I verified that it's fixed with the updated workspace.
janey:bin janey$ ./asadmin --user admin --passwordfile passwordfile.txt
create-file-user foobar
Command create-file-user executed successfully.
janey:bin janey$ ./asadmin delete-file-user foobar
Command delete-file-user executed successfully.
janey:bin janey$ ./asadmin --user admin --passwordfile passwordfile.txt
create-file-user foobar
janey:bin janey$ ./asadmin create-file-user --user admin --passwordfile
passwordfile.txt foobar
Deprecated syntax, instead use:
asadmin --passwordfile passwordfile.txt --user admin create-file-user
[options] ...
Command create-file-user executed successfully.
Thank you for fixing this bug.
Bill Shannon wrote:
> You're probably running into the same bug Lloyd ran into,
> and that I fixed earlier today.
> Note that --user does not specify the suer that you're creating
> with create-file-user, it specifies the user you're using for
> authentication when talking to the server. If the server is set
> up for anonymous login, then you're running into the bug I fixed.
> If someone can confirm that the latest bits solve this problem,
> I'll close this bug.
> Jane Young wrote on 8/12/09 12:21 PM:
>> Looks like a regression.
>> I also could not execute: "asadmin create-file-user --user admin ..."
>> and "asadmin --user admin create-file-user ...".
>> However, interatcive mode works.
>> I've filed an IT:
>> https://glassfish.dev.java.net/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=9105
>> Tim Quinn wrote:
>>> Hi.
>>> This seems to be a recent change.
>>> create-file-user no longer seems to accept the --user adminUserName
>>> option. Some deployment devtests have specified this for a long time
>>> and recently began failing due to that.
>>> The error which the CLI displays is "invalid command" not "invalid
>>> option."
>>> The on-line help still describes --user as a valid option and shows it
>>> in the examples (after the command, by the way).
>>> - Tim
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