Re: JSR250 - javax.annotation.Resouce class

From: Tim Quinn <Timothy.Quinn_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Tue, 18 Aug 2009 16:03:32 -0500

Brief note about the client side concerning endorsed libraries...

The appclient script makes sure that java.endorsed.dirs setting always
includes ${installDir}/glassfish/lib/endorsed and
${installDir}/glassfish/modules/endorsed, even if the user specifies
-Djava.endorsed.dirs on the appclient command line using the newly-added
alternate syntax for the appclient script.

Users who run plain Java clients (launched without the appclient script)
will need to do something similar themselves to make sure these
GlassFish-provided JARs are handled correctly.

I do not yet have the equivalent mechanism working for Java Web Start
launches, but I have an idea for doing so relatively cleanly. Just need
a little time to work on it.

- Tim

Bhakti Mehta wrote:
> Hong,
> Please read inline
> Hong Zhang wrote:
>> Hi, Bhakti
>> Thanks much for the suggestions!
>>> You may have to add compiler args see jsr109-impl pom.xml where I
>>> made similar changes to take care of jaxws 2.2 and not load jaxws
>>> 2.0 from jdk
>>> Add bootclasspath so that newer jar with changes gets loaded before
>>> the rt.jar
>> I see. Is this the standard way of overriding classes from JDK at
>> build time?
> Yes
>>> Also for runtime I have webservices-api-osgi in modules/endorsed
>>> maybe the same needs to be done for jsr250
>> What does it take to put the two jars into the modules/endorsed dir?
>> What pom.xml files did you have to change and is there any packager
>> changes that Snjezana needs to make?
> We have jaxb 2.2 classes which need to be overridden too hence two jars.
> Snjezana had suggested to me how to get the jars to modules/endorsed
> so she should know how to do with jsr250 too.
>> So there is already logic at runtime to load any class in the
>> modules/endorsed before the JDK classes?
> In the server side osgi loads the classes from the jars in modules
> before rt.jar anyways so nothing else needs to be done.
> Atleast for clients we need to set the endorsed dirs so either we can
> set to modules/endorsed folder (if they exist on same machine) else
> clients can copy the jars from modules/endorsed to jre/lib/endorsed
> and that would work too
> Regards,
> Bhakti
>> Thanks,
>> - Hong
>>> Hong Zhang wrote:
>>>> Hi, Rajiv
>>>> When I was trying to compile my changes against the
>>>> javax.annotation.Resource class, I found the compiler could not
>>>> find the new method "lookup" that you have added to the Resource
>>>> class in the v3/javaee-api/javax.annotation module. When talking to
>>>> Tim about the mystery, he reminded me there is also a
>>>> javax.annotation.Resource class from JDK and the compiler must be
>>>> seeing the version from JDK.
>>>> How do we solve this problem, at both build time and run time?
>>>> I am Ccing dev alias to see if other people have any ideas.
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> - Hong
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