> [mkdir] Created dir:
>> /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/quicklook/classes/EJB_sfulnoi/app
>> [mkdir] Created dir:
>> /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/quicklook/dist/EJB_sfulnoi
>> [javac] Compiling 2 source files to
>> /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/quicklook/classes/EJB_sfulnoi/app
>> [mkdir] Created dir:
>> /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/quicklook/classes/EJB_sfulnoi/app/META-INF
>> [copy] Warning: Could not find file
>> /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/quicklook/ejb/sfulnoi/metadata/persistence.xml
>> to copy.
>> [war] Building war:
>> /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/quicklook/dist/EJB_sfulnoi/sfulnoi.war
>> [war] Warning: selected war files include a WEB-INF/web.xml
>> which will be ignored (please use webxml attribute to war task)
>> archive-type:
>> [echo] archive-type is war
>> build-ear:
>> archive-type:
>> [echo] archive-type is war
>> build-appclient-ear:
>> archive-type:
>> [echo] archive-type is war
>> build-jar:
>> deploy:
>> setOSConditions:
>> deploy-v3-impl:
>> [echo] deploying sfulnoi.war
>> deploy-v3-impl-unix:
>> [exec] CLI001 Invalid Command: deploy
>> [exec] Command deploy failed.
>> [exec] Result: 1
>> deploy-v3-impl-windows:
>> build-deploy:
>> compile-tests:
>> [echo] compiling test client to ../../classes/test
>> [javac] Compiling 1 source file to
>> /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/quicklook/classes/test
>> build:
>> build-impl:
>> archive-type:
>> [echo] archive-type is war
>> build-war:
>> [echo] Now creating a war file ../../dist/bv/simple-bv-servlet.war
>> [mkdir] Created dir:
>> /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/quicklook/classes/bv/app
>> [mkdir] Created dir:
>> /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/quicklook/dist/bv
>> [javac] Compiling 2 source files to
>> /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/quicklook/classes/bv/app
>> [mkdir] Created dir:
>> /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/quicklook/classes/bv/app/META-INF
>> [copy] Warning: Could not find file
>> /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/quicklook/bean-validator/simple-bv-servlet/metadata/persistence.xml
>> to copy.
>> [war] Building war:
>> /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/quicklook/dist/bv/simple-bv-servlet.war
>> [war] Warning: selected war files include a WEB-INF/web.xml
>> which will be ignored (please use webxml attribute to war task)
>> archive-type:
>> [echo] archive-type is war
>> build-ear:
>> archive-type:
>> [echo] archive-type is war
>> build-appclient-ear:
>> archive-type:
>> [echo] archive-type is war
>> build-jar:
>> deploy:
>> setOSConditions:
>> deploy-v3-impl:
>> [echo] deploying simple-bv-servlet.war
>> deploy-v3-impl-unix:
>> [exec] CLI001 Invalid Command: deploy
>> [exec] Command deploy failed.
>> [exec] Result: 1
>> deploy-v3-impl-windows:
>> build-deploy:
>> build-deploy-gd:
>> [echo] Glassfish Distribution Build Deploy
>> build:
>> build-impl:
>> archive-type:
>> [echo] archive-type is jar
>> build-war:
>> archive-type:
>> [echo] archive-type is jar
>> build-ear:
>> archive-type:
>> [echo] archive-type is jar
>> build-appclient-ear:
>> archive-type:
>> [echo] archive-type is jar
>> build-jar:
>> [echo] Now creating a jar file
>> ../../dist/EJB_remoteview/remoteview.jar
>> [mkdir] Created dir:
>> /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/quicklook/classes/EJB_remoteview/app
>> [mkdir] Created dir:
>> /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/quicklook/dist/EJB_remoteview
>> [echo] Now compiling
>> [javac] Compiling 5 source files to
>> /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/quicklook/classes/EJB_remoteview/app
>> [echo] Now creating a war file
>> ../../dist/EJB_remoteview/remoteview.jar
>> [jar] Building jar:
>> /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/quicklook/dist/EJB_remoteview/remoteview.jar
>> compile-tests:
>> [echo] compiling test client to ../../classes/test
>> [javac] Compiling 1 source file to
>> /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/quicklook/classes/test
>> deploy:
>> setOSConditions:
>> deploy-v3-impl:
>> [echo] deploying remoteview.jar
>> deploy-v3-impl-unix:
>> [exec] CLI001 Invalid Command: deploy
>> [exec] Command deploy failed.
>> [exec] Result: 1
>> deploy-v3-impl-windows:
>> build-deploy:
>> compile-tests:
>> [echo] compiling test client to ../../classes/test
>> [javac] Compiling 1 source file to
>> /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/quicklook/classes/test
>> [javac] Note:
>> /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/quicklook/ejb/singleton/src/test/
>> uses or overrides a deprecated API.
>> [javac] Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details.
>> build:
>> build-impl:
>> archive-type:
>> [echo] archive-type is ear
>> build-war:
>> archive-type:
>> [echo] archive-type is ear
>> build-ear:
>> [mkdir] Created dir:
>> /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/quicklook/classes/EJB_Singleton/app
>> [mkdir] Created dir:
>> /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/quicklook/dist/EJB_Singleton
>> [javac] Compiling 4 source files to
>> /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/quicklook/classes/EJB_Singleton/app
>> [war] Building war:
>> /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/quicklook/dist/EJB_Singleton/singletonWeb.war
>> [war] Warning: selected war files include a WEB-INF/web.xml
>> which will be ignored (please use webxml attribute to war task)
>> [mkdir] Created dir:
>> /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/quicklook/classes/EJB_Singleton/app/META-INF
>> [copy] Warning: Could not find file
>> /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/quicklook/ejb/singleton/metadata/ejb-jar.xml
>> to copy.
>> [copy] Warning: Could not find file
>> /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/quicklook/ejb/singleton/metadata/sun-ejb-jar.xml
>> to copy.
>> [copy] Warning: Could not find file
>> /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/quicklook/ejb/singleton/metadata/sun-cmp-mappings.xml
>> to copy.
>> [copy] Warning: Could not find file
>> /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/quicklook/ejb/singleton/metadata/${dbschema}
>> to copy.
>> [jar] Building jar:
>> /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/quicklook/dist/EJB_Singleton/singletonEJB.jar
>> [ear] Building ear:
>> /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/quicklook/dist/EJB_Singleton/singleton.ear
>> [echo] Packaged Archive at ../../dist/EJB_Singleton/singleton.ear
>> archive-type:
>> [echo] archive-type is ear
>> build-appclient-ear:
>> archive-type:
>> [echo] archive-type is ear
>> build-jar:
>> deploy:
>> setOSConditions:
>> deploy-v3-impl:
>> [echo] deploying singleton.ear
>> deploy-v3-impl-unix:
>> [exec] CLI001 Invalid Command: deploy
>> [exec] Command deploy failed.
>> [exec] Result: 1
>> deploy-v3-impl-windows:
>> redeploy:
>> setOSConditions:
>> re-deploy-v3:
>> [echo] deploying singleton.ear
>> re-deploy-v3-unix:
>> [exec] CLI001 Invalid Command: deploy
>> [exec] Command deploy failed.
>> [exec] Result: 1
>> re-deploy-v3-windows:
>> build-deploy:
>> compile-tests:
>> [echo] compiling test client to ../../classes/test
>> [javac] Compiling 1 source file to
>> /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/quicklook/classes/test
>> build:
>> build-impl:
>> archive-type:
>> [echo] archive-type is ear
>> build-war:
>> archive-type:
>> [echo] archive-type is ear
>> build-ear:
>> [mkdir] Created dir:
>> /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/quicklook/classes/EJB_CMP/app
>> [mkdir] Created dir:
>> /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/quicklook/dist/EJB_CMP
>> [javac] Compiling 17 source files to
>> /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/quicklook/classes/EJB_CMP/app
>> [javac] Note: Some input files use unchecked or unsafe operations.
>> [javac] Note: Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details.
>> [war] Building war:
>> /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/quicklook/dist/EJB_CMP/RosterAppWeb.war
>> [war] Warning: selected war files include a WEB-INF/web.xml
>> which will be ignored (please use webxml attribute to war task)
>> [mkdir] Created dir:
>> /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/quicklook/classes/EJB_CMP/app/META-INF
>> [copy] Copying 1 file to
>> /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/quicklook/classes/EJB_CMP/app/META-INF
>> [copy] Copying 1 file to
>> /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/quicklook/classes/EJB_CMP/app/META-INF
>> [copy] Copying 1 file to
>> /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/quicklook/classes/EJB_CMP/app/META-INF
>> [copy] Copying 1 file to
>> /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/quicklook/classes/EJB_CMP/app
>> [jar] Building jar:
>> /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/quicklook/dist/EJB_CMP/RosterAppEJB.jar
>> [ear] Building ear:
>> /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/quicklook/dist/EJB_CMP/RosterApp.ear
>> [echo] Packaged Archive at ../../dist/EJB_CMP/RosterApp.ear
>> archive-type:
>> [echo] archive-type is ear
>> build-appclient-ear:
>> archive-type:
>> [echo] archive-type is ear
>> build-jar:
>> create-table:
>> initprop:
>> [echo] JavaDB Database Location : /v3/glassfishv3/glassfish/javadb
>> sql-common:
>> [echo] sql.file = sql/RosterApp_derby.sql
>> [echo] db.class.path =
>> /v3/glassfishv3/glassfish/javadb/lib/derbyclient.jar:/v3/glassfishv3/glassfish/../javadb/lib/derbyclient.jar
>> [sql] Executing file:
>> /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/quicklook/ejb/cmp/sql/RosterApp_derby.sql
>> [sql] Failed to execute: DROP TABLE TeamPlayer
>> [sql] java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: 'DROP TABLE' cannot be
>> performed on 'TEAMPLAYER' because it does not exist.
>> [sql] Failed to execute: DROP TABLE Player
>> [sql] java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: 'DROP TABLE' cannot be
>> performed on 'PLAYER' because it does not exist.
>> [sql] Failed to execute: DROP TABLE Team
>> [sql] java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: 'DROP TABLE' cannot be
>> performed on 'TEAM' because it does not exist.
>> [sql] Failed to execute: DROP TABLE League
>> [sql] java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: 'DROP TABLE' cannot be
>> performed on 'LEAGUE' because it does not exist.
>> 0 rows affected
>> 0 rows affected
>> 0 rows affected
>> 0 rows affected
>> [sql] 4 of 8 SQL statements executed successfully
>> deploy:
>> setOSConditions:
>> deploy-v3-impl:
>> [echo] deploying RosterApp.ear
>> deploy-v3-impl-unix:
>> [exec] CLI001 Invalid Command: deploy
>> [exec] Command deploy failed.
>> [exec] Result: 1
>> deploy-v3-impl-windows:
>> build-deploy:
>> build:
>> compile-util:
>> [javac] Compiling 2 source files to
>> /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/quicklook/classes/test
>> compile-tests:
>> [echo] compiling test client to ../../classes/test
>> [javac] Compiling 1 source file to
>> /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/quicklook/classes/test
>> build-impl:
>> archive-type:
>> [echo] archive-type is appclient_ear
>> build-war:
>> archive-type:
>> [echo] archive-type is appclient_ear
>> build-ear:
>> archive-type:
>> [echo] archive-type is appclient_ear
>> build-appclient-ear:
>> [mkdir] Created dir:
>> /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/quicklook/classes/mdb/app
>> [mkdir] Created dir:
>> /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/quicklook/dist/mdb
>> [javac] Compiling 6 source files to
>> /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/quicklook/classes/mdb/app
>> [mkdir] Created dir:
>> /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/quicklook/classes/mdb/app/META-INF
>> [copy] Copying 1 file to
>> /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/quicklook/classes/mdb/app/META-INF
>> [jar] Building jar:
>> /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/quicklook/dist/mdb/ejb-ejb30-hello-mdb-client.jar
>> [delete] Deleting directory
>> /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/quicklook/classes/mdb/app/META-INF
>> [jar] Building jar:
>> /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/quicklook/dist/mdb/ejb-ejb30-hello-mdb-ejb.jar
>> [ear] Building ear:
>> /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/quicklook/dist/mdb/ejb-ejb30-hello-mdbApp.ear
>> [echo] Packaged Archive at ../../dist/mdb/ejb-ejb30-hello-mdbApp.ear
>> archive-type:
>> [echo] archive-type is appclient_ear
>> build-jar:
>> declare-wsimport:
>> build-setup:
>> [echo] build-setup: build.home=../..
>> build-server-wsdl:
>> [wsimport] Consider using <depends>/<produces> so that wsimport
>> won't do unnecessary compilation
>> [wsimport] parsing WSDL...
>> [wsimport] generating code...
>> [wsimport] compiling code...
>> [javac] Compiling 1 source file to
>> /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/quicklook/classes/test
>> create-war:
>> [war] Building war:
>> /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/quicklook/wsit/JaxwsFromWsdl/JaxwsFromWsdl.war
>> [copy] Copying 1 file to
>> /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/quicklook/dist/wsit
>> deploy:
>> setOSConditions:
>> deploy-v3-impl:
>> [echo] deploying JaxwsFromWsdl.war
>> deploy-v3-impl-unix:
>> [exec] CLI001 Invalid Command: deploy
>> [exec] Command deploy failed.
>> [exec] Result: 1
>> deploy-v3-impl-windows:
>> server:
>> generate-client:
>> [wsimport] Consider using <depends>/<produces> so that wsimport
>> won't do unnecessary compilation
>> [wsimport] parsing WSDL...
>> [wsimport] [ERROR]
>> http://localhost:8080/JaxwsFromWsdl/addnumbers?wsdl is unreachable
>> [wsimport] Failed to parse the WSDL.
>> [wsimport] Command invoked: wsimport
>> /System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Versions/1.6.0/Home/bin/java
>> -d /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/quicklook/classes/test
>> -Xendorsed -keep http://localhost:8080/JaxwsFromWsdl/addnumbers?wsdl
>> -b
>> /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/quicklook/wsit/JaxwsFromWsdl/etc/custom-client.xml
>> wsimport failed
>> at
>> at
>> at
>> at
>> at
>> at
>> at
>> at
>> at
>> at
>> at
>> at
>> at
>> at
>> at
>> at
>> at
>> at
>> at
>> at
>> at
>> at
>> at
>> at
>> at
>> at
>> at
>> at
>> at
>> at
>> at org.jvnet.maven.plugin.antrun.IfTask.execute(
>> at
>> at
>> at
>> at
>> org.jvnet.maven.plugin.antrun.AbstractAntMojo.executeTasks(
>> at org.jvnet.maven.plugin.antrun.AntRunMojo.execute(
>> at
>> org.apache.maven.plugin.DefaultPluginManager.executeMojo(
>> at
>> org.apache.maven.lifecycle.DefaultLifecycleExecutor.executeGoals(
>> at
>> org.apache.maven.lifecycle.DefaultLifecycleExecutor.executeGoalWithLifecycle(
>> at
>> org.apache.maven.lifecycle.DefaultLifecycleExecutor.executeGoal(
>> at
>> org.apache.maven.lifecycle.DefaultLifecycleExecutor.executeGoalAndHandleFailures(
>> at
>> org.apache.maven.lifecycle.DefaultLifecycleExecutor.executeTaskSegments(
>> at
>> org.apache.maven.lifecycle.DefaultLifecycleExecutor.execute(
>> at org.apache.maven.DefaultMaven.doExecute(
>> at org.apache.maven.DefaultMaven.execute(
>> at org.apache.maven.cli.MavenCli.main(
>> at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
>> at
>> sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
>> at
>> sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
>> at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
>> at org.codehaus.classworlds.Launcher.launchEnhanced(
>> at org.codehaus.classworlds.Launcher.launch(
>> at org.codehaus.classworlds.Launcher.mainWithExitCode(
>> at org.codehaus.classworlds.Launcher.main(
>> build-client1:
>> [javac] Compiling 1 source file to
>> /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/quicklook/classes/test
>> [javac]
>> /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/quicklook/wsit/JaxwsFromWsdl/src/jaxwsfromwsdl/client/
>> cannot find symbol
>> [javac] symbol : class AddNumbersPortType
>> [javac] location: class jaxwsfromwsdl.client.AddNumbersClient
>> [javac] AddNumbersPortType port = null;
>> [javac] ^
>> [javac]
>> /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/quicklook/wsit/JaxwsFromWsdl/src/jaxwsfromwsdl/client/
>> cannot find symbol
>> [javac] symbol : class AddNumbersService
>> [javac] location: class jaxwsfromwsdl.client.AddNumbersClient
>> [javac] port = new
>> AddNumbersService().getAddNumbersPort ();
>> [javac] ^
>> [javac]
>> /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/quicklook/wsit/JaxwsFromWsdl/src/jaxwsfromwsdl/client/
>> cannot find symbol
>> [javac] symbol : class AddNumbersPortType
>> [javac] location: class jaxwsfromwsdl.client.AddNumbersClient
>> [javac] AddNumbersPortType port = null;
>> [javac] ^
>> [javac]
>> /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/quicklook/wsit/JaxwsFromWsdl/src/jaxwsfromwsdl/client/
>> cannot find symbol
>> [javac] symbol : class AddNumbersService
>> [javac] location: class jaxwsfromwsdl.client.AddNumbersClient
>> [javac] port = new
>> AddNumbersService().getAddNumbersPort ();
>> [javac] ^
>> [javac]
>> /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/quicklook/wsit/JaxwsFromWsdl/src/jaxwsfromwsdl/client/
>> cannot find symbol
>> [javac] symbol : class AddNumbersFault_Exception
>> [javac] location: class jaxwsfromwsdl.client.AddNumbersClient
>> [javac] } catch (AddNumbersFault_Exception ex) {
>> [javac] ^
>> [javac] 5 errors
>> [javac] Compile failed; see the compiler error output for details.
>> build-client2:
>> [javac] Compiling 1 source file to
>> /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/quicklook/classes/test
>> [javac] Note:
>> /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/quicklook/wsit/JaxwsFromWsdl/src/test/jaxwsfromwsdl/client/
>> uses unchecked or unsafe operations.
>> [javac] Note: Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details.
>> client:
>> build-deploy:
>> compile-tests:
>> [echo] compiling test client to ../../classes/test
>> [javac] Compiling 1 source file to
>> /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/quicklook/classes/test
>> [javac] Note:
>> /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/quicklook/webbeans/numberguess/src/test/
>> uses or overrides a deprecated API.
>> [javac] Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details.
>> build:
>> build-impl:
>> archive-type:
>> [echo] archive-type is war
>> build-war:
>> [echo] Now creating a war file
>> ../../dist/webbeanstest/numberguess.war
>> [mkdir] Created dir:
>> /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/quicklook/classes/webbeanstest/app
>> [mkdir] Created dir:
>> /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/quicklook/dist/webbeanstest
>> [javac] Compiling 4 source files to
>> /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/quicklook/classes/webbeanstest/app
>> [mkdir] Created dir:
>> /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/quicklook/classes/webbeanstest/app/META-INF
>> [copy] Warning: Could not find file
>> /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/quicklook/webbeans/numberguess/metadata/persistence.xml
>> to copy.
>> [war] Building war:
>> /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/quicklook/dist/webbeanstest/numberguess.war
>> [war] Warning: selected war files include a WEB-INF/web.xml
>> which will be ignored (please use webxml attribute to war task)
>> archive-type:
>> [echo] archive-type is war
>> build-ear:
>> archive-type:
>> [echo] archive-type is war
>> build-appclient-ear:
>> archive-type:
>> [echo] archive-type is war
>> build-jar:
>> deploy:
>> setOSConditions:
>> deploy-v3-impl:
>> [echo] deploying numberguess.war
>> deploy-v3-impl-unix:
>> [exec] CLI001 Invalid Command: deploy
>> [exec] Command deploy failed.
>> [exec] Result: 1
>> deploy-v3-impl-windows:
>> build-deploy:
>> initprops:
>> setOSConditions:
>> asenv-unix:
>> asenv-windows:
>> runtest:
>> [echo] =============Starting TestNG functional tests from
>> testng_gd.xml ============
>> [testng] [Parser] Running:
>> [testng] /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/quicklook/testng_gd.xml
>> [testng] FAILED: createJDBCPool
>> [testng] java.lang.AssertionError: Create jdbc connection pool
>> failed ... expected:<true> but was:<false>
>> [testng] at
>> test.admincli.ExistStatusTests.createJDBCPool(
>> [testng] ... Removed 26 stack frames
>> [testng] SKIPPED: pingJDBCPool
>> [testng] SKIPPED: deleteJDBCPool
>> [testng] ===============================================
>> [testng] admincli_restart
>> [testng] Tests run: 3, Failures: 1, Skips: 2
>> [testng] ===============================================
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild: null
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild: null
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild: null
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild: null
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild: null
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild: null
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild: null
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild: null
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild: null
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild: null
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild: null
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild: null
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild: null
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild: null
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild: null
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild: null
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild: null
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild: null
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild: null
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild: null
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild:
>> amx:pp=/domain,type=property,name=testConfigTools-0
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild:
>> amx:pp=/domain,type=system-property,name=testConfigTools-0
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild:
>> amx:pp=/domain,type=property,name=testConfigTools-1
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild:
>> amx:pp=/domain,type=system-property,name=testConfigTools-1
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild:
>> amx:pp=/domain,type=property,name=testConfigTools-2
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild:
>> amx:pp=/domain,type=system-property,name=testConfigTools-2
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild:
>> amx:pp=/domain,type=property,name=testConfigTools-3
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild:
>> amx:pp=/domain,type=system-property,name=testConfigTools-3
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild:
>> amx:pp=/domain,type=property,name=testConfigTools-4
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild:
>> amx:pp=/domain,type=system-property,name=testConfigTools-4
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild:
>> amx:pp=/domain,type=property,name=testConfigTools-5
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild:
>> amx:pp=/domain,type=system-property,name=testConfigTools-5
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild:
>> amx:pp=/domain,type=property,name=testConfigTools-6
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild:
>> amx:pp=/domain,type=system-property,name=testConfigTools-6
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild:
>> amx:pp=/domain,type=property,name=testConfigTools-7
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild:
>> amx:pp=/domain,type=system-property,name=testConfigTools-7
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild:
>> amx:pp=/domain,type=property,name=testConfigTools-8
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild:
>> amx:pp=/domain,type=system-property,name=testConfigTools-8
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild:
>> amx:pp=/domain,type=property,name=testConfigTools-9
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild:
>> amx:pp=/domain,type=system-property,name=testConfigTools-9
>> [testng] WARNING: skipping createProfilerTest() because of HK2
>> problem with deleting profiler
>> [testng] SKIPPING test for String[] parameters due to HK2 bug #8923
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild:
>> amx:pp=/domain,type=property,name=AMXConfigProxyTests.testCreateProperties-89
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild:
>> amx:pp=/domain,type=property,name=AMXConfigProxyTests.testCreateProperties-94
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild:
>> amx:pp=/domain,type=property,name=AMXConfigProxyTests.testCreateProperties-95
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild:
>> amx:pp=/domain,type=property,name=AMXConfigProxyTests.testCreateProperties-92
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild:
>> amx:pp=/domain,type=property,name=AMXConfigProxyTests.testCreateProperties-93
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild:
>> amx:pp=/domain,type=property,name=AMXConfigProxyTests.testCreateProperties-98
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild:
>> amx:pp=/domain,type=property,name=AMXConfigProxyTests.testCreateProperties-11
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild:
>> amx:pp=/domain,type=property,name=AMXConfigProxyTests.testCreateProperties-99
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild:
>> amx:pp=/domain,type=property,name=AMXConfigProxyTests.testCreateProperties-10
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild:
>> amx:pp=/domain,type=property,name=AMXConfigProxyTests.testCreateProperties-96
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild:
>> amx:pp=/domain,type=property,name=AMXConfigProxyTests.testCreateProperties-97
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild:
>> amx:pp=/domain,type=property,name=AMXConfigProxyTests.testCreateProperties-90
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild:
>> amx:pp=/domain,type=property,name=AMXConfigProxyTests.testCreateProperties-91
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild:
>> amx:pp=/domain,type=property,name=AMXConfigProxyTests.testCreateProperties-79
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild:
>> amx:pp=/domain,type=property,name=AMXConfigProxyTests.testCreateProperties-78
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild:
>> amx:pp=/domain,type=property,name=AMXConfigProxyTests.testCreateProperties-81
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild:
>> amx:pp=/domain,type=property,name=AMXConfigProxyTests.testCreateProperties-82
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild:
>> amx:pp=/domain,type=property,name=AMXConfigProxyTests.testCreateProperties-83
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild:
>> amx:pp=/domain,type=property,name=AMXConfigProxyTests.testCreateProperties-84
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild:
>> amx:pp=/domain,type=property,name=AMXConfigProxyTests.testCreateProperties-85
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild:
>> amx:pp=/domain,type=property,name=AMXConfigProxyTests.testCreateProperties-86
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild:
>> amx:pp=/domain,type=property,name=AMXConfigProxyTests.testCreateProperties-87
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild:
>> amx:pp=/domain,type=property,name=AMXConfigProxyTests.testCreateProperties-88
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild:
>> amx:pp=/domain,type=property,name=AMXConfigProxyTests.testCreateProperties-80
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild:
>> amx:pp=/domain,type=property,name=AMXConfigProxyTests.testCreateProperties-69
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild:
>> amx:pp=/domain,type=property,name=AMXConfigProxyTests.testCreateProperties-68
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild:
>> amx:pp=/domain,type=property,name=AMXConfigProxyTests.testCreateProperties-67
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild:
>> amx:pp=/domain,type=property,name=AMXConfigProxyTests.testCreateProperties-76
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild:
>> amx:pp=/domain,type=property,name=AMXConfigProxyTests.testCreateProperties-77
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild:
>> amx:pp=/domain,type=property,name=AMXConfigProxyTests.testCreateProperties-74
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild:
>> amx:pp=/domain,type=property,name=AMXConfigProxyTests.testCreateProperties-75
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild:
>> amx:pp=/domain,type=property,name=AMXConfigProxyTests.testCreateProperties-72
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild:
>> amx:pp=/domain,type=property,name=AMXConfigProxyTests.testCreateProperties-73
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild:
>> amx:pp=/domain,type=property,name=AMXConfigProxyTests.testCreateProperties-70
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild:
>> amx:pp=/domain,type=property,name=AMXConfigProxyTests.testCreateProperties-71
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild:
>> amx:pp=/domain,type=property,name=AMXConfigProxyTests.testCreateProperties-57
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild:
>> amx:pp=/domain,type=property,name=AMXConfigProxyTests.testCreateProperties-56
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild:
>> amx:pp=/domain,type=property,name=AMXConfigProxyTests.testCreateProperties-59
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild:
>> amx:pp=/domain,type=property,name=AMXConfigProxyTests.testCreateProperties-58
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild:
>> amx:pp=/domain,type=property,name=AMXConfigProxyTests.testCreateProperties-63
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild:
>> amx:pp=/domain,type=property,name=AMXConfigProxyTests.testCreateProperties-64
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild:
>> amx:pp=/domain,type=property,name=AMXConfigProxyTests.testCreateProperties-65
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild:
>> amx:pp=/domain,type=property,name=AMXConfigProxyTests.testCreateProperties-66
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild:
>> amx:pp=/domain,type=property,name=AMXConfigProxyTests.testCreateProperties-60
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild:
>> amx:pp=/domain,type=property,name=AMXConfigProxyTests.testCreateProperties-61
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild:
>> amx:pp=/domain,type=property,name=AMXConfigProxyTests.testCreateProperties-62
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild:
>> amx:pp=/domain,type=property,name=AMXConfigProxyTests.testCreateProperties-48
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild:
>> amx:pp=/domain,type=property,name=AMXConfigProxyTests.testCreateProperties-47
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild:
>> amx:pp=/domain,type=property,name=AMXConfigProxyTests.testCreateProperties-46
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild:
>> amx:pp=/domain,type=property,name=AMXConfigProxyTests.testCreateProperties-45
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild:
>> amx:pp=/domain,type=property,name=AMXConfigProxyTests.testCreateProperties-9
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild:
>> amx:pp=/domain,type=property,name=AMXConfigProxyTests.testCreateProperties-7
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild:
>> amx:pp=/domain,type=property,name=AMXConfigProxyTests.testCreateProperties-8
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild:
>> amx:pp=/domain,type=property,name=AMXConfigProxyTests.testCreateProperties-49
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild:
>> amx:pp=/domain,type=property,name=AMXConfigProxyTests.testCreateProperties-5
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild:
>> amx:pp=/domain,type=property,name=AMXConfigProxyTests.testCreateProperties-6
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild:
>> amx:pp=/domain,type=property,name=AMXConfigProxyTests.testCreateProperties-3
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild:
>> amx:pp=/domain,type=property,name=AMXConfigProxyTests.testCreateProperties-4
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild:
>> amx:pp=/domain,type=property,name=AMXConfigProxyTests.testCreateProperties-1
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild:
>> amx:pp=/domain,type=property,name=AMXConfigProxyTests.testCreateProperties-2
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild:
>> amx:pp=/domain,type=property,name=AMXConfigProxyTests.testCreateProperties-0
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild:
>> amx:pp=/domain,type=property,name=AMXConfigProxyTests.testCreateProperties-50
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild:
>> amx:pp=/domain,type=property,name=AMXConfigProxyTests.testCreateProperties-51
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild:
>> amx:pp=/domain,type=property,name=AMXConfigProxyTests.testCreateProperties-54
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild:
>> amx:pp=/domain,type=property,name=AMXConfigProxyTests.testCreateProperties-55
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild:
>> amx:pp=/domain,type=property,name=AMXConfigProxyTests.testCreateProperties-52
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild:
>> amx:pp=/domain,type=property,name=AMXConfigProxyTests.testCreateProperties-53
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild:
>> amx:pp=/domain,type=property,name=AMXConfigProxyTests.testCreateProperties-35
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild:
>> amx:pp=/domain,type=property,name=AMXConfigProxyTests.testCreateProperties-34
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild:
>> amx:pp=/domain,type=property,name=AMXConfigProxyTests.testCreateProperties-37
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild:
>> amx:pp=/domain,type=property,name=AMXConfigProxyTests.testCreateProperties-36
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild:
>> amx:pp=/domain,type=property,name=AMXConfigProxyTests.testCreateProperties-39
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild:
>> amx:pp=/domain,type=property,name=AMXConfigProxyTests.testCreateProperties-38
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild:
>> amx:pp=/domain,type=property,name=AMXConfigProxyTests.testCreateProperties-40
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild:
>> amx:pp=/domain,type=property,name=AMXConfigProxyTests.testCreateProperties-41
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild:
>> amx:pp=/domain,type=property,name=AMXConfigProxyTests.testCreateProperties-42
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild:
>> amx:pp=/domain,type=property,name=AMXConfigProxyTests.testCreateProperties-43
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild:
>> amx:pp=/domain,type=property,name=AMXConfigProxyTests.testCreateProperties-44
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild:
>> amx:pp=/domain,type=property,name=AMXConfigProxyTests.testCreateProperties-29
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild:
>> amx:pp=/domain,type=property,name=AMXConfigProxyTests.testCreateProperties-28
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild:
>> amx:pp=/domain,type=property,name=AMXConfigProxyTests.testCreateProperties-27
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild:
>> amx:pp=/domain,type=property,name=AMXConfigProxyTests.testCreateProperties-26
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild:
>> amx:pp=/domain,type=property,name=AMXConfigProxyTests.testCreateProperties-25
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild:
>> amx:pp=/domain,type=property,name=AMXConfigProxyTests.testCreateProperties-24
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild:
>> amx:pp=/domain,type=property,name=AMXConfigProxyTests.testCreateProperties-23
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild:
>> amx:pp=/domain,type=property,name=AMXConfigProxyTests.testCreateProperties-32
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild:
>> amx:pp=/domain,type=property,name=AMXConfigProxyTests.testCreateProperties-33
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild:
>> amx:pp=/domain,type=property,name=AMXConfigProxyTests.testCreateProperties-30
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild:
>> amx:pp=/domain,type=property,name=AMXConfigProxyTests.testCreateProperties-31
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild:
>> amx:pp=/domain,type=property,name=AMXConfigProxyTests.testCreateProperties-17
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild:
>> amx:pp=/domain,type=property,name=AMXConfigProxyTests.testCreateProperties-16
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild:
>> amx:pp=/domain,type=property,name=AMXConfigProxyTests.testCreateProperties-19
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild:
>> amx:pp=/domain,type=property,name=AMXConfigProxyTests.testCreateProperties-18
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild:
>> amx:pp=/domain,type=property,name=AMXConfigProxyTests.testCreateProperties-13
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild:
>> amx:pp=/domain,type=property,name=AMXConfigProxyTests.testCreateProperties-12
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild:
>> amx:pp=/domain,type=property,name=AMXConfigProxyTests.testCreateProperties-15
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild:
>> amx:pp=/domain,type=property,name=AMXConfigProxyTests.testCreateProperties-14
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild:
>> amx:pp=/domain,type=property,name=AMXConfigProxyTests.testCreateProperties-20
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild:
>> amx:pp=/domain,type=property,name=AMXConfigProxyTests.testCreateProperties-21
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild:
>> amx:pp=/domain,type=property,name=AMXConfigProxyTests.testCreateProperties-22
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild: null
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild: null
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild: null
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild: null
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild: null
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild: null
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild: null
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild: null
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild: null
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild: null
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild: null
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild: null
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild: null
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild: null
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild: null
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild: null
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild: null
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild: null
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild: null
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild: null
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild: null
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild: null
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild: null
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild: null
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild: null
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild: null
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild: null
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild: null
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild: null
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild: null
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild: null
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild: null
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild: null
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild: null
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild: null
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild: null
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild: null
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild: null
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild: null
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild: null
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild: null
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild: null
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild: null
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild: null
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild: null
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild: null
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild: null
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild: null
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild: null
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild: null
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild: null
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild: null
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild: null
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild: null
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild: null
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild: null
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild: null
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild: null
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild: null
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild: null
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild: null
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild: null
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild: null
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild: null
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild: null
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild: null
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild: null
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild: null
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild: null
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild: null
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild: null
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild: null
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild: null
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild: null
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild: null
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild: null
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild: null
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild: null
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild: null
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild: null
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild: null
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild: null
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild: null
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild: null
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild: null
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild: null
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild: null
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild: null
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild: null
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild: null
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild: null
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild: null
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild: null
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild: null
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild: null
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild: null
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild: null
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild: null
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild: null
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild: null
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild:
>> amx:pp=/domain/resources,type=custom-resource,name=AMXConfigProxyTests.test-resource
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild:
>> amx:pp=/domain/resources,type=custom-resource,name=AMXConfigProxyTests.test-resource
>> [testng] _invoke() result for removeChild:
>> amx:pp=/domain,type=property,name=AMXConfigProxyTests.TEST_PROP1
>> [testng] CHANGE COUNT: 4
>> [testng] PASSED: bootAMX
>> [testng] Core AMX tests
>> [testng] PASSED: iterateAllSanityCheck
>> [testng] PASSED: createChildTest
>> [testng] PASSED: testConfigTools
>> [testng] PASSED: createProfilerTest
>> [testng] PASSED: testAMXConfigAttributeResolver
>> [testng] PASSED: testAMXConfigDefaultValues
>> [testng] PASSED: testForBogusConfigAnnotations
>> [testng] PASSED: testCreateProperties
>> [testng] PASSED: testCreateResource
>> [testng] PASSED: testCreateProperty
>> [testng] PASSED: testAMXComplianceMonitorFailureCount
>> [testng] PASSED: testConnectorRuntimeAPIProvider
>> [testng] PASSED: testMonitoringRoot
>> [testng] PASSED: testDomainConfig
>> [testng] PASSED: testBulkAccess
>> [testng] PASSED: testExt
>> [testng] PASSED: testPropertyParent
>> [testng] PASSED: testTools
>> [testng] PASSED: testPathnames
>> [testng] PASSED: testSystemStatus
>> [testng] PASSED: testApplications
>> [testng] PASSED: testResources
>> [testng] PASSED: testChildGetterVariants
>> [testng] PASSED: testAllGenerically
>> [testng] PASSED: testRuntimeRoot
>> [testng] PASSED: testQuery
>> [testng] PASSED: testJ2EEDomain
>> [testng] PASSED: testSingletonOrNot
>> [testng] PASSED: testDomainRoot
>> [testng] PASSED: testSystemApplications
>> [testng] PASSED: testSystemInfo
>> [testng] PASSED: testConfigs
>> [testng] PASSED: testSystemPropertyParent
>> [testng] PASSED: testServerRuntime
>> [testng] PASSED: testLogging
>> [testng] PASSED: testServers
>> [testng] PASSED: testForBogusAnnotations
>> [testng] PASSED: testAutoConvert
>> [testng] ===============================================
>> [testng] amx_tests
>> [testng] Tests run: 39, Failures: 0, Skips: 0
>> [testng] ===============================================
>> [testng] ***** Login page not found. Sleeping to allow app to
>> deploy (1 of 60)...
>> [testng] ***** Login page not found. Sleeping to allow app to
>> deploy (2 of 60)...
>> [testng] ***** Login page not found. Sleeping to allow app to
>> deploy (3 of 60)...
>> [testng] ***** Login page not found. Sleeping to allow app to
>> deploy (4 of 60)...
>> [testng] ***** Login page not found. Sleeping to allow app to
>> deploy (5 of 60)...
>> [testng] ***** Login page not found. Sleeping to allow app to
>> deploy (6 of 60)...
>> [testng] ***** Login page not found. Sleeping to allow app to
>> deploy (7 of 60)...
>> [testng] ***** Login page not found. Sleeping to allow app to
>> deploy (8 of 60)...
>> [testng] ***** Login page not found. Sleeping to allow app to
>> deploy (9 of 60)...
>> [testng] ***** Login page not found. Sleeping to allow app to
>> deploy (10 of 60)...
>> [testng] ***** Login page not found. Sleeping to allow app to
>> deploy (11 of 60)...
>> [testng] ***** Login page not found. Sleeping to allow app to
>> deploy (12 of 60)...
>> [testng] ***** Login page not found. Sleeping to allow app to
>> deploy (13 of 60)...
>> [testng] ***** Login page not found. Sleeping to allow app to
>> deploy (14 of 60)...
>> [testng] ***** Login page not found. Sleeping to allow app to
>> deploy (15 of 60)...
>> [testng] ***** Login page not found. Sleeping to allow app to
>> deploy (16 of 60)...
>> [testng] ***** Login page not found. Sleeping to allow app to
>> deploy (17 of 60)...
>> [testng] ***** Login page not found. Sleeping to allow app to
>> deploy (18 of 60)...
>> [testng] ***** Login page not found. Sleeping to allow app to
>> deploy (19 of 60)...
>> [testng] ***** Login page not found. Sleeping to allow app to
>> deploy (20 of 60)...
>> [testng] ***** Login page not found. Sleeping to allow app to
>> deploy (21 of 60)...
>> [testng] ***** Login page not found. Sleeping to allow app to
>> deploy (22 of 60)...
>> [testng] ***** Login page not found. Sleeping to allow app to
>> deploy (23 of 60)...
>> [testng] ***** Login page not found. Sleeping to allow app to
>> deploy (24 of 60)...
>> [testng] ***** Login page not found. Sleeping to allow app to
>> deploy (25 of 60)...
>> [testng] ***** Login page not found. Sleeping to allow app to
>> deploy (26 of 60)...
>> [testng] ***** Login page not found. Sleeping to allow app to
>> deploy (27 of 60)...
>> [testng] ***** Login page not found. Sleeping to allow app to
>> deploy (28 of 60)...
>> [testng] ***** Login page not found. Sleeping to allow app to
>> deploy (29 of 60)...
>> [testng] ***** Login page not found. Sleeping to allow app to
>> deploy (30 of 60)...
>> [testng] ***** Login page not found. Sleeping to allow app to
>> deploy (31 of 60)...
>> [testng] ***** Login page not found. Sleeping to allow app to
>> deploy (32 of 60)...
>> [testng] ***** Login page not found. Sleeping to allow app to
>> deploy (33 of 60)...
>> [testng] ***** Login page not found. Sleeping to allow app to
>> deploy (34 of 60)...
>> [testng] ***** Login page not found. Sleeping to allow app to
>> deploy (35 of 60)...
>> [testng] ***** Login page not found. Sleeping to allow app to
>> deploy (36 of 60)...
>> [testng] ***** Login page not found. Sleeping to allow app to
>> deploy (37 of 60)...
>> [testng] ***** Login page not found. Sleeping to allow app to
>> deploy (38 of 60)...
>> [testng] ***** Login page not found. Sleeping to allow app to
>> deploy (39 of 60)...
>> [testng] ***** Login page not found. Sleeping to allow app to
>> deploy (40 of 60)...
>> [testng] ***** Login page not found. Sleeping to allow app to
>> deploy (41 of 60)...
>> [testng] ***** Login page not found. Sleeping to allow app to
>> deploy (42 of 60)...
>> [testng] ***** Login page not found. Sleeping to allow app to
>> deploy (43 of 60)...
>> [testng] ***** Login page not found. Sleeping to allow app to
>> deploy (44 of 60)...
>> [testng] ***** Login page not found. Sleeping to allow app to
>> deploy (45 of 60)...
>> [testng] ***** Login page not found. Sleeping to allow app to
>> deploy (46 of 60)...
>> [testng] ***** Login page not found. Sleeping to allow app to
>> deploy (47 of 60)...
>> [testng] ***** Login page not found. Sleeping to allow app to
>> deploy (48 of 60)...
>> [testng] ***** Login page not found. Sleeping to allow app to
>> deploy (49 of 60)...
>> [testng] ***** Login page not found. Sleeping to allow app to
>> deploy (50 of 60)...
>> [testng] ***** Login page not found. Sleeping to allow app to
>> deploy (51 of 60)...
>> [testng] ***** Login page not found. Sleeping to allow app to
>> deploy (52 of 60)...
>> [testng] ***** Login page not found. Sleeping to allow app to
>> deploy (53 of 60)...
>> [testng] ***** Login page not found. Sleeping to allow app to
>> deploy (54 of 60)...
>> [testng] ***** Login page not found. Sleeping to allow app to
>> deploy (55 of 60)...
>> [testng] ***** Login page not found. Sleeping to allow app to
>> deploy (56 of 60)...
>> [testng] ***** Login page not found. Sleeping to allow app to
>> deploy (57 of 60)...
>> [testng] ***** Login page not found. Sleeping to allow app to
>> deploy (58 of 60)...
>> [testng] ***** Login page not found. Sleeping to allow app to
>> deploy (59 of 60)...
>> [testng] ***** Login page not found. Sleeping to allow app to
>> deploy (60 of 60)...
>> [testng] FAILED CONFIGURATION: @BeforeTest
>> loginBeforeTest("http://localhost:4848/", 8686)
>> [testng] java.lang.AssertionError: The login form was not found.
>> [testng] at
>> test.admin.BaseAdminConsoleTest.loginBeforeTest(
>> [testng] ... Removed 20 stack frames
>> [testng] FAILED: testDeployedAppPage
>> [testng] java.lang.AssertionError: The Deployed Applications table
>> does not appear to have been rendered. expected:<true> but was:<false>
>> [testng] at
>> test.admin.AdminConsoleTests.testDeployedAppPage(
>> [testng] ... Removed 25 stack frames
>> [testng] FAILED: testCommonTasks
>> [testng] java.lang.AssertionError: The Common Task page does not
>> appear to have been rendered. expected:<true> but was:<false>
>> [testng] at
>> test.admin.AdminConsoleTests.testCommonTasks(
>> [testng] ... Removed 25 stack frames
>> [testng] FAILED: testHelpPage
>> [testng] java.lang.AssertionError: expected:<true> but was:<false>
>> [testng] at
>> test.admin.AdminConsoleTests.testHelpPage(
>> [testng] ... Removed 26 stack frames
>> [testng] FAILED: testRealmsList
>> [testng] java.lang.AssertionError: The Security realms table does
>> not appear to have been rendered. expected:<true> but was:<false>
>> [testng] at
>> test.admin.AdminConsoleTests.testRealmsList(
>> [testng] ... Removed 25 stack frames
>> [testng] ===============================================
>> [testng] adminconsole_tests
>> [testng] Tests run: 4, Failures: 4, Skips: 0
>> [testng] Configuration Failures: 1, Skips: 0
>> [testng] ===============================================
>> [testng]
>> http://localhost:8080/hellojsp/first.html
>> [testng] at
>> sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native Method)
>> [testng] at
>> sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(
>> [testng] at
>> sun.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(
>> [testng] at
>> java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(
>> [testng] at
>> <http://www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection>$
>> [testng] at Method)
>> [testng] at
>> <http://www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.getChainedException>(
>> [testng] at
>> <http://www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.getInputStream>(
>> [testng] at test.web.jsp.hello.HelloJSPTestNG.staticHTMLPageTest
>> <http://web.jsp.hello.HelloJSPTestNG.staticHTMLPageTest>(
>> [testng] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native
>> Method)
>> [testng] at
>> sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
>> [testng] at
>> sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
>> [testng] at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
>> [testng] at
>> org.testng.internal.MethodHelper.invokeMethod(
>> [testng] at org.testng.internal.Invoker.invokeMethod(
>> [testng] at
>> org.testng.internal.Invoker.invokeTestMethod(
>> [testng] at
>> org.testng.internal.Invoker.invokeTestMethods(
>> [testng] at
>> org.testng.internal.TestMethodWorker.invokeTestMethods(
>> [testng] at
>> [testng] at org.testng.TestRunner.runWorkers(
>> [testng] at org.testng.TestRunner.privateRun(
>> [testng] at
>> [testng] at org.testng.SuiteRunner.runTest(
>> [testng] at
>> org.testng.SuiteRunner.runSequentially(
>> [testng] at org.testng.SuiteRunner.privateRun(
>> [testng] at
>> [testng] at
>> org.testng.TestNG.createAndRunSuiteRunners(
>> [testng] at org.testng.TestNG.runSuitesLocally(
>> [testng] at
>> [testng] at org.testng.TestNG.privateMain(
>> [testng] at org.testng.TestNG.main(
>> [testng] Caused by:
>> http://localhost:8080/hellojsp/first.html
>> [testng] at
>> <http://www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.getInputStream>(
>> [testng] at
>> [testng] at test.web.jsp.hello.HelloJSPTestNG.staticHTMLPageTest
>> <http://web.jsp.hello.HelloJSPTestNG.staticHTMLPageTest>(
>> [testng] ... 22 more
>> [testng]
>> http://localhost:8080/hellojsp/simpleservlet
>> [testng] at
>> sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native Method)
>> [testng] at
>> sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(
>> [testng] at
>> sun.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(
>> [testng] at
>> java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(
>> [testng] at
>> <http://www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection>$
>> [testng] at Method)
>> [testng] at
>> <http://www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.getChainedException>(
>> [testng] at
>> <http://www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.getInputStream>(
>> [testng] at test.web.jsp.hello.HelloJSPTestNG.simpleServletTest
>> <http://web.jsp.hello.HelloJSPTestNG.simpleServletTest>(
>> [testng] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native
>> Method)
>> [testng] at
>> sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
>> [testng] at
>> sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
>> [testng] at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
>> [testng] at
>> org.testng.internal.MethodHelper.invokeMethod(
>> [testng] at org.testng.internal.Invoker.invokeMethod(
>> [testng] at
>> org.testng.internal.Invoker.invokeTestMethod(
>> [testng] at
>> org.testng.internal.Invoker.invokeTestMethods(
>> [testng] at
>> org.testng.internal.TestMethodWorker.invokeTestMethods(
>> [testng] at
>> [testng] at org.testng.TestRunner.runWorkers(
>> [testng] at org.testng.TestRunner.privateRun(
>> [testng] at
>> [testng] at org.testng.SuiteRunner.runTest(
>> [testng] at
>> org.testng.SuiteRunner.runSequentially(
>> [testng] at org.testng.SuiteRunner.privateRun(
>> [testng] at
>> [testng] at
>> org.testng.TestNG.createAndRunSuiteRunners(
>> [testng] at org.testng.TestNG.runSuitesLocally(
>> [testng] at
>> [testng] at org.testng.TestNG.privateMain(
>> [testng] at org.testng.TestNG.main(
>> [testng] Caused by:
>> http://localhost:8080/hellojsp/simpleservlet
>> [testng] at
>> <http://www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.getInputStream>(
>> [testng] at
>> [testng] at test.web.jsp.hello.HelloJSPTestNG.simpleServletTest
>> <http://web.jsp.hello.HelloJSPTestNG.simpleServletTest>(
>> [testng] ... 22 more
>> [testng] PASSED: testServerRunning
>> [testng] FAILED: staticHTMLPageTest
>> [testng] java.lang.Exception:
>> http://localhost:8080/hellojsp/first.html
>> [testng] at test.web.jsp.hello.HelloJSPTestNG.staticHTMLPageTest
>> <http://web.jsp.hello.HelloJSPTestNG.staticHTMLPageTest>(
>> [testng] Caused by:
>> http://localhost:8080/hellojsp/first.html
>> [testng] at
>> <http://www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection>$
>> [testng] at Method)
>> [testng] at
>> <http://www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.getChainedException>(
>> [testng] at
>> <http://www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.getInputStream>(
>> [testng] at test.web.jsp.hello.HelloJSPTestNG.staticHTMLPageTest
>> <http://web.jsp.hello.HelloJSPTestNG.staticHTMLPageTest>(
>> [testng] ... 22 more
>> [testng] Caused by:
>> http://localhost:8080/hellojsp/first.html
>> [testng] at
>> <http://www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.getInputStream>(
>> [testng] at
>> [testng] at test. web.jsp.hello.HelloJSPTestNG.staticHTMLPageTest
>> <http://web.jsp.hello.HelloJSPTestNG.staticHTMLPageTest>(
>> [testng] ... 22 more
>> [testng] ... Removed 26 stack frames
>> [testng] FAILED: simpleServletTest
>> [testng] java.lang.Exception:
>> http://localhost:8080/hellojsp/simpleservlet
>> <http://localhost:8080/helloj%20sp/simpleservlet>
>> [testng] at test.web.jsp.hello.HelloJSPTestNG.simpleServletTest
>> <http://web.jsp.hello.HelloJSPTestNG.simpleServletTest>(
>> [testng] Caused by:
>> http://localhost:8080/hellojsp/simpleservlet
>> [testng] at
>> <http://www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection>$
>> [testng] at Method)
>> [testng] at
>> <http://www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.getChainedException>(
>> [testng] at
>> <http://www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.getInputStream>(
>> [testng] at test.web.jsp.hello.HelloJSPTestNG.simpleServletTest
>> <http://web.jsp.hello.HelloJSPTestNG.simpleServletTest>(
>> [testng] ... 22 more
>> [testng] Caused by:
>> http://localhost:8080/hellojsp/simpleservlet
>> [testng] at
>> <http://www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.getInputStream>(
>> [testng] at
>> [testng] at test.web.jsp.hello.HelloJSPTestNG.simpleServletTest
>> <http://web.jsp.hello.HelloJSPTestNG.simpleServletTest>(
>> [testng] ... 22 more
>> [testng] ... Removed 26 stack frames
>> [testng] FAILED: simpleJSPTestPage
>> [testng] java.lang.AssertionError: Unexpected HTML expected:<true>
>> but was:<false>
>> [testng] at test.web.jsp.hello.HelloJSPTestNG.simpleJSPTestPage
>> <http://web.jsp.hello.HelloJSPTestNG.simpleJSPTestPage>(
>> [testng] ... Removed 26 stack frames
>> [testng] ===============================================
>> [testng] web_jspservlet_war
>> [testng] Tests run: 4, Failures: 3, Skips: 0
>> [testng] ===============================================
>> [testng] FAILED: jsfIndexPageBasicTest
>> [testng] java.lang.AssertionError: expected:<true> but was:<false>
>> [testng] at
>> test.jsf.astrologer.JSFWebTestNG.jsfIndexPageBasicTest(
>> [testng] ... Removed 27 stack frames
>> [testng] FAILED: jsfAppDeployedFirstPagetest
>> [testng] java.lang.AssertionError: Unexpected HTML expected:<true>
>> but was:<false>
>> [testng] at
>> test.jsf.astrologer.JSFWebTestNG.jsfAppDeployedFirstPagetest(
>> [testng] ... Removed 26 stack frames
>> [testng] ===============================================
>> [testng] jsf_hello_world
>> [testng] Tests run: 2, Failures: 2, Skips: 0
>> [testng] ===============================================
>> [testng] ERROR: caught exception!
>> [testng]
>> http://localhost:8080/jsfinjection/jsfHello.jsf
>> [testng] at
>> sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native Method)
>> [testng] at
>> sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(
>> [testng] at
>> sun.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(
>> [testng] at
>> java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(
>> [testng] at
>> <http://www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection>$
>> [testng] at Method)
>> [testng] at
>> <http://www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.getChainedException>(
>> [testng] at
>> <http://www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.getInputStream>(
>> [testng] at
>> test.web.jsfinjection.JSFInjectionTestNG.injectedValuesTestPage
>> <http://web.jsfinjection.JSFInjectionTestNG.injectedValuesTestPage>(
>> [testng] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native
>> Method)
>> [testng] at
>> sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
>> [testng] at
>> sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
>> [testng] at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
>> [testng] at
>> org.testng.internal.MethodHelper.invokeMethod(
>> [testng] at org.testng.internal.Invoker.invokeMethod(
>> [testng] at
>> org.testng.internal.Invoker.invokeTestMethod(
>> [testng] at
>> org.testng.internal.Invoker.invokeTestMethods(
>> [testng] at
>> org.testng.internal.TestMethodWorker.invokeTestMethods(
>> [testng] at
>> [testng] at org.testng.TestRunner.runWorkers(
>> [testng] at org.testng.TestRunner.privateRun(
>> [testng] at
>> [testng] at org.testng.SuiteRunner.runTest(
>> [testng] at
>> org.testng.SuiteRunner.runSequentially(
>> [testng] at org.testng.SuiteRunner.privateRun(
>> [testng] at
>> [testng] at
>> org.testng.TestNG.createAndRunSuiteRunners(
>> [testng] at org.testng.TestNG.runSuitesLocally(
>> [testng] at
>> [testng] at org.testng.TestNG.privateMain(
>> [testng] at org.testng.TestNG.main(
>> [testng] Caused by:
>> http://localhost:8080/jsfinjection/jsfHello.jsf
>> [testng] at
>> <http://www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.getInputStream>(
>> [testng] at
>> [testng] at
>> test.web.jsfinjection.JSFInjectionTestNG.injectedValuesTestPage
>> <http://web.jsfinjection.JSFInjectionTestNG.injectedValuesTestPage>(
>> [testng] ... 22 more
>> [testng] FAILED: injectedValuesTestPage
>> [testng] java.lang.Exception:
>> http://localhost:8080/jsfinjection/jsfHello.jsf
>> [testng] at
>> test.web.jsfinjection.JSFInjectionTestNG.injectedValuesTestPage
>> <http://web.jsfinjection.JSFInjectionTestNG.injectedValuesTestPage>(
>> [testng] Caused by:
>> http://localhost:8080/jsfinjection/jsfHello.jsf
>> [testng] at
>> <http://www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection>$
>> [testng] at Method)
>> [testng] at
>> <http://www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.getChainedException>(
>> [testng] at
>> <http://www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.getInputStream>(
>> [testng] at
>> test.web.jsfinjection.JSFInjectionTestNG.injectedValuesTestPage
>> <http://web.jsfinjection.JSFInjectionTestNG.injectedValuesTestPage>(
>> [testng] ... 22 more
>> [testng] Caused by:
>> http://localhost:8080/jsfinjection/jsfHello.jsf
>> [testng] at
>> <http://www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.getInputStream>(
>> [testng] at
>> [testng] at
>> test.web.jsfinjection.JSFInjectionTestNG.injectedValuesTestPage
>> <http://web.jsfinjection.JSFInjectionTestNG.injectedValuesTestPage>(
>> [testng] ... 22 more
>> [testng] ... Removed 26 stack frames
>> [testng] ===============================================
>> [testng] jsf_injection
>> [testng] Tests run: 1, Failures: 1, Skips: 0
>> [testng] ===============================================
>> [testng]
>> http://localhost:8080/jdbcusertx/MyServlet?testcase=noleak
>> [testng] at
>> sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native Method)
>> [testng] at
>> sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(
>> [testng] at
>> sun.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(
>> [testng] at
>> java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(
>> [testng] at
>> <http://www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection>$
>> [testng] at Method)
>> [testng] at
>> <http://www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.getChainedException>(
>> [testng] at
>> <http://www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.getInputStream>(
>> [testng] at
>> test.jdbc.jdbcusertx.JdbcUserTxTestNG.testNoLeak(
>> [testng] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native
>> Method)
>> [testng] at
>> sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
>> [testng] at
>> sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
>> [testng] at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
>> [testng] at
>> org.testng.internal.MethodHelper.invokeMethod(
>> [testng] at org.testng.internal.Invoker.invokeMethod(
>> [testng] at
>> org.testng.internal.Invoker.invokeTestMethod(
>> [testng] at
>> org.testng.internal.Invoker.invokeTestMethods(
>> [testng] at
>> org.testng.internal.TestMethodWorker.invokeTestMethods(
>> [testng] at
>> [testng] at org.testng.TestRunner.runWorkers(
>> [testng] at org.testng.TestRunner.privateRun(
>> [testng] at
>> [testng] at org.testng.SuiteRunner.runTest(
>> [testng] at
>> org.testng.SuiteRunner.runSequentially(
>> [testng] at org.testng.SuiteRunner.privateRun(
>> [testng] at
>> [testng] at
>> org.testng.TestNG.createAndRunSuiteRunners(
>> [testng] at org.testng.TestNG.runSuitesLocally(
>> [testng] at
>> [testng] at org.testng.TestNG.privateMain(
>> [testng] at org.testng.TestNG.main(
>> [testng] Caused by:
>> http://localhost:8080/jdbcusertx/MyServlet?testcase=noleak
>> [testng] at
>> <http://www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.getInputStream>(
>> [testng] at
>> [testng] at
>> test.jdbc.jdbcusertx.JdbcUserTxTestNG.testNoLeak(
>> [testng] ... 22 more
>> [testng]
>> http://localhost:8080/jdbcusertx/MyServlet?testcase=usertx
>> [testng] at
>> sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native Method)
>> [testng] at
>> sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(
>> [testng] at
>> sun.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(
>> [testng] at
>> java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(
>> [testng] at
>> <http://www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection>$
>> [testng] at Method)
>> [testng] at
>> <http://www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.getChainedException>(
>> [testng] at
>> <http://www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.getInputStream>(
>> [testng] at
>> test.jdbc.jdbcusertx.JdbcUserTxTestNG.testUserTx(
>> [testng] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native
>> Method)
>> [testng] at
>> sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
>> [testng] at
>> sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
>> [testng] at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
>> [testng] at
>> org.testng.internal.MethodHelper.invokeMethod(
>> [testng] at org.testng.internal.Invoker.invokeMethod(
>> [testng] at
>> org.testng.internal.Invoker.invokeTestMethod(
>> [testng] at
>> org.testng.internal.Invoker.invokeTestMethods(
>> [testng] at
>> org.testng.internal.TestMethodWorker.invokeTestMethods(
>> [testng] at
>> [testng] at org.testng.TestRunner.runWorkers(
>> [testng] at org.testng.TestRunner.privateRun(
>> [testng] at
>> [testng] at org.testng.SuiteRunner.runTest(
>> [testng] at
>> org.testng.SuiteRunner.runSequentially(
>> [testng] at org.testng.SuiteRunner.privateRun(
>> [testng] at
>> [testng] at
>> org.testng.TestNG.createAndRunSuiteRunners(
>> [testng] at org.testng.TestNG.runSuitesLocally(
>> [testng] at
>> [testng] at org.testng.TestNG.privateMain(
>> [testng] at org.testng.TestNG.main(
>> [testng] Caused by:
>> http://localhost:8080/jdbcusertx/MyServlet?testcase=usertx
>> [testng] at
>> <http://www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.getInputStream>(
>> [testng] at
>> [testng] at
>> test.jdbc.jdbcusertx.JdbcUserTxTestNG.testUserTx(
>> [testng] ... 22 more
>> [testng] FAILED: testNoLeak
>> [testng] java.lang.Exception:
>> http://localhost:8080/jdbcusertx/MyServlet?testcase=noleak
>> [testng] at
>> test.jdbc.jdbcusertx.JdbcUserTxTestNG.testNoLeak(
>> [testng] Caused by:
>> http://localhost:8080/jdbcusertx/MyServlet?testcase=noleak
>> [testng] at
>> <http://www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection>$
>> [testng] at Method)
>> [testng] at
>> <http://www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.getChainedException>(
>> [testng] at
>> <http://www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.getInputStream>(
>> [testng] at
>> test.jdbc.jdbcusertx.JdbcUserTxTestNG.testNoLeak(
>> [testng] ... 22 more
>> [testng] Caused by:
>> http://localhost:8080/jdbcusertx/MyServlet?testcase=noleak
>> [testng] at
>> <http://www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.getInputStream>(
>> [testng] at
>> [testng] at
>> test.jdbc.jdbcusertx.JdbcUserTxTestNG.testNoLeak(
>> [testng] ... 22 more
>> [testng] ... Removed 26 stack frames
>> [testng] FAILED: testUserTx
>> [testng] java.lang.Exception:
>> http://localhost:8080/jdbcusertx/MyServlet?testcase=usertx
>> [testng] at
>> test.jdbc.jdbcusertx.JdbcUserTxTestNG.testUserTx(
>> [testng] Caused by:
>> http://localhost:8080/jdbcusertx/MyServlet?testcase=usertx
>> [testng] at
>> <http://www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection>$
>> [testng] at Method)
>> [testng] at
>> <http://www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.getChainedException>(
>> [testng] at
>> <http://www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.getInputStream>(
>> [testng] at
>> test.jdbc.jdbcusertx.JdbcUserTxTestNG.testUserTx(
>> [testng] ... 22 more
>> [testng] Caused by:
>> http://localhost:8080/jdbcusertx/MyServlet?testcase=usertx
>> [testng] at
>> <http://www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.getInputStream>(
>> [testng] at
>> [testng] at
>> test.jdbc.jdbcusertx.JdbcUserTxTestNG.testUserTx(
>> [testng] ... 22 more
>> [testng] ... Removed 26 stack frames
>> [testng] ===============================================
>> [testng] jdbc_user_tx
>> [testng] Tests run: 2, Failures: 2, Skips: 0
>> [testng] ===============================================
>> [testng] Unexpected return code: 404
>> [testng] FAILED: testJpaPersistWithInjectEMF
>> [testng] java.lang.AssertionError: Unexpected Results
>> expected:<true> but was:<false>
>> [testng] at
>> test.jpa.jpainjectemf.JpaInjectEMFTestNG.testJpaPersistWithInjectEMF(
>> [testng] ... Removed 26 stack frames
>> [testng] SKIPPED: testJpaLazyLoadingByQuery
>> [testng] ===============================================
>> [testng] jpa_inject_emf
>> [testng] Tests run: 2, Failures: 1, Skips: 1
>> [testng] ===============================================
>> [testng] ERROR: Anonymous Client access was Allowed,
>> security-constraint not Enforced correctly
>> [testng] ERROR: Anonymous Client access was Allowed,
>> security-constraint not Enforced correctly
>> [testng] ERROR: Anonymous Client access was Allowed,
>> security-constraint not Enforced correctly
>> [testng] FAILED: staticHTMLPageTest
>> [testng] java.lang.AssertionError: Anonymous Client acess was
>> Allowed, security-constraint not Enforced expected:<true> but was:<false>
>> [testng] at
>> [testng] ... Removed 26 stack frames
>> [testng] FAILED: simpleServletTest
>> [testng] java.lang.AssertionError: Anonymous Client acess was
>> Allowed, security-constraint not Enforced expected:<true> but was:<false>
>> [testng] at
>> [testng] ... Removed 26 stack frames
>> [testng] FAILED: simpleJSPTestPage
>> [testng] java.lang.AssertionError: Anonymous Client acess was
>> Allowed, security-constraint not Enforced expected:<true> but was:<false>
>> [testng] at
>> [testng] ... Removed 26 stack frames
>> [testng] ===============================================
>> [testng] security_hello_jsp
>> [testng] Tests run: 3, Failures: 3, Skips: 0
>> [testng] ===============================================
>> [testng] String not found: RESULT: principal: testuser42
>> [testng] String not found: HTTP/1.1 401
>> [testng] String not found: RESULT: principal: testuser3
>> [testng] String not found: HTTP/1.1 403
>> [testng] FAILED: testAuthGroupMappedUser
>> [testng] java.lang.AssertionError: BASIC auth: Group mapped user,
>> testuser42 expected:<false> but was:<true>
>> [testng] at
>> [testng] ... Removed 25 stack frames
>> [testng] FAILED: testAuthNotValidPassword
>> [testng] java.lang.AssertionError: BASIC auth: Valid user and
>> invalid password expected:<false> but was:<true>
>> [testng] at
>> [testng] ... Removed 25 stack frames
>> [testng] FAILED: testAuthRoleMappedUser
>> [testng] java.lang.AssertionError: BASIC auth: Role Mapped User,
>> testuser3 expected:<false> but was:<true>
>> [testng] at
>> [testng] ... Removed 25 stack frames
>> [testng] FAILED: testAuthNotAuthorizedUser
>> [testng] java.lang.AssertionError: BASIC auth: Not authorized
>> user, testuser42 expected:<false> but was:<true>
>> [testng] at
>> [testng] ... Removed 25 stack frames
>> [testng] ===============================================
>> [testng] security_hello_basicauth
>> [testng] Tests run: 4, Failures: 4, Skips: 0
>> [testng] ===============================================
>> [testng] Aug 10, 2009 2:52:02 PM
>> com.sun.enterprise.transaction.JavaEETransactionManagerSimplified
>> initDelegates
>> [testng] INFO: Using
>> com.sun.enterprise.transaction.jts.JavaEETransactionManagerJTSDelegate
>> as the delegate
>> On Aug 10, 2009, at 1:55 PM, Jane Young wrote:
>>> Well, it failed because domain cannot start.
>>> Can you start the domain manually using "asadmin start-domain"?
>>> Lloyd Chambers wrote:
>>>> I've not had any trouble with QL for a long time.
>>>> Today, it started acting badly. For example, it hangs for 90
>>>> seconds and never starts, according to QL. Yet I can open the
>>>> admin GUI and access it just fine.
>>>> In addition, lots of tests fail (25).
>>>> Lloyd
>>>> start-server-felix:
>>>> [echo] +-----------------------------+
>>>> [echo] | |
>>>> [echo] | S T A R T I N G GLASSFISH |
>>>> [echo] | in Felix mode |
>>>> [echo] | |
>>>> [echo] +-----------------------------+
>>>> start-server-felix-unix:
>>>> [exec] Waiting for DAS to start.
>>>> [exec] Domain (domain1) did not respond in 90 seconds. It
>>>> means it is still coming up
>>>> [exec] or it has failed to come up. Check server.log for details.
>>>> [exec] Command start-domain failed.
>>>> [exec] Result: 1
>>>> start-server-felix-windows:
>>>> Lloyd Chambers
>>>> <>
>>>> GlassFish Team
>> Lloyd Chambers
>> <>
>> GlassFish Team
> <> * Jason Lee *
> Senior Java Developer
> GlassFish Administration Console
> *Sun Microsystems, Inc.*
> Phone x31197/+1 405-343-1964
> Email <>
> Blog
> Blog