(I didn't realize the discussion went away from the dev alias)
Nandini Ektare wrote:
> Hi Marina,
> Marina Vatkina wrote:
>> Hi Nandini,
>> Yes, I suspected that something is caused by the changes that are
>> happening now, and while I hope only 1 level will need to be set in
>> v3, it's still (or may be even more so) very confusing...
>> 1. Why is there a need to a *transaction-service-mi* element is the
>> tree? With your example level is just a sub-element of the
>> transaction-service, which in turn is a child of the monitoring-service?
> A monitoring module can have any config. Flexible config includes
> attribs and sub elements. Level happens to be an attrib of
> transaction-service-mi.
It's currently an attrib of the transaction-service (which is being added to the
>> 2. What does *-mi* stands for in that name?
> I think that will go away. Not sure why it was included. But in any case
> a monitorable module has the final say in name, attribs, sub-elements-
> basically full control over its complete tree structure. So the element
> name with *-mi is not incorrect. But I agree it is not as intuitive as
> transaction-service and considering v2's terminology, -mi should not
> have been there.
"transaction-service-mi" is somehow getting generated into the
target/apt-generated-sources/.../TransactionServiceMIInjector.java - so I don't
think that I can control it :(.
> Nandini
>> thanks,
>> -marina
>> Nandini Ektare wrote:
>>> I will let Monitoring team answer your query as they would know
>>> best...but if you are interested here is some legacy context of
>>> existence of two levels:
>>> /configs.config.server-config.monitoring-service.module-monitoring-levels.transaction-service=OFF
>>> /comes from v2.
>>> In v3, monitoring-service is allowed to have a free form config per
>>> monitoring module
>>> For example in your case,
>>> /configs.config.server-config.*monitoring-service.transaction-service-mi*.transaction-service.level=OFF
>>> /
>>> transaction-service-mi is the new module with monitoring config and
>>> it can choose to have any config tree as follows
>>> <monitoring-service>
>>> <transaction-service//>
>>> / .... free form config of transaction service with new attribs
>>> and sub elements./
>>> </transaction-service>
>>> </monitoring-service>
>>> Right now it is:
>>> <monitoring-service>
>>> <transaction-service level="ON" />
>>> </monitoring-service>
>>> Presently both forms co-exist for module that came from v2 (so say we
>>> have a new scripting engine xxx, you will not find an attribute in
>>> module-monitoring-levels for that)
>>> Going forward v3 approach will be used. So using
>>> /configs.config.server-config.monitoring-service.transaction-service-mi.transaction-service.level=OFF
>>> /would make more sense. But I don't know what field the monitoring
>>> infrastructure is presently hooked into.
>>> -Nandini
>>> Marina Vatkina wrote:
>>>> Prashanth, Sreeni,
>>>> Which one is the actual monitoring level:
>>>> configs.config.server-config.monitoring-service.module-monitoring-levels.transaction-service=OFF
>>>> configs.config.server-config.monitoring-service.transaction-service-mi.transaction-service.level=OFF
>>>> thanks,
>>>> -marina
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