Limitted EJB Embeddable support

From: Marina Vatkina <Marina.Vatkina_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Mon, 31 Aug 2009 16:55:20 -0700

Using the latest ws, you can execute EJB Embeddable container API (including
JPA) if accessed via

java -Djava.endorsed.dirs=<gf-install>/glassfishv3/glassfish/modules/endorsed

These are the current limitations:
- tables are not dropped on undeploy;
- monitoring stack traces (that do not affect execution) are seen if another
container is created in the same VM (after closing the previous one);
- not yet supported features:
   - specifying user-defined classloader
   - specifying appName to be used for all deployed EJB modules
   - looking up EJBs via java:app or java:module
   - looking up EJBs from one EJB module in another EJB module
