Re: QuickLook failing badly today, domain timeout

From: Lloyd Chambers <Lloyd.Chambers_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Tue, 11 Aug 2009 15:28:37 -0700


That's a good idea. Indeed, you are right: asadmin deploy does not

llcMP:samples llc$ asadmin deploy hello1.war
CLI001 Invalid Command: deploy
Command deploy failed.

The server looks fine however:

llcMP:quicklook llc$ r3
CLASSPATH= /v3/glassfishv3/bin/../glassfish/modules/admin-cli.jar
Commands: [start-domain, --verbose]
params: {verbose=true}
operands: []
start-domain --host localhost --port 4848 --user admin --
interactive=true --echo=false --terse=false --verbose=true

Aug 11, 2009 3:26:10 PM
com.sun.enterprise.admin.launcher.GFLauncherLogger info
INFO: JVM invocation command line:
Aug 11, 2009 3:26:10 PM
com.sun.enterprise.admin.launcher.GFLauncherLogger info
INFO: Successfully launched in 26 msec.
Aug 11, 2009 3:26:11 PM com.sun.enterprise.glassfish.bootstrap.ASMain
INFO: Launching GlassFish on Felix platform

Welcome to Felix.

Aug 11, 2009 3:26:12 PM OSGiModuleImpl start
INFO: Started bundle org.glassfish.common.glassfish-mbeanserver [94]
Aug 11, 2009 3:26:12 PM OSGiModuleImpl start
INFO: Started bundle org.glassfish.core.kernel [106]
Aug 11, 2009 3:26:12 PM OSGiModuleImpl start
INFO: Started bundle org.glassfish.common.util [42]
Aug 11, 2009 3:26:12 PM OSGiModuleImpl start
INFO: Started bundle com.sun.enterprise.config [67]
Aug 11, 2009 3:26:12 PM OSGiModuleImpl start
INFO: Started bundle org.glassfish.admin.config-api [174]
Aug 11, 2009 3:26:12 PM org.hibernate.validation.util.Version <clinit>
INFO: Hibernate Validator null
Aug 11, 2009 3:26:12 PM
INFO: Instantiated an instance of
Aug 11, 2009 3:26:12 PM OSGiModuleImpl start
INFO: Started bundle com.sun.grizzly.grizzly-config [157]
Aug 11, 2009 3:26:12 PM OSGiModuleImpl start
INFO: Started bundle org.glassfish.admin.server-mgmt [4]
Aug 11, 2009 3:26:13 PM OSGiModuleImpl start
INFO: Started bundle org.glassfish.branding [34]
Aug 11, 2009 3:26:13 PM com.sun.enterprise.v3.admin.IdmService
INFO: Reading the master password from stdin>
Aug 11, 2009 3:26:13 PM OSGiModuleImpl start
INFO: Started bundle org.glassfish.common.internal-api [55]
Aug 11, 2009 3:26:13 PM OSGiModuleImpl start
INFO: Started bundle org.glassfish.ejb.ejb-container [107]
Aug 11, 2009 3:26:13 PM
INFO: com.sun.enterprise.naming.util.NamingActivator_at_7c0d633a called
Aug 11, 2009 3:26:13 PM OSGiModuleImpl start
INFO: Started bundle org.glassfish.common.glassfish-naming [139]
Aug 11, 2009 3:26:13 PM OSGiModuleImpl start
INFO: Started bundle org.glassfish.transaction.jta [104]
Aug 11, 2009 3:26:13 PM OSGiModuleImpl start
INFO: Started bundle org.glassfish.common.glassfish-api [64]
Aug 11, 2009 3:26:13 PM OSGiModuleImpl start
INFO: Started bundle org.glassfish.registration.glassfish-registration
Aug 11, 2009 3:26:13 PM OSGiModuleImpl start
INFO: Started bundle org.glassfish.orb.connector [17]
Aug 11, 2009 3:26:13 PM OSGiModuleImpl start
INFO: Started bundle org.glassfish.jms.core [84]
Aug 11, 2009 3:26:13 PM OSGiModuleImpl start
INFO: Started bundle org.glassfish.flashlight.framework [135]
Aug 11, 2009 3:26:13 PM OSGiModuleImpl start
INFO: Started bundle org.glassfish.common.container-common [82]
Aug 11, 2009 3:26:13 PM start
INFO: Listening on port 8080
Aug 11, 2009 3:26:13 PM createNetworkProxy
INFO: Network listener http-listener-2 on port 8181 disabled per
Aug 11, 2009 3:26:13 PM start
INFO: Listening on port 4848
Aug 11, 2009 3:26:13 PM OSGiModuleImpl start
INFO: Started bundle org.glassfish.web.osgi-web-container [95]
Aug 11, 2009 3:26:13 PM WebExtender run
INFO: Waiting for Server to start
Aug 11, 2009 3:26:13 PM com.sun.grizzly.Controller start
INFO: Starting Grizzly Framework 1.9.17-RC2 - Tue Aug 11 15:26:13 PDT
Aug 11, 2009 3:26:13 PM com.sun.grizzly.Controller start
INFO: Starting Grizzly Framework 1.9.17-RC2 - Tue Aug 11 15:26:13 PDT
Aug 11, 2009 3:26:13 PM OSGiModuleImpl start
INFO: Started bundle [105]
Aug 11, 2009 3:26:13 PM OSGiModuleImpl start
INFO: Started bundle org.glassfish.deployment.autodeploy [79]
Aug 11, 2009 3:26:13 PM OSGiModuleImpl start
INFO: Started bundle org.glassfish.deployment.common [89]
Aug 11, 2009 3:26:13 PM OSGiModuleImpl start
INFO: Started bundle org.glassfish.admin.monitoring-core [114]
Aug 11, 2009 3:26:13 PM
$JMXConnectorsStarterThread startConnector
INFO: Started JMXConnector, JMXService URL = service:jmx:jmxmp://
Aug 11, 2009 3:26:13 PM OSGiModuleImpl start
INFO: Started bundle org.glassfish.transaction.jts [173]
Aug 11, 2009 3:26:13 PM com.sun.enterprise.v3.server.AppServerStartup
INFO: GlassFish v3 startup time : Felix(2031ms) startup
services(843ms) total(2874ms)
Aug 11, 2009 3:26:13 PM com.sun.enterprise.v3.server.AppServerStartup
Aug 11, 2009 3:26:13 PM WebExtender event
INFO: Received Server Started Event
Aug 11, 2009 3:26:13 PM AppServerStartup run
INFO: [Thread[GlassFish Kernel Main Thread,5,main]] started
Aug 11, 2009 3:26:13 PM
INFO: felix.fileinstall.poll (ms) 5000
Aug 11, 2009 3:26:13 PM
INFO: felix.fileinstall.dir /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/
Aug 11, 2009 3:26:13 PM
INFO: felix.fileinstall.debug 1
Aug 11, 2009 3:26:13 PM
INFO: true


On Aug 11, 2009, at 3:08 PM, Jane Young wrote:

> The output in QL test says that "deploy" is an invalid command.
> ===============================
> [exec] CLI001 Invalid Command: deploy
> [exec] Command deploy failed.
> [exec] Result: 1
> ===============================
> Something is definitely wrong with your server. Even though you can
> see that admin console is up and running, are you able to manually
> deploy an app using "asadmin deploy..."?
> Lloyd Chambers wrote:
>> Peter,
>> Thank you.
>> No, it's not resolved, and I have no idea what's wrong as yet.
>> Lloyd
>> On Aug 11, 2009, at 12:41 PM, Peter Williams wrote:
>>> Hi Lloyd,
>>> I don't know if you got this resolved, but I just finished running
>>> quicklook after upgrading to 10.5.8 and everything ran fine. I
>>> noticed it also upgraded my JDK to JDK6u13.
>>> -Peter
>>> Lloyd Chambers wrote:
>>>> Thank you Sherry.
>>>> It worked fine on Friday (I use it very frequently). Starting
>>>> Monday, it has not worked even once. The only change I made was
>>>> updating to Mac OS X 10.5.8 from 10.5.7 -- no code change.
>>>> Since then, I removed the maven repository, reverted to
>>>> unmodified trunk. No go.
>>>> Lloyd
>>>> On Aug 11, 2009, at 10:04 AM, Sherry Shen wrote:
>>>>> Hi Lloyd,
>>>>> That is too bad. I will consult with Ming to see how we
>>>>> can reproduce your issue, or how to revise ql to avoid
>>>>> this issue. Sorry to see you are in trouble with ql.
>>>>> Thanks!
>>>>> Sherry
>>>>> Lloyd Chambers wrote:
>>>>>> Sherry,
>>>>>> "Does QL work if you don't have a pre-started server?"
>>>>>> I don't normally pre-start. The reason I tried pre-starting is
>>>>>> that it hangs "Waiting for DAS to start" if I do not. And
>>>>>> then it proceeds and fails with the same problems.
>>>>>> Lloyd
>>>>>> On Aug 11, 2009, at 9:45 AM, Sherry Shen wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi Lloyd,
>>>>>>> >- the "process already using the admin port 4848" is because
>>>>>>> I pre- started the server
>>>>>>> Does QL work if you don't have a pre-started server?
>>>>>>> For other sqe tests, I noticed some failures if the domain is
>>>>>>> started
>>>>>>> with a pre-started server.
>>>>>>> Thanks!
>>>>>>> Sherry
>>>>>>> Lloyd Chambers wrote:
>>>>>>>> Jane,
>>>>>>>> Thanks for checking OS X 10.5.8. This is indeed a mystery.
>>>>>>>> This morning I rebooted my machine, to rule out any cruft.
>>>>>>>> No change-- still numerous QL failures.
>>>>>>>> QL hangs "Waiting for DAS to start" if I try to run QL
>>>>>>>> normally.
>>>>>>>> - I started the server manually. The GUI is operating
>>>>>>>> normally via a browser.
>>>>>>>> - the "process already using the admin port 4848" is because
>>>>>>>> I pre- started the server
>>>>>>>> - When the test run is over, the server does not stop, and
>>>>>>>> the GUI can be accessed successfully.
>>>>>>>> - numerous failures during the run
>>>>>>>> llcMP:quicklook llc$ # server started manually. The GUI has
>>>>>>>> been accessed and is working normally
>>>>>>>> llcMP:quicklook llc$
>>>>>>>> llcMP:quicklook llc$ ql
>>>>>>>> [INFO] Scanning for projects...
>>>>>>>> WAGON_VERSION: 1.0-beta-2
>>>>>>>> [INFO]
>>>>>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>>>>> [INFO] Building Glassfish Quicklook Bundle
>>>>>>>> [INFO] task-segment: [test]
>>>>>>>> [INFO]
>>>>>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>>>>> [INFO] [resources:resources]
>>>>>>>> [INFO] Using default encoding to copy filtered resources.
>>>>>>>> [INFO] [compiler:compile]
>>>>>>>> [INFO] No sources to compile
>>>>>>>> [INFO] [resources:testResources]
>>>>>>>> [INFO] Using default encoding to copy filtered resources.
>>>>>>>> [INFO] [compiler:testCompile]
>>>>>>>> [INFO] No sources to compile
>>>>>>>> [INFO] [surefire:test]
>>>>>>>> [INFO] No tests to run.
>>>>>>>> [INFO] [antrun-extended:run {execution: default}]
>>>>>>>> [INFO] Executing tasks
>>>>>>>> [echo] compile classpath: /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/
>>>>>>>> tests/ quicklook/target/classes
>>>>>>>> [echo] plugin classpath: /Users/llc/.m2/repository/
>>>>>>>> commons- codec/commons-codec/1.3/commons-codec-1.3.jar:/
>>>>>>>> Users/llc/.m2/ repository/commons-httpclient/commons-
>>>>>>>> httpclient/3.0.1/commons- httpclient-3.0.1.jar:/Users/
>>>>>>>> llc/.m2/repository/junit/junit/3.8.1/ junit-3.8.1.jar:/Users/
>>>>>>>> llc/.m2/repository/commons-logging/commons- logging/1.0.3/
>>>>>>>> commons-logging-1.0.3.jar:/Users/llc/.m2/repository/ org/
>>>>>>>> testng/testng/5.6/testng-5.6-jdk15.jar:/Users/llc/.m2/
>>>>>>>> repository/com/ sun/jsftemplating/jsftemplating-dynafaces/
>>>>>>>> 0.1/ jsftemplating- dynafaces-0.1.jar:/Users/llc/.m2/
>>>>>>>> repository/org/ codehaus/plexus/plexus- utils/1.1/plexus-
>>>>>>>> utils-1.1.jar:/Users/ llc/.m2/repository/ant/ant- launcher/
>>>>>>>> 1.6.5/ant-launcher-1.6.5.jar:/ Users/llc/.m2/repository/ant/
>>>>>>>> ant/1.6.5/ant-1.6.5.jar:/Users/ llc/.m2/repository/org/apache/
>>>>>>>> commons/ commons-io/1.3.2/commons- io-1.3.2.jar:/usr/local/
>>>>>>>> apache-maven/lib/ maven-2.0.9-uber.jar
>>>>>>>> clean:
>>>>>>>> [delete] Deleting directory /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/
>>>>>>>> tests/ quicklook/classes
>>>>>>>> [delete] Deleting directory /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/
>>>>>>>> tests/ quicklook/dist
>>>>>>>> [delete] Deleting 4 files from /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/
>>>>>>>> tests/ quicklook
>>>>>>>> all:
>>>>>>>> setOSConditions:
>>>>>>>> start-derby:
>>>>>>>> start-derby-unix:
>>>>>>>> start-derby-windows:
>>>>>>>> setOSConditions:
>>>>>>>> start-server-felix:
>>>>>>>> [echo] +-----------------------------+
>>>>>>>> [echo] | |
>>>>>>>> [echo] | S T A R T I N G GLASSFISH |
>>>>>>>> [echo] | in Felix mode |
>>>>>>>> [echo] | |
>>>>>>>> [echo] +-----------------------------+
>>>>>>>> start-server-felix-unix:
>>>>>>>> [exec] There is a process already using the admin port 4848
>>>>>>>> -- it probably is another instance of a GlassFish server.
>>>>>>>> [exec] Command start-domain executed successfully.
>>>>>>>> start-server-felix-windows:
>>>>>>>> build-deploy:
>>>>>>>> [echo] ANT PROJECT GlassFish-V3-QuickLook
>>>>>>>> build:
>>>>>>>> compile-tests:
>>>>>>>> [echo] compiling test client to ..//classes/test
>>>>>>>> [mkdir] Created dir: /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/
>>>>>>>> quicklook/ classes/test
>>>>>>>> [javac] Compiling 7 source files to /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/
>>>>>>>> code/ tests/quicklook/classes/test
>>>>>>>> [javac] Note: Some input files use or override a deprecated
>>>>>>>> API.
>>>>>>>> [javac] Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details.
>>>>>>>> [javac] Note: Some input files use unchecked or unsafe
>>>>>>>> operations.
>>>>>>>> [javac] Note: Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details.
>>>>>>>> build:
>>>>>>>> compile-tests:
>>>>>>>> [echo] compiling test client to ..//classes/test
>>>>>>>> [javac] Compiling 5 source files to /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/
>>>>>>>> code/ tests/quicklook/classes/test
>>>>>>>> [javac] Note: Some input files use unchecked or unsafe
>>>>>>>> operations.
>>>>>>>> [javac] Note: Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details.
>>>>>>>> build:
>>>>>>>> compile-tests:
>>>>>>>> [echo] compiling test client to ../classes/test
>>>>>>>> [javac] Compiling 4 source files to /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/
>>>>>>>> code/ tests/quicklook/classes/test
>>>>>>>> build:
>>>>>>>> compile-tests:
>>>>>>>> [echo] compiling test client to ..//classes/test
>>>>>>>> [javac] Compiling 2 source files to /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/
>>>>>>>> code/ tests/quicklook/classes/test
>>>>>>>> compile-tests:
>>>>>>>> [echo] compiling test client to ../../classes/test
>>>>>>>> [javac] Compiling 1 source file to /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/
>>>>>>>> code/ tests/quicklook/classes/test
>>>>>>>> [javac] Note: /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/quicklook/
>>>>>>>> web/ helloworld/src/test/ uses or
>>>>>>>> overrides a deprecated API.
>>>>>>>> [javac] Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details.
>>>>>>>> build:
>>>>>>>> build-impl:
>>>>>>>> archive-type:
>>>>>>>> [echo] archive-type is war
>>>>>>>> build-war:
>>>>>>>> [echo] Now creating a war file ../../dist/basicweb/
>>>>>>>> hellojsp.war
>>>>>>>> [mkdir] Created dir: /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/
>>>>>>>> quicklook/ classes/basicweb/app
>>>>>>>> [mkdir] Created dir: /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/
>>>>>>>> quicklook/ dist/basicweb
>>>>>>>> [javac] Compiling 1 source file to /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/
>>>>>>>> code/ tests/quicklook/classes/basicweb/app
>>>>>>>> [mkdir] Created dir: /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/
>>>>>>>> quicklook/ classes/basicweb/app/META-INF
>>>>>>>> [copy] Warning: Could not find file /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/
>>>>>>>> code/ tests/quicklook/web/helloworld/metadata/persistence.xml
>>>>>>>> to copy.
>>>>>>>> [war] Building war: /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/
>>>>>>>> quicklook/dist/basicweb/hellojsp.war
>>>>>>>> [war] Warning: selected war files include a WEB-INF/
>>>>>>>> web.xml which will be ignored (please use webxml attribute
>>>>>>>> to war task)
>>>>>>>> archive-type:
>>>>>>>> [echo] archive-type is war
>>>>>>>> build-ear:
>>>>>>>> archive-type:
>>>>>>>> [echo] archive-type is war
>>>>>>>> build-appclient-ear:
>>>>>>>> archive-type:
>>>>>>>> [echo] archive-type is war
>>>>>>>> build-jar:
>>>>>>>> deploy:
>>>>>>>> setOSConditions:
>>>>>>>> deploy-v3-impl:
>>>>>>>> [echo] deploying hellojsp.war
>>>>>>>> deploy-v3-impl-unix:
>>>>>>>> [exec] CLI001 Invalid Command: deploy
>>>>>>>> [exec] Command deploy failed.
>>>>>>>> [exec] Result: 1
>>>>>>>> deploy-v3-impl-windows:
>>>>>>>> build-deploy:
>>>>>>>> compile-tests:
>>>>>>>> [echo] compiling test client to ../../classes/test
>>>>>>>> [javac] Compiling 1 source file to /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/
>>>>>>>> code/ tests/quicklook/classes/test
>>>>>>>> [javac] Note: /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/quicklook/
>>>>>>>> web/ jsfastrologer/src/test/ uses or
>>>>>>>> overrides a deprecated API.
>>>>>>>> [javac] Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details.
>>>>>>>> build:
>>>>>>>> build-impl:
>>>>>>>> archive-type:
>>>>>>>> [echo] archive-type is war
>>>>>>>> build-war:
>>>>>>>> [echo] Now creating a war file ../../dist/jsftest/
>>>>>>>> jsfastrologer.war
>>>>>>>> [mkdir] Created dir: /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/
>>>>>>>> quicklook/ classes/jsftest/app
>>>>>>>> [mkdir] Created dir: /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/
>>>>>>>> quicklook/ dist/jsftest
>>>>>>>> [javac] Compiling 1 source file to /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/
>>>>>>>> code/ tests/quicklook/classes/jsftest/app
>>>>>>>> [mkdir] Created dir: /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/
>>>>>>>> quicklook/ classes/jsftest/app/META-INF
>>>>>>>> [copy] Warning: Could not find file /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/
>>>>>>>> code/ tests/quicklook/web/jsfastrologer/metadata/
>>>>>>>> persistence.xml to copy.
>>>>>>>> [war] Building war: /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/
>>>>>>>> quicklook/dist/jsftest/jsfastrologer.war
>>>>>>>> [war] Warning: selected war files include a WEB-INF/
>>>>>>>> web.xml which will be ignored (please use webxml attribute
>>>>>>>> to war task)
>>>>>>>> archive-type:
>>>>>>>> [echo] archive-type is war
>>>>>>>> build-ear:
>>>>>>>> archive-type:
>>>>>>>> [echo] archive-type is war
>>>>>>>> build-appclient-ear:
>>>>>>>> archive-type:
>>>>>>>> [echo] archive-type is war
>>>>>>>> build-jar:
>>>>>>>> deploy:
>>>>>>>> setOSConditions:
>>>>>>>> deploy-v3-impl:
>>>>>>>> [echo] deploying jsfastrologer.war
>>>>>>>> deploy-v3-impl-unix:
>>>>>>>> [exec] CLI001 Invalid Command: deploy
>>>>>>>> [exec] Command deploy failed.
>>>>>>>> [exec] Result: 1
>>>>>>>> deploy-v3-impl-windows:
>>>>>>>> build-deploy:
>>>>>>>> compile-tests:
>>>>>>>> [echo] compiling test client to ../../classes/test
>>>>>>>> [javac] Compiling 1 source file to /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/
>>>>>>>> code/ tests/quicklook/classes/test
>>>>>>>> [javac] Note: /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/quicklook/
>>>>>>>> web/ jsfinjection/src/test/ uses or
>>>>>>>> overrides a deprecated API.
>>>>>>>> [javac] Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details.
>>>>>>>> build:
>>>>>>>> build-impl:
>>>>>>>> archive-type:
>>>>>>>> [echo] archive-type is war
>>>>>>>> build-war:
>>>>>>>> [echo] Now creating a war file ../../dist/basicweb/
>>>>>>>> jsfinjection.war
>>>>>>>> [delete] Deleting directory /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/
>>>>>>>> tests/ quicklook/classes/basicweb/app
>>>>>>>> [delete] Deleting directory /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/
>>>>>>>> tests/ quicklook/dist/basicweb
>>>>>>>> [mkdir] Created dir: /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/
>>>>>>>> quicklook/ classes/basicweb/app
>>>>>>>> [mkdir] Created dir: /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/
>>>>>>>> quicklook/ dist/basicweb
>>>>>>>> [javac] Compiling 2 source files to /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/
>>>>>>>> code/ tests/quicklook/classes/basicweb/app
>>>>>>>> [mkdir] Created dir: /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/
>>>>>>>> quicklook/ classes/basicweb/app/META-INF
>>>>>>>> [copy] Warning: Could not find file /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/
>>>>>>>> code/ tests/quicklook/web/jsfinjection/metadata/
>>>>>>>> persistence.xml to copy.
>>>>>>>> [war] Building war: /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/
>>>>>>>> quicklook/dist/basicweb/jsfinjection.war
>>>>>>>> [war] Warning: selected war files include a WEB-INF/
>>>>>>>> web.xml which will be ignored (please use webxml attribute
>>>>>>>> to war task)
>>>>>>>> archive-type:
>>>>>>>> [echo] archive-type is war
>>>>>>>> build-ear:
>>>>>>>> archive-type:
>>>>>>>> [echo] archive-type is war
>>>>>>>> build-appclient-ear:
>>>>>>>> archive-type:
>>>>>>>> [echo] archive-type is war
>>>>>>>> build-jar:
>>>>>>>> deploy:
>>>>>>>> setOSConditions:
>>>>>>>> deploy-v3-impl:
>>>>>>>> [echo] deploying jsfinjection.war
>>>>>>>> deploy-v3-impl-unix:
>>>>>>>> [exec] CLI001 Invalid Command: deploy
>>>>>>>> [exec] Command deploy failed.
>>>>>>>> [exec] Result: 1
>>>>>>>> deploy-v3-impl-windows:
>>>>>>>> build-deploy:
>>>>>>>> compile-tests:
>>>>>>>> [echo] compiling test client to ../../classes/test
>>>>>>>> [javac] Compiling 1 source file to /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/
>>>>>>>> code/ tests/quicklook/classes/test
>>>>>>>> [javac] Note: /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/quicklook/
>>>>>>>> jdbc/ jdbcusertx/src/test/ uses or
>>>>>>>> overrides a deprecated API.
>>>>>>>> [javac] Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details.
>>>>>>>> build:
>>>>>>>> build-impl:
>>>>>>>> archive-type:
>>>>>>>> [echo] archive-type is war
>>>>>>>> build-war:
>>>>>>>> [echo] Now creating a war file ../../dist/jdbcusertx/
>>>>>>>> jdbcusertx.war
>>>>>>>> [mkdir] Created dir: /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/
>>>>>>>> quicklook/ classes/jdbcusertx/app
>>>>>>>> [mkdir] Created dir: /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/
>>>>>>>> quicklook/ dist/jdbcusertx
>>>>>>>> [javac] Compiling 6 source files to /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/
>>>>>>>> code/ tests/quicklook/classes/jdbcusertx/app
>>>>>>>> [javac] Note: /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/quicklook/
>>>>>>>> jdbc/ jdbcusertx/src/java/ uses unchecked or
>>>>>>>> unsafe operations.
>>>>>>>> [javac] Note: Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details.
>>>>>>>> [mkdir] Created dir: /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/
>>>>>>>> quicklook/ classes/jdbcusertx/app/META-INF
>>>>>>>> [copy] Warning: Could not find file /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/
>>>>>>>> code/ tests/quicklook/jdbc/jdbcusertx/metadata/
>>>>>>>> persistence.xml to copy.
>>>>>>>> [war] Building war: /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/
>>>>>>>> quicklook/dist/jdbcusertx/jdbcusertx.war
>>>>>>>> [war] Warning: selected war files include a WEB-INF/
>>>>>>>> web.xml which will be ignored (please use webxml attribute
>>>>>>>> to war task)
>>>>>>>> archive-type:
>>>>>>>> [echo] archive-type is war
>>>>>>>> build-ear:
>>>>>>>> archive-type:
>>>>>>>> [echo] archive-type is war
>>>>>>>> build-appclient-ear:
>>>>>>>> archive-type:
>>>>>>>> [echo] archive-type is war
>>>>>>>> build-jar:
>>>>>>>> deploy:
>>>>>>>> setOSConditions:
>>>>>>>> deploy-v3-impl:
>>>>>>>> [echo] deploying jdbcusertx.war
>>>>>>>> deploy-v3-impl-unix:
>>>>>>>> [exec] CLI001 Invalid Command: deploy
>>>>>>>> [exec] Command deploy failed.
>>>>>>>> [exec] Result: 1
>>>>>>>> deploy-v3-impl-windows:
>>>>>>>> build-deploy:
>>>>>>>> compile-tests:
>>>>>>>> [echo] compiling test client to ../../classes/test
>>>>>>>> [javac] Compiling 1 source file to /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/
>>>>>>>> code/ tests/quicklook/classes/test
>>>>>>>> [javac] Note: /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/quicklook/
>>>>>>>> persistence/jpainjectemf/src/test/
>>>>>>>> uses or overrides a deprecated API.
>>>>>>>> [javac] Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details.
>>>>>>>> build:
>>>>>>>> build-impl:
>>>>>>>> archive-type:
>>>>>>>> [echo] archive-type is war
>>>>>>>> build-war:
>>>>>>>> [echo] Now creating a war file ../../dist/jpainjectemf/
>>>>>>>> jpainjectemf.war
>>>>>>>> [mkdir] Created dir: /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/
>>>>>>>> quicklook/ classes/jpainjectemf/app
>>>>>>>> [mkdir] Created dir: /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/
>>>>>>>> quicklook/ dist/jpainjectemf
>>>>>>>> [javac] Compiling 4 source files to /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/
>>>>>>>> code/ tests/quicklook/classes/jpainjectemf/app
>>>>>>>> [mkdir] Created dir: /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/
>>>>>>>> quicklook/ classes/jpainjectemf/app/META-INF
>>>>>>>> [copy] Copying 1 file to /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/
>>>>>>>> tests/ quicklook/classes/jpainjectemf/app/META-INF
>>>>>>>> [war] Building war: /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/
>>>>>>>> quicklook/dist/jpainjectemf/jpainjectemf.war
>>>>>>>> [war] Warning: selected war files include a WEB-INF/
>>>>>>>> web.xml which will be ignored (please use webxml attribute
>>>>>>>> to war task)
>>>>>>>> archive-type:
>>>>>>>> [echo] archive-type is war
>>>>>>>> build-ear:
>>>>>>>> archive-type:
>>>>>>>> [echo] archive-type is war
>>>>>>>> build-appclient-ear:
>>>>>>>> archive-type:
>>>>>>>> [echo] archive-type is war
>>>>>>>> build-jar:
>>>>>>>> deploy:
>>>>>>>> setOSConditions:
>>>>>>>> deploy-v3-impl:
>>>>>>>> [echo] deploying jpainjectemf.war
>>>>>>>> deploy-v3-impl-unix:
>>>>>>>> [exec] CLI001 Invalid Command: deploy
>>>>>>>> [exec] Command deploy failed.
>>>>>>>> [exec] Result: 1
>>>>>>>> deploy-v3-impl-windows:
>>>>>>>> build-deploy:
>>>>>>>> compile-tests:
>>>>>>>> [echo] compiling test client to ../../classes/test
>>>>>>>> [javac] Compiling 1 source file to /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/
>>>>>>>> code/ tests/quicklook/classes/test
>>>>>>>> [javac] Note: /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/quicklook/
>>>>>>>> security/helloworld/src/test/ uses
>>>>>>>> or overrides a deprecated API.
>>>>>>>> [javac] Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details.
>>>>>>>> build:
>>>>>>>> build-impl:
>>>>>>>> archive-type:
>>>>>>>> [echo] archive-type is war
>>>>>>>> build-war:
>>>>>>>> [echo] Now creating a war file ../../dist/security/
>>>>>>>> hellojspsecure.war
>>>>>>>> [mkdir] Created dir: /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/
>>>>>>>> quicklook/ classes/security/app
>>>>>>>> [mkdir] Created dir: /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/
>>>>>>>> quicklook/ dist/security
>>>>>>>> [javac] Compiling 1 source file to /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/
>>>>>>>> code/ tests/quicklook/classes/security/app
>>>>>>>> [mkdir] Created dir: /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/
>>>>>>>> quicklook/ classes/security/app/META-INF
>>>>>>>> [copy] Warning: Could not find file /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/
>>>>>>>> code/ tests/quicklook/security/helloworld/metadata/
>>>>>>>> persistence.xml to copy.
>>>>>>>> [war] Building war: /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/
>>>>>>>> quicklook/dist/security/hellojspsecure.war
>>>>>>>> [war] Warning: selected war files include a WEB-INF/
>>>>>>>> web.xml which will be ignored (please use webxml attribute
>>>>>>>> to war task)
>>>>>>>> archive-type:
>>>>>>>> [echo] archive-type is war
>>>>>>>> build-ear:
>>>>>>>> archive-type:
>>>>>>>> [echo] archive-type is war
>>>>>>>> build-appclient-ear:
>>>>>>>> archive-type:
>>>>>>>> [echo] archive-type is war
>>>>>>>> build-jar:
>>>>>>>> deploy:
>>>>>>>> setOSConditions:
>>>>>>>> deploy-v3-impl:
>>>>>>>> [echo] deploying hellojspsecure.war
>>>>>>>> deploy-v3-impl-unix:
>>>>>>>> [exec] CLI001 Invalid Command: deploy
>>>>>>>> [exec] Command deploy failed.
>>>>>>>> [exec] Result: 1
>>>>>>>> deploy-v3-impl-windows:
>>>>>>>> build-deploy:
>>>>>>>> build:
>>>>>>>> setup:
>>>>>>>> setOSConditions:
>>>>>>>> create-user-common-v3-impl:
>>>>>>>> create-user-common-v3-impl-unix:
>>>>>>>> [exec] create-file-user --host localhost --port 4848 --
>>>>>>>> user admin --passwordfile asadminuserpassword.txt --
>>>>>>>> interactive=false -- echo=true --terse=true --
>>>>>>>> authrealmname=file --groups=testgroup1 --
>>>>>>>> AS_ADMIN_USERPASSWORD=secret testuser3
>>>>>>>> [exec] com.sun.enterprise.cli.framework.CommandException:
>>>>>>>> remote failure: Adding User testuser3 to file realm file
>>>>>>>> failed. User testuser3 already exists.
>>>>>>>> [exec] Result: 1
>>>>>>>> [delete] Deleting: /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/
>>>>>>>> quicklook/ security/basicauth/asadminuserpassword.txt
>>>>>>>> create-user-common-v3-impl-windows:
>>>>>>>> setOSConditions:
>>>>>>>> create-user-common-v3-impl:
>>>>>>>> create-user-common-v3-impl-unix:
>>>>>>>> [exec] create-file-user --host localhost --port 4848 --
>>>>>>>> user admin --passwordfile asadminuserpassword.txt --
>>>>>>>> interactive=false -- echo=true --terse=true --
>>>>>>>> authrealmname=file --groups=testgroup5 --
>>>>>>>> AS_ADMIN_USERPASSWORD=secret testuser42
>>>>>>>> [exec] com.sun.enterprise.cli.framework.CommandException:
>>>>>>>> remote failure: Adding User testuser42 to file realm file
>>>>>>>> failed. User testuser42 already exists.
>>>>>>>> [exec] Result: 1
>>>>>>>> [delete] Deleting: /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/
>>>>>>>> quicklook/ security/basicauth/asadminuserpassword.txt
>>>>>>>> create-user-common-v3-impl-windows:
>>>>>>>> setOSConditions:
>>>>>>>> create-user-common-v3-impl:
>>>>>>>> create-user-common-v3-impl-unix:
>>>>>>>> [exec] create-file-user --host localhost --port 4848 --
>>>>>>>> user admin --passwordfile asadminuserpassword.txt --
>>>>>>>> interactive=false -- echo=true --terse=true --
>>>>>>>> authrealmname=file --groups=testgroup10 --
>>>>>>>> AS_ADMIN_USERPASSWORD=j2ee j2ee
>>>>>>>> [exec] com.sun.enterprise.cli.framework.CommandException:
>>>>>>>> remote failure: Adding User j2ee to file realm file failed.
>>>>>>>> User j2ee already exists.
>>>>>>>> [exec] Result: 1
>>>>>>>> [delete] Deleting: /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/
>>>>>>>> quicklook/ security/basicauth/asadminuserpassword.txt
>>>>>>>> create-user-common-v3-impl-windows:
>>>>>>>> build-impl:
>>>>>>>> archive-type:
>>>>>>>> [echo] archive-type is war
>>>>>>>> build-war:
>>>>>>>> [echo] Now creating a war file ../../dist/security-
>>>>>>>> basicauth/ basicauth.war
>>>>>>>> [mkdir] Created dir: /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/
>>>>>>>> quicklook/ classes/security-basicauth/app
>>>>>>>> [mkdir] Created dir: /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/
>>>>>>>> quicklook/ dist/security-basicauth
>>>>>>>> [mkdir] Created dir: /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/
>>>>>>>> quicklook/ classes/security-basicauth/app/META-INF
>>>>>>>> [copy] Warning: Could not find file /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/
>>>>>>>> code/ tests/quicklook/security/basicauth/metadata/
>>>>>>>> persistence.xml to copy.
>>>>>>>> [war] Building war: /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/
>>>>>>>> quicklook/dist/security-basicauth/basicauth.war
>>>>>>>> [war] Warning: selected war files include a WEB-INF/
>>>>>>>> web.xml which will be ignored (please use webxml attribute
>>>>>>>> to war task)
>>>>>>>> archive-type:
>>>>>>>> [echo] archive-type is war
>>>>>>>> build-ear:
>>>>>>>> archive-type:
>>>>>>>> [echo] archive-type is war
>>>>>>>> build-appclient-ear:
>>>>>>>> archive-type:
>>>>>>>> [echo] archive-type is war
>>>>>>>> build-jar:
>>>>>>>> compile-tests:
>>>>>>>> [echo] compiling test client to ../../classes/test
>>>>>>>> [javac] Compiling 1 source file to /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/
>>>>>>>> code/ tests/quicklook/classes/test
>>>>>>>> deploy:
>>>>>>>> setOSConditions:
>>>>>>>> deploy-v3-impl:
>>>>>>>> [echo] deploying basicauth.war
>>>>>>>> deploy-v3-impl-unix:
>>>>>>>> [exec] CLI001 Invalid Command: deploy
>>>>>>>> [exec] Command deploy failed.
>>>>>>>> [exec] Result: 1
>>>>>>>> deploy-v3-impl-windows:
>>>>>>>> build-deploy:
>>>>>>>> compile-tests:
>>>>>>>> [echo] compiling test client to ../../classes/test
>>>>>>>> [javac] Compiling 1 source file to /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/
>>>>>>>> code/ tests/quicklook/classes/test
>>>>>>>> build:
>>>>>>>> build-impl:
>>>>>>>> archive-type:
>>>>>>>> [echo] archive-type is war
>>>>>>>> build-war:
>>>>>>>> [echo] Now creating a war file ../../dist/EJB_slsbnicmt/
>>>>>>>> slsbnicmt.war
>>>>>>>> [mkdir] Created dir: /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/
>>>>>>>> quicklook/ classes/EJB_slsbnicmt/app
>>>>>>>> [mkdir] Created dir: /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/
>>>>>>>> quicklook/ dist/EJB_slsbnicmt
>>>>>>>> [javac] Compiling 3 source files to /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/
>>>>>>>> code/ tests/quicklook/classes/EJB_slsbnicmt/app
>>>>>>>> [mkdir] Created dir: /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/
>>>>>>>> quicklook/ classes/EJB_slsbnicmt/app/META-INF
>>>>>>>> [copy] Copying 1 file to /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/
>>>>>>>> tests/ quicklook/classes/EJB_slsbnicmt/app/META-INF
>>>>>>>> [war] Building war: /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/
>>>>>>>> quicklook/dist/EJB_slsbnicmt/slsbnicmt.war
>>>>>>>> [war] Warning: selected war files include a WEB-INF/
>>>>>>>> web.xml which will be ignored (please use webxml attribute
>>>>>>>> to war task)
>>>>>>>> archive-type:
>>>>>>>> [echo] archive-type is war
>>>>>>>> build-ear:
>>>>>>>> archive-type:
>>>>>>>> [echo] archive-type is war
>>>>>>>> build-appclient-ear:
>>>>>>>> archive-type:
>>>>>>>> [echo] archive-type is war
>>>>>>>> build-jar:
>>>>>>>> deploy:
>>>>>>>> setOSConditions:
>>>>>>>> deploy-v3-impl:
>>>>>>>> [echo] deploying slsbnicmt.war
>>>>>>>> deploy-v3-impl-unix:
>>>>>>>> [exec] CLI001 Invalid Command: deploy
>>>>>>>> [exec] Command deploy failed.
>>>>>>>> [exec] Result: 1
>>>>>>>> deploy-v3-impl-windows:
>>>>>>>> build-deploy:
>>>>>>>> compile-tests:
>>>>>>>> [echo] compiling test client to ../../classes/test
>>>>>>>> [javac] Compiling 1 source file to /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/
>>>>>>>> code/ tests/quicklook/classes/test
>>>>>>>> build:
>>>>>>>> build-impl:
>>>>>>>> archive-type:
>>>>>>>> [echo] archive-type is war
>>>>>>>> build-war:
>>>>>>>> [echo] Now creating a war file ../../dist/EJB_sfulnoi/
>>>>>>>> sfulnoi.war
>>>>>>>> [mkdir] Created dir: /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/
>>>>>>>> quicklook/ classes/EJB_sfulnoi/app
>>>>>>>> [mkdir] Created dir: /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/
>>>>>>>> quicklook/ dist/EJB_sfulnoi
>>>>>>>> [javac] Compiling 2 source files to /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/
>>>>>>>> code/ tests/quicklook/classes/EJB_sfulnoi/app
>>>>>>>> [mkdir] Created dir: /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/
>>>>>>>> quicklook/ classes/EJB_sfulnoi/app/META-INF
>>>>>>>> [copy] Warning: Could not find file /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/
>>>>>>>> code/ tests/quicklook/ejb/sfulnoi/metadata/persistence.xml to
>>>>>>>> copy.
>>>>>>>> [war] Building war: /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/
>>>>>>>> quicklook/dist/EJB_sfulnoi/sfulnoi.war
>>>>>>>> [war] Warning: selected war files include a WEB-INF/
>>>>>>>> web.xml which will be ignored (please use webxml attribute
>>>>>>>> to war task)
>>>>>>>> archive-type:
>>>>>>>> [echo] archive-type is war
>>>>>>>> build-ear:
>>>>>>>> archive-type:
>>>>>>>> [echo] archive-type is war
>>>>>>>> build-appclient-ear:
>>>>>>>> archive-type:
>>>>>>>> [echo] archive-type is war
>>>>>>>> build-jar:
>>>>>>>> deploy:
>>>>>>>> setOSConditions:
>>>>>>>> deploy-v3-impl:
>>>>>>>> [echo] deploying sfulnoi.war
>>>>>>>> deploy-v3-impl-unix:
>>>>>>>> [exec] CLI001 Invalid Command: deploy
>>>>>>>> [exec] Command deploy failed.
>>>>>>>> [exec] Result: 1
>>>>>>>> deploy-v3-impl-windows:
>>>>>>>> build-deploy:
>>>>>>>> compile-tests:
>>>>>>>> [echo] compiling test client to ../../classes/test
>>>>>>>> [javac] Compiling 1 source file to /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/
>>>>>>>> code/ tests/quicklook/classes/test
>>>>>>>> build:
>>>>>>>> build-impl:
>>>>>>>> archive-type:
>>>>>>>> [echo] archive-type is war
>>>>>>>> build-war:
>>>>>>>> [echo] Now creating a war file ../../dist/bv/simple-bv-
>>>>>>>> servlet.war
>>>>>>>> [mkdir] Created dir: /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/
>>>>>>>> quicklook/ classes/bv/app
>>>>>>>> [mkdir] Created dir: /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/
>>>>>>>> quicklook/ dist/bv
>>>>>>>> [javac] Compiling 2 source files to /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/
>>>>>>>> code/ tests/quicklook/classes/bv/app
>>>>>>>> [mkdir] Created dir: /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/
>>>>>>>> quicklook/ classes/bv/app/META-INF
>>>>>>>> [copy] Warning: Could not find file /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/
>>>>>>>> code/ tests/quicklook/bean-validator/simple-bv-servlet/
>>>>>>>> metadata/ persistence.xml to copy.
>>>>>>>> [war] Building war: /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/
>>>>>>>> quicklook/dist/bv/simple-bv-servlet.war
>>>>>>>> [war] Warning: selected war files include a WEB-INF/
>>>>>>>> web.xml which will be ignored (please use webxml attribute
>>>>>>>> to war task)
>>>>>>>> archive-type:
>>>>>>>> [echo] archive-type is war
>>>>>>>> build-ear:
>>>>>>>> archive-type:
>>>>>>>> [echo] archive-type is war
>>>>>>>> build-appclient-ear:
>>>>>>>> archive-type:
>>>>>>>> [echo] archive-type is war
>>>>>>>> build-jar:
>>>>>>>> deploy:
>>>>>>>> setOSConditions:
>>>>>>>> deploy-v3-impl:
>>>>>>>> [echo] deploying simple-bv-servlet.war
>>>>>>>> deploy-v3-impl-unix:
>>>>>>>> [exec] CLI001 Invalid Command: deploy
>>>>>>>> [exec] Command deploy failed.
>>>>>>>> [exec] Result: 1
>>>>>>>> deploy-v3-impl-windows:
>>>>>>>> build-deploy:
>>>>>>>> build-deploy-gd:
>>>>>>>> [echo] Glassfish Distribution Build Deploy
>>>>>>>> build:
>>>>>>>> build-impl:
>>>>>>>> archive-type:
>>>>>>>> [echo] archive-type is jar
>>>>>>>> build-war:
>>>>>>>> archive-type:
>>>>>>>> [echo] archive-type is jar
>>>>>>>> build-ear:
>>>>>>>> archive-type:
>>>>>>>> [echo] archive-type is jar
>>>>>>>> build-appclient-ear:
>>>>>>>> archive-type:
>>>>>>>> [echo] archive-type is jar
>>>>>>>> build-jar:
>>>>>>>> [echo] Now creating a jar file ../../dist/EJB_remoteview/
>>>>>>>> remoteview.jar
>>>>>>>> [mkdir] Created dir: /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/
>>>>>>>> quicklook/ classes/EJB_remoteview/app
>>>>>>>> [mkdir] Created dir: /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/
>>>>>>>> quicklook/ dist/EJB_remoteview
>>>>>>>> [echo] Now compiling
>>>>>>>> [javac] Compiling 5 source files to /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/
>>>>>>>> code/ tests/quicklook/classes/EJB_remoteview/app
>>>>>>>> [echo] Now creating a war file ../../dist/EJB_remoteview/
>>>>>>>> remoteview.jar
>>>>>>>> [jar] Building jar: /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/
>>>>>>>> quicklook/dist/EJB_remoteview/remoteview.jar
>>>>>>>> compile-tests:
>>>>>>>> [echo] compiling test client to ../../classes/test
>>>>>>>> [javac] Compiling 1 source file to /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/
>>>>>>>> code/ tests/quicklook/classes/test
>>>>>>>> deploy:
>>>>>>>> setOSConditions:
>>>>>>>> deploy-v3-impl:
>>>>>>>> [echo] deploying remoteview.jar
>>>>>>>> deploy-v3-impl-unix:
>>>>>>>> [exec] CLI001 Invalid Command: deploy
>>>>>>>> [exec] Command deploy failed.
>>>>>>>> [exec] Result: 1
>>>>>>>> deploy-v3-impl-windows:
>>>>>>>> build-deploy:
>>>>>>>> compile-tests:
>>>>>>>> [echo] compiling test client to ../../classes/test
>>>>>>>> [javac] Compiling 1 source file to /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/
>>>>>>>> code/ tests/quicklook/classes/test
>>>>>>>> [javac] Note: /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/quicklook/
>>>>>>>> ejb/ singleton/src/test/ uses or
>>>>>>>> overrides a deprecated API.
>>>>>>>> [javac] Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details.
>>>>>>>> build:
>>>>>>>> build-impl:
>>>>>>>> archive-type:
>>>>>>>> [echo] archive-type is ear
>>>>>>>> build-war:
>>>>>>>> archive-type:
>>>>>>>> [echo] archive-type is ear
>>>>>>>> build-ear:
>>>>>>>> [mkdir] Created dir: /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/
>>>>>>>> quicklook/ classes/EJB_Singleton/app
>>>>>>>> [mkdir] Created dir: /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/
>>>>>>>> quicklook/ dist/EJB_Singleton
>>>>>>>> [javac] Compiling 4 source files to /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/
>>>>>>>> code/ tests/quicklook/classes/EJB_Singleton/app
>>>>>>>> [war] Building war: /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/
>>>>>>>> quicklook/dist/EJB_Singleton/singletonWeb.war
>>>>>>>> [war] Warning: selected war files include a WEB-INF/
>>>>>>>> web.xml which will be ignored (please use webxml attribute
>>>>>>>> to war task)
>>>>>>>> [mkdir] Created dir: /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/
>>>>>>>> quicklook/ classes/EJB_Singleton/app/META-INF
>>>>>>>> [copy] Warning: Could not find file /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/
>>>>>>>> code/ tests/quicklook/ejb/singleton/metadata/ejb-jar.xml to
>>>>>>>> copy.
>>>>>>>> [copy] Warning: Could not find file /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/
>>>>>>>> code/ tests/quicklook/ejb/singleton/metadata/sun-ejb-jar.xml
>>>>>>>> to copy.
>>>>>>>> [copy] Warning: Could not find file /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/
>>>>>>>> code/ tests/quicklook/ejb/singleton/metadata/sun-cmp-
>>>>>>>> mappings.xml to copy.
>>>>>>>> [copy] Warning: Could not find file /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/
>>>>>>>> code/ tests/quicklook/ejb/singleton/metadata/${dbschema} to
>>>>>>>> copy.
>>>>>>>> [jar] Building jar: /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/
>>>>>>>> quicklook/dist/EJB_Singleton/singletonEJB.jar
>>>>>>>> [ear] Building ear: /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/
>>>>>>>> quicklook/dist/EJB_Singleton/singleton.ear
>>>>>>>> [echo] Packaged Archive at ../../dist/EJB_Singleton/
>>>>>>>> singleton.ear
>>>>>>>> archive-type:
>>>>>>>> [echo] archive-type is ear
>>>>>>>> build-appclient-ear:
>>>>>>>> archive-type:
>>>>>>>> [echo] archive-type is ear
>>>>>>>> build-jar:
>>>>>>>> deploy:
>>>>>>>> setOSConditions:
>>>>>>>> deploy-v3-impl:
>>>>>>>> [echo] deploying singleton.ear
>>>>>>>> deploy-v3-impl-unix:
>>>>>>>> [exec] CLI001 Invalid Command: deploy
>>>>>>>> [exec] Command deploy failed.
>>>>>>>> [exec] Result: 1
>>>>>>>> deploy-v3-impl-windows:
>>>>>>>> redeploy:
>>>>>>>> setOSConditions:
>>>>>>>> re-deploy-v3:
>>>>>>>> [echo] deploying singleton.ear
>>>>>>>> re-deploy-v3-unix:
>>>>>>>> [exec] CLI001 Invalid Command: deploy
>>>>>>>> [exec] Command deploy failed.
>>>>>>>> [exec] Result: 1
>>>>>>>> re-deploy-v3-windows:
>>>>>>>> build-deploy:
>>>>>>>> compile-tests:
>>>>>>>> [echo] compiling test client to ../../classes/test
>>>>>>>> [javac] Compiling 1 source file to /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/
>>>>>>>> code/ tests/quicklook/classes/test
>>>>>>>> build:
>>>>>>>> build-impl:
>>>>>>>> archive-type:
>>>>>>>> [echo] archive-type is ear
>>>>>>>> build-war:
>>>>>>>> archive-type:
>>>>>>>> [echo] archive-type is ear
>>>>>>>> build-ear:
>>>>>>>> [mkdir] Created dir: /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/
>>>>>>>> quicklook/ classes/EJB_CMP/app
>>>>>>>> [mkdir] Created dir: /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/
>>>>>>>> quicklook/ dist/EJB_CMP
>>>>>>>> [javac] Compiling 17 source files to /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/
>>>>>>>> code/ tests/quicklook/classes/EJB_CMP/app
>>>>>>>> [javac] Note: Some input files use unchecked or unsafe
>>>>>>>> operations.
>>>>>>>> [javac] Note: Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details.
>>>>>>>> [war] Building war: /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/
>>>>>>>> quicklook/dist/EJB_CMP/RosterAppWeb.war
>>>>>>>> [war] Warning: selected war files include a WEB-INF/
>>>>>>>> web.xml which will be ignored (please use webxml attribute
>>>>>>>> to war task)
>>>>>>>> [mkdir] Created dir: /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/
>>>>>>>> quicklook/ classes/EJB_CMP/app/META-INF
>>>>>>>> [copy] Copying 1 file to /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/
>>>>>>>> tests/ quicklook/classes/EJB_CMP/app/META-INF
>>>>>>>> [copy] Copying 1 file to /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/
>>>>>>>> tests/ quicklook/classes/EJB_CMP/app/META-INF
>>>>>>>> [copy] Copying 1 file to /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/
>>>>>>>> tests/ quicklook/classes/EJB_CMP/app/META-INF
>>>>>>>> [copy] Copying 1 file to /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/
>>>>>>>> tests/ quicklook/classes/EJB_CMP/app
>>>>>>>> [jar] Building jar: /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/
>>>>>>>> quicklook/dist/EJB_CMP/RosterAppEJB.jar
>>>>>>>> [ear] Building ear: /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/
>>>>>>>> quicklook/dist/EJB_CMP/RosterApp.ear
>>>>>>>> [echo] Packaged Archive at ../../dist/EJB_CMP/RosterApp.ear
>>>>>>>> archive-type:
>>>>>>>> [echo] archive-type is ear
>>>>>>>> build-appclient-ear:
>>>>>>>> archive-type:
>>>>>>>> [echo] archive-type is ear
>>>>>>>> build-jar:
>>>>>>>> create-table:
>>>>>>>> initprop:
>>>>>>>> [echo] JavaDB Database Location : /v3/glassfishv3/glassfish/
>>>>>>>> javadb
>>>>>>>> sql-common:
>>>>>>>> [echo] sql.file = sql/RosterApp_derby.sql
>>>>>>>> [echo] db.class.path = /v3/glassfishv3/glassfish/javadb/
>>>>>>>> lib/ derbyclient.jar:/v3/glassfishv3/glassfish/../javadb/
>>>>>>>> lib/ derbyclient.jar
>>>>>>>> [sql] Executing file: /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/
>>>>>>>> quicklook/ejb/cmp/sql/RosterApp_derby.sql
>>>>>>>> 0 rows affected
>>>>>>>> 0 rows affected
>>>>>>>> 0 rows affected
>>>>>>>> 0 rows affected
>>>>>>>> 0 rows affected
>>>>>>>> 0 rows affected
>>>>>>>> 0 rows affected
>>>>>>>> 0 rows affected
>>>>>>>> [sql] 8 of 8 SQL statements executed successfully
>>>>>>>> deploy:
>>>>>>>> setOSConditions:
>>>>>>>> deploy-v3-impl:
>>>>>>>> [echo] deploying RosterApp.ear
>>>>>>>> deploy-v3-impl-unix:
>>>>>>>> [exec] CLI001 Invalid Command: deploy
>>>>>>>> [exec] Command deploy failed.
>>>>>>>> [exec] Result: 1
>>>>>>>> deploy-v3-impl-windows:
>>>>>>>> build-deploy:
>>>>>>>> build:
>>>>>>>> compile-util:
>>>>>>>> [javac] Compiling 2 source files to /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/
>>>>>>>> code/ tests/quicklook/classes/test
>>>>>>>> compile-tests:
>>>>>>>> [echo] compiling test client to ../../classes/test
>>>>>>>> [javac] Compiling 1 source file to /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/
>>>>>>>> code/ tests/quicklook/classes/test
>>>>>>>> build-impl:
>>>>>>>> archive-type:
>>>>>>>> [echo] archive-type is appclient_ear
>>>>>>>> build-war:
>>>>>>>> archive-type:
>>>>>>>> [echo] archive-type is appclient_ear
>>>>>>>> build-ear:
>>>>>>>> archive-type:
>>>>>>>> [echo] archive-type is appclient_ear
>>>>>>>> build-appclient-ear:
>>>>>>>> [mkdir] Created dir: /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/
>>>>>>>> quicklook/ classes/mdb/app
>>>>>>>> [mkdir] Created dir: /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/
>>>>>>>> quicklook/ dist/mdb
>>>>>>>> [javac] Compiling 6 source files to /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/
>>>>>>>> code/ tests/quicklook/classes/mdb/app
>>>>>>>> [mkdir] Created dir: /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/
>>>>>>>> quicklook/ classes/mdb/app/META-INF
>>>>>>>> [copy] Copying 1 file to /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/
>>>>>>>> tests/ quicklook/classes/mdb/app/META-INF
>>>>>>>> [jar] Building jar: /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/
>>>>>>>> quicklook/dist/mdb/ejb-ejb30-hello-mdb-client.jar
>>>>>>>> [delete] Deleting directory /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/
>>>>>>>> tests/ quicklook/classes/mdb/app/META-INF
>>>>>>>> [jar] Building jar: /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/
>>>>>>>> quicklook/dist/mdb/ejb-ejb30-hello-mdb-ejb.jar
>>>>>>>> [ear] Building ear: /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/
>>>>>>>> quicklook/dist/mdb/ejb-ejb30-hello-mdbApp.ear
>>>>>>>> [echo] Packaged Archive at ../../dist/mdb/ejb-ejb30-hello-
>>>>>>>> mdbApp.ear
>>>>>>>> archive-type:
>>>>>>>> [echo] archive-type is appclient_ear
>>>>>>>> build-jar:
>>>>>>>> declare-wsimport:
>>>>>>>> build-setup:
>>>>>>>> [echo] build-setup: build.home=../..
>>>>>>>> build-server-wsdl:
>>>>>>>> [wsimport] Consider using <depends>/<produces> so that
>>>>>>>> wsimport won't do unnecessary compilation
>>>>>>>> [wsimport] parsing WSDL...
>>>>>>>> [wsimport] generating code...
>>>>>>>> [wsimport] compiling code...
>>>>>>>> [javac] Compiling 1 source file to /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/
>>>>>>>> code/ tests/quicklook/classes/test
>>>>>>>> create-war:
>>>>>>>> [war] Building war: /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/
>>>>>>>> quicklook/wsit/JaxwsFromWsdl/JaxwsFromWsdl.war
>>>>>>>> [copy] Copying 1 file to /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/
>>>>>>>> tests/ quicklook/dist/wsit
>>>>>>>> deploy:
>>>>>>>> setOSConditions:
>>>>>>>> deploy-v3-impl:
>>>>>>>> [echo] deploying JaxwsFromWsdl.war
>>>>>>>> deploy-v3-impl-unix:
>>>>>>>> [exec] CLI001 Invalid Command: deploy
>>>>>>>> [exec] Command deploy failed.
>>>>>>>> [exec] Result: 1
>>>>>>>> deploy-v3-impl-windows:
>>>>>>>> server:
>>>>>>>> generate-client:
>>>>>>>> [wsimport] Consider using <depends>/<produces> so that
>>>>>>>> wsimport won't do unnecessary compilation
>>>>>>>> [wsimport] parsing WSDL...
>>>>>>>> [wsimport] [ERROR] http://localhost:8080/JaxwsFromWsdl/addnumbers?
>>>>>>>> wsdl is unreachable
>>>>>>>> [wsimport] Failed to parse the WSDL.
>>>>>>>> [wsimport] Command invoked: wsimport /System/Library/
>>>>>>>> Frameworks/ JavaVM.framework/Versions/1.6.0/Home/bin/java -
>>>>>>>> d /Volumes/Spare4/ work/ v3/code/tests/quicklook/classes/test
>>>>>>>> -Xendorsed -keep http://localhost:8080/JaxwsFromWsdl/addnumbers?wsdl
>>>>>>>> -b /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/quicklook/wsit/
>>>>>>>> JaxwsFromWsdl/ etc/custom-client.xml
>>>>>>>> wsimport failed
>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>> com
>>>>>>>> 55)
>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>> org
>>>>>>>> 275)
>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>> org
>>>>>>>> 1216)
>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>> org
>>>>>>>> .apache
>>>>>>>> .tools
>>>>>>>> .ant
>>>>>>>> .helper
>>>>>>>> .SingleCheckExecutor.executeTargets(
>>>>>>>> 37)
>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>> 1068)
>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>> org
>>>>>>>> 275)
>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>> org
>>>>>>>> 1216)
>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>> org
>>>>>>>> .apache
>>>>>>>> .tools
>>>>>>>> .ant
>>>>>>>> .helper
>>>>>>>> .SingleCheckExecutor.executeTargets(
>>>>>>>> 37)
>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>> 1068)
>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>> org
>>>>>>>> .apache
>>>>>>>> .tools.ant.taskdefs.CallTarget.execute( 107)
>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>> org
>>>>>>>> 275)
>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>> org
>>>>>>>> 1216)
>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>> org
>>>>>>>> .apache
>>>>>>>> .tools
>>>>>>>> .ant
>>>>>>>> .helper
>>>>>>>> .SingleCheckExecutor.executeTargets(
>>>>>>>> 37)
>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>> 1068)
>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>> org
>>>>>>>> 275)
>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>> org
>>>>>>>> 64)
>>>>>>>> at org.jvnet.maven.plugin.antrun.IfTask.execute(
>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>> org
>>>>>>>> 275)
>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>> org
>>>>>>>> .jvnet
>>>>>>>> .maven
>>>>>>>> .plugin
>>>>>>>> .antrun.AbstractAntMojo.executeTasks(
>>>>>>>> 117)
>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>> org
>>>>>>>> .jvnet
>>>>>>>> .maven.plugin.antrun.AntRunMojo.execute( 189)
>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>> org
>>>>>>>> .apache
>>>>>>>> .maven
>>>>>>>> .plugin
>>>>>>>> .DefaultPluginManager.executeMojo(
>>>>>>>> 451)
>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>> org
>>>>>>>> .apache
>>>>>>>> .maven
>>>>>>>> .lifecycle
>>>>>>>> .DefaultLifecycleExecutor
>>>>>>>> .executeGoals( 558)
>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>> org
>>>>>>>> .apache
>>>>>>>> .maven
>>>>>>>> .lifecycle
>>>>>>>> .DefaultLifecycleExecutor
>>>>>>>> .executeGoalWithLifecycle(
>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>> org
>>>>>>>> .apache
>>>>>>>> .maven
>>>>>>>> .lifecycle
>>>>>>>> .DefaultLifecycleExecutor
>>>>>>>> .executeGoal(
>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>> org
>>>>>>>> .apache
>>>>>>>> .maven
>>>>>>>> .lifecycle
>>>>>>>> .DefaultLifecycleExecutor
>>>>>>>> .executeGoalAndHandleFailures(
>>>>>>>> 330)
>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>> org
>>>>>>>> .apache
>>>>>>>> .maven
>>>>>>>> .lifecycle
>>>>>>>> .DefaultLifecycleExecutor
>>>>>>>> .executeTaskSegments(
>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>> org
>>>>>>>> .apache
>>>>>>>> .maven
>>>>>>>> .lifecycle
>>>>>>>> .DefaultLifecycleExecutor
>>>>>>>> .execute(
>>>>>>>> at org.apache.maven.DefaultMaven.doExecute(
>>>>>>>> 336)
>>>>>>>> at org.apache.maven.DefaultMaven.execute(
>>>>>>>> at org.apache.maven.cli.MavenCli.main(
>>>>>>>> at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>> sun
>>>>>>>> .reflect
>>>>>>>> .NativeMethodAccessorImpl
>>>>>>>> .invoke( 39)
>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>> sun
>>>>>>>> .reflect
>>>>>>>> .DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl
>>>>>>>> .invoke( 25)
>>>>>>>> at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>> org
>>>>>>>> .codehaus.classworlds.Launcher.launchEnhanced(
>>>>>>>> 315)
>>>>>>>> at org.codehaus.classworlds.Launcher.launch(
>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>> org
>>>>>>>> .codehaus
>>>>>>>> .classworlds.Launcher.mainWithExitCode( 430)
>>>>>>>> at org.codehaus.classworlds.Launcher.main(
>>>>>>>> build-client1:
>>>>>>>> [javac] Compiling 1 source file to /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/
>>>>>>>> code/ tests/quicklook/classes/test
>>>>>>>> [javac] /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/quicklook/wsit/
>>>>>>>> JaxwsFromWsdl/src/jaxwsfromwsdl/client/
>>>>>>>> 47: cannot find symbol
>>>>>>>> [javac] symbol : class AddNumbersPortType
>>>>>>>> [javac] location: class jaxwsfromwsdl.client.AddNumbersClient
>>>>>>>> [javac] AddNumbersPortType port = null;
>>>>>>>> [javac] ^
>>>>>>>> [javac] /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/quicklook/wsit/
>>>>>>>> JaxwsFromWsdl/src/jaxwsfromwsdl/client/
>>>>>>>> 50: cannot find symbol
>>>>>>>> [javac] symbol : class AddNumbersService
>>>>>>>> [javac] location: class jaxwsfromwsdl.client.AddNumbersClient
>>>>>>>> [javac] port = new
>>>>>>>> AddNumbersService().getAddNumbersPort ();
>>>>>>>> [javac] ^
>>>>>>>> [javac] /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/quicklook/wsit/
>>>>>>>> JaxwsFromWsdl/src/jaxwsfromwsdl/client/
>>>>>>>> 71: cannot find symbol
>>>>>>>> [javac] symbol : class AddNumbersPortType
>>>>>>>> [javac] location: class jaxwsfromwsdl.client.AddNumbersClient
>>>>>>>> [javac] AddNumbersPortType port = null;
>>>>>>>> [javac] ^
>>>>>>>> [javac] /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/quicklook/wsit/
>>>>>>>> JaxwsFromWsdl/src/jaxwsfromwsdl/client/
>>>>>>>> 74: cannot find symbol
>>>>>>>> [javac] symbol : class AddNumbersService
>>>>>>>> [javac] location: class jaxwsfromwsdl.client.AddNumbersClient
>>>>>>>> [javac] port = new
>>>>>>>> AddNumbersService().getAddNumbersPort ();
>>>>>>>> [javac] ^
>>>>>>>> [javac] /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/quicklook/wsit/
>>>>>>>> JaxwsFromWsdl/src/jaxwsfromwsdl/client/
>>>>>>>> 81: cannot find symbol
>>>>>>>> [javac] symbol : class AddNumbersFault_Exception
>>>>>>>> [javac] location: class jaxwsfromwsdl.client.AddNumbersClient
>>>>>>>> [javac] } catch (AddNumbersFault_Exception ex) {
>>>>>>>> [javac] ^
>>>>>>>> [javac] 5 errors
>>>>>>>> [javac] Compile failed; see the compiler error output for
>>>>>>>> details.
>>>>>>>> build-client2:
>>>>>>>> [javac] Compiling 1 source file to /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/
>>>>>>>> code/ tests/quicklook/classes/test
>>>>>>>> [javac] Note: /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/quicklook/
>>>>>>>> wsit/ JaxwsFromWsdl/src/test/jaxwsfromwsdl/client/
>>>>>>>> uses unchecked or unsafe operations.
>>>>>>>> [javac] Note: Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details.
>>>>>>>> client:
>>>>>>>> build-deploy:
>>>>>>>> compile-tests:
>>>>>>>> [echo] compiling test client to ../../classes/test
>>>>>>>> [javac] Compiling 1 source file to /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/
>>>>>>>> code/ tests/quicklook/classes/test
>>>>>>>> [javac] Note: /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/quicklook/
>>>>>>>> webbeans/numberguess/src/test/ uses or
>>>>>>>> overrides a deprecated API.
>>>>>>>> [javac] Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details.
>>>>>>>> build:
>>>>>>>> build-impl:
>>>>>>>> archive-type:
>>>>>>>> [echo] archive-type is war
>>>>>>>> build-war:
>>>>>>>> [echo] Now creating a war file ../../dist/webbeanstest/
>>>>>>>> numberguess.war
>>>>>>>> [mkdir] Created dir: /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/
>>>>>>>> quicklook/ classes/webbeanstest/app
>>>>>>>> [mkdir] Created dir: /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/
>>>>>>>> quicklook/ dist/webbeanstest
>>>>>>>> [javac] Compiling 4 source files to /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/
>>>>>>>> code/ tests/quicklook/classes/webbeanstest/app
>>>>>>>> [mkdir] Created dir: /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/
>>>>>>>> quicklook/ classes/webbeanstest/app/META-INF
>>>>>>>> [copy] Warning: Could not find file /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/
>>>>>>>> code/ tests/quicklook/webbeans/numberguess/metadata/
>>>>>>>> persistence.xml to copy.
>>>>>>>> [war] Building war: /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/
>>>>>>>> quicklook/dist/webbeanstest/numberguess.war
>>>>>>>> [war] Warning: selected war files include a WEB-INF/
>>>>>>>> web.xml which will be ignored (please use webxml attribute
>>>>>>>> to war task)
>>>>>>>> archive-type:
>>>>>>>> [echo] archive-type is war
>>>>>>>> build-ear:
>>>>>>>> archive-type:
>>>>>>>> [echo] archive-type is war
>>>>>>>> build-appclient-ear:
>>>>>>>> archive-type:
>>>>>>>> [echo] archive-type is war
>>>>>>>> build-jar:
>>>>>>>> deploy:
>>>>>>>> setOSConditions:
>>>>>>>> deploy-v3-impl:
>>>>>>>> [echo] deploying numberguess.war
>>>>>>>> deploy-v3-impl-unix:
>>>>>>>> [exec] CLI001 Invalid Command: deploy
>>>>>>>> [exec] Command deploy failed.
>>>>>>>> [exec] Result: 1
>>>>>>>> deploy-v3-impl-windows:
>>>>>>>> build-deploy:
>>>>>>>> initprops:
>>>>>>>> setOSConditions:
>>>>>>>> asenv-unix:
>>>>>>>> asenv-windows:
>>>>>>>> runtest:
>>>>>>>> [echo] =============Starting TestNG functional tests from
>>>>>>>> testng_gd.xml ============
>>>>>>>> [testng] [Parser] Running:
>>>>>>>> [testng] /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/quicklook/
>>>>>>>> testng_gd.xml
>>>>>>>> [testng] FAILED: createJDBCPool
>>>>>>>> [testng] java.lang.AssertionError: Create jdbc connection
>>>>>>>> pool failed ... expected:<true> but was:<false>
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> test
>>>>>>>> .admincli
>>>>>>>> .ExistStatusTests.createJDBCPool( 56)
>>>>>>>> [testng] ... Removed 26 stack frames
>>>>>>>> [testng] SKIPPED: pingJDBCPool
>>>>>>>> [testng] SKIPPED: deleteJDBCPool
>>>>>>>> [testng] ===============================================
>>>>>>>> [testng] admincli_restart
>>>>>>>> [testng] Tests run: 3, Failures: 1, Skips: 2
>>>>>>>> [testng] ===============================================
>>>>>>>> [testng] WARNING: skipping createProfilerTest() because of
>>>>>>>> HK2 problem with deleting profiler
>>>>>>>> [testng] SKIPPING test for String[] parameters due to HK2 bug
>>>>>>>> #8923
>>>>>>>> [testng] CHANGE COUNT: 4
>>>>>>>> [testng] PASSED: bootAMX
>>>>>>>> [testng] Core AMX tests
>>>>>>>> [testng] PASSED: iterateAllSanityCheck
>>>>>>>> [testng] PASSED: createChildTest
>>>>>>>> [testng] PASSED: testConfigTools
>>>>>>>> [testng] PASSED: createProfilerTest
>>>>>>>> [testng] PASSED: testAMXConfigAttributeResolver
>>>>>>>> [testng] PASSED: testAMXConfigDefaultValues
>>>>>>>> [testng] PASSED: testForBogusConfigAnnotations
>>>>>>>> [testng] PASSED: testCreateProperties
>>>>>>>> [testng] PASSED: testCreateResource
>>>>>>>> [testng] PASSED: testCreateProperty
>>>>>>>> [testng] PASSED: testAMXComplianceMonitorFailureCount
>>>>>>>> [testng] PASSED: testConnectorRuntimeAPIProvider
>>>>>>>> [testng] PASSED: testMonitoringRoot
>>>>>>>> [testng] PASSED: testDomainConfig
>>>>>>>> [testng] PASSED: testBulkAccess
>>>>>>>> [testng] PASSED: testExt
>>>>>>>> [testng] PASSED: testPropertyParent
>>>>>>>> [testng] PASSED: testTools
>>>>>>>> [testng] PASSED: testPathnames
>>>>>>>> [testng] PASSED: testSystemStatus
>>>>>>>> [testng] PASSED: testResources
>>>>>>>> [testng] PASSED: testApplications
>>>>>>>> [testng] PASSED: testChildGetterVariants
>>>>>>>> [testng] PASSED: testAllGenerically
>>>>>>>> [testng] PASSED: testRuntimeRoot
>>>>>>>> [testng] PASSED: testQuery
>>>>>>>> [testng] PASSED: testJ2EEDomain
>>>>>>>> [testng] PASSED: testSingletonOrNot
>>>>>>>> [testng] PASSED: testDomainRoot
>>>>>>>> [testng] PASSED: testSystemApplications
>>>>>>>> [testng] PASSED: testSystemInfo
>>>>>>>> [testng] PASSED: testConfigs
>>>>>>>> [testng] PASSED: testSystemPropertyParent
>>>>>>>> [testng] PASSED: testServerRuntime
>>>>>>>> [testng] PASSED: testLogging
>>>>>>>> [testng] PASSED: testServers
>>>>>>>> [testng] PASSED: testForBogusAnnotations
>>>>>>>> [testng] PASSED: testAutoConvert
>>>>>>>> [testng] ===============================================
>>>>>>>> [testng] amx_tests
>>>>>>>> [testng] Tests run: 39, Failures: 0, Skips: 0
>>>>>>>> [testng] ===============================================
>>>>>>>> [testng] Aug 11, 2009 9:13:28 AM
>>>>>>>> org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpMethodDirector
>>>>>>>> isRedirectNeeded
>>>>>>>> [testng] INFO: Redirect requested but followRedirects is
>>>>>>>> disabled
>>>>>>>> [testng] PASSED: testDeployedAppPage
>>>>>>>> [testng] PASSED: testCommonTasks
>>>>>>>> [testng] PASSED: testHelpPage
>>>>>>>> [testng] PASSED: testRealmsList
>>>>>>>> [testng] ===============================================
>>>>>>>> [testng] adminconsole_tests
>>>>>>>> [testng] Tests run: 4, Failures: 0, Skips: 0
>>>>>>>> [testng] ===============================================
>>>>>>>> [testng] http://localhost:8080/hellojsp/first.html
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native
>>>>>>>> Method)
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> sun
>>>>>>>> .reflect
>>>>>>>> .NativeConstructorAccessorImpl
>>>>>>>> .newInstance(
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> sun
>>>>>>>> .reflect
>>>>>>>> .DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl
>>>>>>>> .newInstance(
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> $
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> Method)
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> (
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> (
>>>>>>>> [testng] at test .web.jsp.hello.HelloJSPTestNG.staticHTMLPageTest
>>>>>>>> ( 159)
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> sun
>>>>>>>> .reflect
>>>>>>>> .NativeMethodAccessorImpl
>>>>>>>> .invoke( 39)
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> sun
>>>>>>>> .reflect
>>>>>>>> .DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl
>>>>>>>> .invoke( 25)
>>>>>>>> [testng] at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
>>>>>>>> 597)
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> org
>>>>>>>> .testng.internal.MethodHelper.invokeMethod(
>>>>>>>> 604)
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> org.testng.internal.Invoker.invokeMethod( 470)
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> org.testng.internal.Invoker.invokeTestMethod(
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> org.testng.internal.Invoker.invokeTestMethods(
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> org
>>>>>>>> .testng
>>>>>>>> .internal
>>>>>>>> .TestMethodWorker.invokeTestMethods( 125)
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> org
>>>>>>>> 109)
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> org.testng.TestRunner.runWorkers( 678)
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> org.testng.TestRunner.privateRun( 624)
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> org.testng.SuiteRunner.runTest( 300)
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> org.testng.SuiteRunner.runSequentially(
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> org.testng.SuiteRunner.privateRun(
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> 190)
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> org.testng.TestNG.createAndRunSuiteRunners(
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> org.testng.TestNG.runSuitesLocally(
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> [testng] at org.testng.TestNG.privateMain(
>>>>>>>> [testng] at org.testng.TestNG.main(
>>>>>>>> [testng] Caused by: http://localhost:8080/hellojsp/first.html
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> (
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> java
>>>>>>>> .net
>>>>>>>> .HttpURLConnection.getResponseCode( 373)
>>>>>>>> [testng] at test .web.jsp.hello.HelloJSPTestNG.staticHTMLPageTest
>>>>>>>> ( 155)
>>>>>>>> [testng] ... 22 more
>>>>>>>> [testng] http://localhost:8080/hellojsp/simpleservlet
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native
>>>>>>>> Method)
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> sun
>>>>>>>> .reflect
>>>>>>>> .NativeConstructorAccessorImpl
>>>>>>>> .newInstance(
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> sun
>>>>>>>> .reflect
>>>>>>>> .DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl
>>>>>>>> .newInstance(
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> $
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> Method)
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> (
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> (
>>>>>>>> [testng] at test .web.jsp.hello.HelloJSPTestNG.simpleServletTest
>>>>>>>> (
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> sun
>>>>>>>> .reflect
>>>>>>>> .NativeMethodAccessorImpl
>>>>>>>> .invoke( 39)
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> sun
>>>>>>>> .reflect
>>>>>>>> .DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl
>>>>>>>> .invoke( 25)
>>>>>>>> [testng] at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
>>>>>>>> 597)
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> org
>>>>>>>> .testng.internal.MethodHelper.invokeMethod(
>>>>>>>> 604)
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> org.testng.internal.Invoker.invokeMethod( 470)
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> org.testng.internal.Invoker.invokeTestMethod(
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> org.testng.internal.Invoker.invokeTestMethods(
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> org
>>>>>>>> .testng
>>>>>>>> .internal
>>>>>>>> .TestMethodWorker.invokeTestMethods( 125)
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> org
>>>>>>>> 109)
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> org.testng.TestRunner.runWorkers( 678)
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> org.testng.TestRunner.privateRun( 624)
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> org.testng.SuiteRunner.runTest( 300)
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> org.testng.SuiteRunner.runSequentially(
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> org.testng.SuiteRunner.privateRun(
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> 190)
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> org.testng.TestNG.createAndRunSuiteRunners(
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> org.testng.TestNG.runSuitesLocally(
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> [testng] at org.testng.TestNG.privateMain(
>>>>>>>> [testng] at org.testng.TestNG.main(
>>>>>>>> [testng] Caused by: http://localhost:8080/hellojsp/simpleservlet
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> (
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> java
>>>>>>>> .net
>>>>>>>> .HttpURLConnection.getResponseCode( 373)
>>>>>>>> [testng] at test .web.jsp.hello.HelloJSPTestNG.simpleServletTest
>>>>>>>> (
>>>>>>>> [testng] ... 22 more
>>>>>>>> [testng] http://localhost:8080/hellojsp/hello.jsp
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native
>>>>>>>> Method)
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> sun
>>>>>>>> .reflect
>>>>>>>> .NativeConstructorAccessorImpl
>>>>>>>> .newInstance(
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> sun
>>>>>>>> .reflect
>>>>>>>> .DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl
>>>>>>>> .newInstance(
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> $
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> Method)
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> (
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> (
>>>>>>>> [testng] at test .web.jsp.hello.HelloJSPTestNG.simpleJSPTestPage
>>>>>>>> (
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> sun
>>>>>>>> .reflect
>>>>>>>> .NativeMethodAccessorImpl
>>>>>>>> .invoke( 39)
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> sun
>>>>>>>> .reflect
>>>>>>>> .DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl
>>>>>>>> .invoke( 25)
>>>>>>>> [testng] at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
>>>>>>>> 597)
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> org
>>>>>>>> .testng.internal.MethodHelper.invokeMethod(
>>>>>>>> 604)
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> org.testng.internal.Invoker.invokeMethod( 470)
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> org.testng.internal.Invoker.invokeTestMethod(
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> org.testng.internal.Invoker.invokeTestMethods(
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> org
>>>>>>>> .testng
>>>>>>>> .internal
>>>>>>>> .TestMethodWorker.invokeTestMethods( 125)
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> org
>>>>>>>> 109)
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> org.testng.TestRunner.runWorkers( 678)
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> org.testng.TestRunner.privateRun( 624)
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> org.testng.SuiteRunner.runTest( 300)
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> org.testng.SuiteRunner.runSequentially(
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> org.testng.SuiteRunner.privateRun(
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> 190)
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> org.testng.TestNG.createAndRunSuiteRunners(
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> org.testng.TestNG.runSuitesLocally(
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> [testng] at org.testng.TestNG.privateMain(
>>>>>>>> [testng] at org.testng.TestNG.main(
>>>>>>>> [testng] Caused by: http://localhost:8080/hellojsp/hello.jsp
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> (
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> java
>>>>>>>> .net
>>>>>>>> .HttpURLConnection.getResponseCode( 373)
>>>>>>>> [testng] at test .web.jsp.hello.HelloJSPTestNG.simpleJSPTestPage
>>>>>>>> (
>>>>>>>> [testng] ... 22 more
>>>>>>>> [testng] PASSED: testServerRunning
>>>>>>>> [testng] FAILED: staticHTMLPageTest
>>>>>>>> [testng] java.lang.Exception: http://localhost:8080/hellojsp/first.html
>>>>>>>> [testng] at test .web.jsp.hello.HelloJSPTestNG.staticHTMLPageTest
>>>>>>>> ( 179)
>>>>>>>> [testng] Caused by: http://localhost:8080/hellojsp/first.html
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> $
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> Method)
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> (
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> (
>>>>>>>> [testng] at test .web.jsp.hello.HelloJSPTestNG.staticHTMLPageTest
>>>>>>>> ( 159)
>>>>>>>> [testng] ... 22 more
>>>>>>>> [testng] Caused by: http://localhost:8080/hellojsp/first.html
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> (
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> java
>>>>>>>> .net
>>>>>>>> .HttpURLConnection.getResponseCode( 373)
>>>>>>>> [testng] at test .web.jsp.hello.HelloJSPTestNG.staticHTMLPageTest
>>>>>>>> ( 155)
>>>>>>>> [testng] ... 22 more
>>>>>>>> [testng] ... Removed 26 stack frames
>>>>>>>> [testng] FAILED: simpleServletTest
>>>>>>>> [testng] java.lang.Exception: http://localhost:8080/hellojsp/simpleservlet
>>>>>>>> [testng] at test .web.jsp.hello.HelloJSPTestNG.simpleServletTest
>>>>>>>> (
>>>>>>>> [testng] Caused by: http://localhost:8080/hellojsp/simpleservlet
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> $
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> Method)
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> (
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> (
>>>>>>>> [testng] at test .web.jsp.hello.HelloJSPTestNG.simpleServletTest
>>>>>>>> (
>>>>>>>> [testng] ... 22 more
>>>>>>>> [testng] Caused by: http://localhost:8080/hellojsp/simpleservlet
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> (
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> java
>>>>>>>> .net
>>>>>>>> .HttpURLConnection.getResponseCode( 373)
>>>>>>>> [testng] at test .web.jsp.hello.HelloJSPTestNG.simpleServletTest
>>>>>>>> (
>>>>>>>> [testng] ... 22 more
>>>>>>>> [testng] ... Removed 26 stack frames
>>>>>>>> [testng] FAILED: simpleJSPTestPage
>>>>>>>> [testng] java.lang.Exception: http://localhost:8080/hellojsp/hello.jsp
>>>>>>>> [testng] at test .web.jsp.hello.HelloJSPTestNG.simpleJSPTestPage
>>>>>>>> (
>>>>>>>> [testng] Caused by: http://localhost:8080/hellojsp/hello.jsp
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> $
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> Method)
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> (
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> (
>>>>>>>> [testng] at test .web.jsp.hello.HelloJSPTestNG.simpleJSPTestPage
>>>>>>>> (
>>>>>>>> [testng] ... 22 more
>>>>>>>> [testng] Caused by: http://localhost:8080/hellojsp/hello.jsp
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> (
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> java
>>>>>>>> .net
>>>>>>>> .HttpURLConnection.getResponseCode( 373)
>>>>>>>> [testng] at test .web.jsp.hello.HelloJSPTestNG.simpleJSPTestPage
>>>>>>>> (
>>>>>>>> [testng] ... 22 more
>>>>>>>> [testng] ... Removed 26 stack frames
>>>>>>>> [testng] ===============================================
>>>>>>>> [testng] web_jspservlet_war
>>>>>>>> [testng] Tests run: 4, Failures: 3, Skips: 0
>>>>>>>> [testng] ===============================================
>>>>>>>> [testng] http://localhost:8080/jsfastrologer/index.jsp
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native
>>>>>>>> Method)
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> sun
>>>>>>>> .reflect
>>>>>>>> .NativeConstructorAccessorImpl
>>>>>>>> .newInstance(
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> sun
>>>>>>>> .reflect
>>>>>>>> .DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl
>>>>>>>> .newInstance(
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> $
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> Method)
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> (
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> (
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> test
>>>>>>>> .jsf
>>>>>>>> .astrologer
>>>>>>>> .JSFWebTestNG.jsfIndexPageBasicTest( 142)
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> sun
>>>>>>>> .reflect
>>>>>>>> .NativeMethodAccessorImpl
>>>>>>>> .invoke( 39)
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> sun
>>>>>>>> .reflect
>>>>>>>> .DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl
>>>>>>>> .invoke( 25)
>>>>>>>> [testng] at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
>>>>>>>> 597)
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> org
>>>>>>>> .testng.internal.MethodHelper.invokeMethod(
>>>>>>>> 604)
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> org.testng.internal.Invoker.invokeMethod( 470)
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> org.testng.internal.Invoker.invokeTestMethod(
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> org.testng.internal.Invoker.invokeTestMethods(
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> org
>>>>>>>> .testng
>>>>>>>> .internal
>>>>>>>> .TestMethodWorker.invokeTestMethods( 125)
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> org
>>>>>>>> 109)
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> org.testng.TestRunner.runWorkers( 678)
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> org.testng.TestRunner.privateRun( 624)
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> org.testng.SuiteRunner.runTest( 300)
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> org.testng.SuiteRunner.runSequentially(
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> org.testng.SuiteRunner.privateRun(
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> 190)
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> org.testng.TestNG.createAndRunSuiteRunners(
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> org.testng.TestNG.runSuitesLocally(
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> [testng] at org.testng.TestNG.privateMain(
>>>>>>>> [testng] at org.testng.TestNG.main(
>>>>>>>> [testng] Caused by: http://localhost:8080/jsfastrologer/index.jsp
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> (
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> java
>>>>>>>> .net
>>>>>>>> .HttpURLConnection.getResponseCode( 373)
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> test
>>>>>>>> .jsf
>>>>>>>> .astrologer
>>>>>>>> .JSFWebTestNG.jsfIndexPageBasicTest( 139)
>>>>>>>> [testng] ... 22 more
>>>>>>>> [testng] http://localhost:8080/jsfastrologer/faces/greetings.jsp
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native
>>>>>>>> Method)
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> sun
>>>>>>>> .reflect
>>>>>>>> .NativeConstructorAccessorImpl
>>>>>>>> .newInstance(
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> sun
>>>>>>>> .reflect
>>>>>>>> .DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl
>>>>>>>> .newInstance(
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> $
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> Method)
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> (
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> (
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> test
>>>>>>>> .jsf
>>>>>>>> .astrologer
>>>>>>>> .JSFWebTestNG.jsfAppDeployedFirstPagetest(
>>>>>>>> 100)
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> sun
>>>>>>>> .reflect
>>>>>>>> .NativeMethodAccessorImpl
>>>>>>>> .invoke( 39)
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> sun
>>>>>>>> .reflect
>>>>>>>> .DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl
>>>>>>>> .invoke( 25)
>>>>>>>> [testng] at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
>>>>>>>> 597)
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> org
>>>>>>>> .testng.internal.MethodHelper.invokeMethod(
>>>>>>>> 604)
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> org.testng.internal.Invoker.invokeMethod( 470)
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> org.testng.internal.Invoker.invokeTestMethod(
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> org.testng.internal.Invoker.invokeTestMethods(
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> org
>>>>>>>> .testng
>>>>>>>> .internal
>>>>>>>> .TestMethodWorker.invokeTestMethods( 125)
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> org
>>>>>>>> 109)
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> org.testng.TestRunner.runWorkers( 678)
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> org.testng.TestRunner.privateRun( 624)
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> org.testng.SuiteRunner.runTest( 300)
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> org.testng.SuiteRunner.runSequentially(
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> org.testng.SuiteRunner.privateRun(
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> 190)
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> org.testng.TestNG.createAndRunSuiteRunners(
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> org.testng.TestNG.runSuitesLocally(
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> [testng] at org.testng.TestNG.privateMain(
>>>>>>>> [testng] at org.testng.TestNG.main(
>>>>>>>> [testng] Caused by: http://localhost:8080/jsfastrologer/faces/greetings.jsp
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> (
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> java
>>>>>>>> .net
>>>>>>>> .HttpURLConnection.getResponseCode( 373)
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> test
>>>>>>>> .jsf
>>>>>>>> .astrologer
>>>>>>>> .JSFWebTestNG.jsfAppDeployedFirstPagetest(
>>>>>>>> 97)
>>>>>>>> [testng] ... 22 more
>>>>>>>> [testng] FAILED: jsfIndexPageBasicTest
>>>>>>>> [testng] java.lang.Exception: http://localhost:8080/jsfastrologer/index.jsp
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> test
>>>>>>>> .jsf
>>>>>>>> .astrologer
>>>>>>>> .JSFWebTestNG.jsfIndexPageBasicTest( 161)
>>>>>>>> [testng] Caused by: http://localhost:8080/jsfastrologer/index.jsp
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> $
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> Method)
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> (
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> (
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> test
>>>>>>>> .jsf
>>>>>>>> .astrologer
>>>>>>>> .JSFWebTestNG.jsfIndexPageBasicTest( 142)
>>>>>>>> [testng] ... 22 more
>>>>>>>> [testng] Caused by: http://localhost:8080/jsfastrologer/index.jsp
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> (
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> java
>>>>>>>> .net
>>>>>>>> .HttpURLConnection.getResponseCode( 373)
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> test
>>>>>>>> .jsf
>>>>>>>> .astrologer
>>>>>>>> .JSFWebTestNG.jsfIndexPageBasicTest( 139)
>>>>>>>> [testng] ... 22 more
>>>>>>>> [testng] ... Removed 26 stack frames
>>>>>>>> [testng] FAILED: jsfAppDeployedFirstPagetest
>>>>>>>> [testng] java.lang.Exception: http://localhost:8080/jsfastrologer/faces/greetings.jsp
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> test
>>>>>>>> .jsf
>>>>>>>> .astrologer
>>>>>>>> .JSFWebTestNG.jsfAppDeployedFirstPagetest(
>>>>>>>> 120)
>>>>>>>> [testng] Caused by: http://localhost:8080/jsfastrologer/faces/greetings.jsp
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> $
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> Method)
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> (
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> (
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> test
>>>>>>>> .jsf
>>>>>>>> .astrologer
>>>>>>>> .JSFWebTestNG.jsfAppDeployedFirstPagetest(
>>>>>>>> 100)
>>>>>>>> [testng] ... 22 more
>>>>>>>> [testng] Caused by: http://localhost:8080/jsfastrologer/faces/greetings.jsp
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> (
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> java
>>>>>>>> .net
>>>>>>>> .HttpURLConnection.getResponseCode( 373)
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> test
>>>>>>>> .jsf
>>>>>>>> .astrologer
>>>>>>>> .JSFWebTestNG.jsfAppDeployedFirstPagetest(
>>>>>>>> 97)
>>>>>>>> [testng] ... 22 more
>>>>>>>> [testng] ... Removed 26 stack frames
>>>>>>>> [testng] ===============================================
>>>>>>>> [testng] jsf_hello_world
>>>>>>>> [testng] Tests run: 2, Failures: 2, Skips: 0
>>>>>>>> [testng] ===============================================
>>>>>>>> [testng] ERROR: caught exception!
>>>>>>>> [testng] http://localhost:8080/jsfinjection/jsfHello.jsf
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native
>>>>>>>> Method)
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> sun
>>>>>>>> .reflect
>>>>>>>> .NativeConstructorAccessorImpl
>>>>>>>> .newInstance(
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> sun
>>>>>>>> .reflect
>>>>>>>> .DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl
>>>>>>>> .newInstance(
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> $
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> Method)
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> (
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> (
>>>>>>>> [testng] at test.web.jsfinjection.JSFInjectionTestNG.injectedValuesTestPage
>>>>>>>> (
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> sun
>>>>>>>> .reflect
>>>>>>>> .NativeMethodAccessorImpl
>>>>>>>> .invoke( 39)
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> sun
>>>>>>>> .reflect
>>>>>>>> .DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl
>>>>>>>> .invoke( 25)
>>>>>>>> [testng] at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
>>>>>>>> 597)
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> org
>>>>>>>> .testng.internal.MethodHelper.invokeMethod(
>>>>>>>> 604)
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> org.testng.internal.Invoker.invokeMethod( 470)
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> org.testng.internal.Invoker.invokeTestMethod(
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> org.testng.internal.Invoker.invokeTestMethods(
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> org
>>>>>>>> .testng
>>>>>>>> .internal
>>>>>>>> .TestMethodWorker.invokeTestMethods( 125)
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> org
>>>>>>>> 109)
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> org.testng.TestRunner.runWorkers( 678)
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> org.testng.TestRunner.privateRun( 624)
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> org.testng.SuiteRunner.runTest( 300)
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> org.testng.SuiteRunner.runSequentially(
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> org.testng.SuiteRunner.privateRun(
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> 190)
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> org.testng.TestNG.createAndRunSuiteRunners(
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> org.testng.TestNG.runSuitesLocally(
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> [testng] at org.testng.TestNG.privateMain(
>>>>>>>> [testng] at org.testng.TestNG.main(
>>>>>>>> [testng] Caused by: http://localhost:8080/jsfinjection/jsfHello.jsf
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> (
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> java
>>>>>>>> .net
>>>>>>>> .HttpURLConnection.getResponseCode( 373)
>>>>>>>> [testng] at test.web.jsfinjection.JSFInjectionTestNG.injectedValuesTestPage
>>>>>>>> (
>>>>>>>> [testng] ... 22 more
>>>>>>>> [testng] FAILED: injectedValuesTestPage
>>>>>>>> [testng] java.lang.Exception: http://localhost:8080/jsfinjection/jsfHello.jsf
>>>>>>>> [testng] at test.web.jsfinjection.JSFInjectionTestNG.injectedValuesTestPage
>>>>>>>> (
>>>>>>>> [testng] Caused by: http://localhost:8080/jsfinjection/jsfHello.jsf
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> $
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> Method)
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> (
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> (
>>>>>>>> [testng] at test.web.jsfinjection.JSFInjectionTestNG.injectedValuesTestPage
>>>>>>>> (
>>>>>>>> [testng] ... 22 more
>>>>>>>> [testng] Caused by: http://localhost:8080/jsfinjection/jsfHello.jsf
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> (
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> java
>>>>>>>> .net
>>>>>>>> .HttpURLConnection.getResponseCode( 373)
>>>>>>>> [testng] at test.web.jsfinjection.JSFInjectionTestNG.injectedValuesTestPage
>>>>>>>> (
>>>>>>>> [testng] ... 22 more
>>>>>>>> [testng] ... Removed 26 stack frames
>>>>>>>> [testng] ===============================================
>>>>>>>> [testng] jsf_injection
>>>>>>>> [testng] Tests run: 1, Failures: 1, Skips: 0
>>>>>>>> [testng] ===============================================
>>>>>>>> [testng] http://localhost:8080/jdbcusertx/MyServlet?testcase=noleak
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native
>>>>>>>> Method)
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> sun
>>>>>>>> .reflect
>>>>>>>> .NativeConstructorAccessorImpl
>>>>>>>> .newInstance(
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> sun
>>>>>>>> .reflect
>>>>>>>> .DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl
>>>>>>>> .newInstance(
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> $
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> Method)
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> (
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> (
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> test
>>>>>>>> .jdbc
>>>>>>>> .jdbcusertx
>>>>>>>> .JdbcUserTxTestNG.testNoLeak( 124)
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> sun
>>>>>>>> .reflect
>>>>>>>> .NativeMethodAccessorImpl
>>>>>>>> .invoke( 39)
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> sun
>>>>>>>> .reflect
>>>>>>>> .DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl
>>>>>>>> .invoke( 25)
>>>>>>>> [testng] at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
>>>>>>>> 597)
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> org
>>>>>>>> .testng.internal.MethodHelper.invokeMethod(
>>>>>>>> 604)
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> org.testng.internal.Invoker.invokeMethod( 470)
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> org.testng.internal.Invoker.invokeTestMethod(
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> org.testng.internal.Invoker.invokeTestMethods(
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> org
>>>>>>>> .testng
>>>>>>>> .internal
>>>>>>>> .TestMethodWorker.invokeTestMethods( 125)
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> org
>>>>>>>> 109)
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> org.testng.TestRunner.runWorkers( 678)
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> org.testng.TestRunner.privateRun( 624)
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> org.testng.SuiteRunner.runTest( 300)
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> org.testng.SuiteRunner.runSequentially(
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> org.testng.SuiteRunner.privateRun(
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> 190)
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> org.testng.TestNG.createAndRunSuiteRunners(
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> org.testng.TestNG.runSuitesLocally(
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> [testng] at org.testng.TestNG.privateMain(
>>>>>>>> [testng] at org.testng.TestNG.main(
>>>>>>>> [testng] Caused by: http://localhost:8080/jdbcusertx/MyServlet?testcase=noleak
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> (
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> java
>>>>>>>> .net
>>>>>>>> .HttpURLConnection.getResponseCode( 373)
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> test
>>>>>>>> .jdbc
>>>>>>>> .jdbcusertx
>>>>>>>> .JdbcUserTxTestNG.testNoLeak( 122)
>>>>>>>> [testng] ... 22 more
>>>>>>>> [testng] http://localhost:8080/jdbcusertx/MyServlet?testcase=usertx
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native
>>>>>>>> Method)
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> sun
>>>>>>>> .reflect
>>>>>>>> .NativeConstructorAccessorImpl
>>>>>>>> .newInstance(
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> sun
>>>>>>>> .reflect
>>>>>>>> .DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl
>>>>>>>> .newInstance(
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> $
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> Method)
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> (
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> (
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> test
>>>>>>>> .jdbc
>>>>>>>> .jdbcusertx
>>>>>>>> .JdbcUserTxTestNG.testUserTx( 83)
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> sun
>>>>>>>> .reflect
>>>>>>>> .NativeMethodAccessorImpl
>>>>>>>> .invoke( 39)
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> sun
>>>>>>>> .reflect
>>>>>>>> .DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl
>>>>>>>> .invoke( 25)
>>>>>>>> [testng] at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
>>>>>>>> 597)
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> org
>>>>>>>> .testng.internal.MethodHelper.invokeMethod(
>>>>>>>> 604)
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> org.testng.internal.Invoker.invokeMethod( 470)
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> org.testng.internal.Invoker.invokeTestMethod(
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> org.testng.internal.Invoker.invokeTestMethods(
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> org
>>>>>>>> .testng
>>>>>>>> .internal
>>>>>>>> .TestMethodWorker.invokeTestMethods( 125)
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> org
>>>>>>>> 109)
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> org.testng.TestRunner.runWorkers( 678)
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> org.testng.TestRunner.privateRun( 624)
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> org.testng.SuiteRunner.runTest( 300)
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> org.testng.SuiteRunner.runSequentially(
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> org.testng.SuiteRunner.privateRun(
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> 190)
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> org.testng.TestNG.createAndRunSuiteRunners(
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> org.testng.TestNG.runSuitesLocally(
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> [testng] at org.testng.TestNG.privateMain(
>>>>>>>> [testng] at org.testng.TestNG.main(
>>>>>>>> [testng] Caused by: http://localhost:8080/jdbcusertx/MyServlet?testcase=usertx
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> (
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> java
>>>>>>>> .net
>>>>>>>> .HttpURLConnection.getResponseCode( 373)
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> test
>>>>>>>> .jdbc
>>>>>>>> .jdbcusertx
>>>>>>>> .JdbcUserTxTestNG.testUserTx( 81)
>>>>>>>> [testng] ... 22 more
>>>>>>>> [testng] FAILED: testNoLeak
>>>>>>>> [testng] java.lang.Exception: http://localhost:8080/jdbcusertx/MyServlet?testcase=noleak
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> test
>>>>>>>> .jdbc
>>>>>>>> .jdbcusertx
>>>>>>>> .JdbcUserTxTestNG.testNoLeak( 145)
>>>>>>>> [testng] Caused by: http://localhost:8080/jdbcusertx/MyServlet?testcase=noleak
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> $
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> Method)
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> (
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> (
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> test
>>>>>>>> .jdbc
>>>>>>>> .jdbcusertx
>>>>>>>> .JdbcUserTxTestNG.testNoLeak( 124)
>>>>>>>> [testng] ... 22 more
>>>>>>>> [testng] Caused by: http://localhost:8080/jdbcusertx/MyServlet?testcase=noleak
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> (
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> java
>>>>>>>> .net
>>>>>>>> .HttpURLConnection.getResponseCode( 373)
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> test
>>>>>>>> .jdbc
>>>>>>>> .jdbcusertx
>>>>>>>> .JdbcUserTxTestNG.testNoLeak( 122)
>>>>>>>> [testng] ... 22 more
>>>>>>>> [testng] ... Removed 26 stack frames
>>>>>>>> [testng] FAILED: testUserTx
>>>>>>>> [testng] java.lang.Exception: http://localhost:8080/jdbcusertx/MyServlet?testcase=usertx
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> test
>>>>>>>> .jdbc
>>>>>>>> .jdbcusertx
>>>>>>>> .JdbcUserTxTestNG.testUserTx( 106)
>>>>>>>> [testng] Caused by: http://localhost:8080/jdbcusertx/MyServlet?testcase=usertx
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> $
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> Method)
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> (
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> (
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> test
>>>>>>>> .jdbc
>>>>>>>> .jdbcusertx
>>>>>>>> .JdbcUserTxTestNG.testUserTx( 83)
>>>>>>>> [testng] ... 22 more
>>>>>>>> [testng] Caused by: http://localhost:8080/jdbcusertx/MyServlet?testcase=usertx
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> (
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> java
>>>>>>>> .net
>>>>>>>> .HttpURLConnection.getResponseCode( 373)
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> test
>>>>>>>> .jdbc
>>>>>>>> .jdbcusertx
>>>>>>>> .JdbcUserTxTestNG.testUserTx( 81)
>>>>>>>> [testng] ... 22 more
>>>>>>>> [testng] ... Removed 26 stack frames
>>>>>>>> [testng] ===============================================
>>>>>>>> [testng] jdbc_user_tx
>>>>>>>> [testng] Tests run: 2, Failures: 2, Skips: 0
>>>>>>>> [testng] ===============================================
>>>>>>>> [testng] Unexpected return code: 404
>>>>>>>> [testng] FAILED: testJpaPersistWithInjectEMF
>>>>>>>> [testng] java.lang.AssertionError: Unexpected Results
>>>>>>>> expected:<true> but was:<false>
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> test
>>>>>>>> .jpa
>>>>>>>> .jpainjectemf
>>>>>>>> .JpaInjectEMFTestNG
>>>>>>>> .testJpaPersistWithInjectEMF(
>>>>>>>> [testng] ... Removed 26 stack frames
>>>>>>>> [testng] SKIPPED: testJpaLazyLoadingByQuery
>>>>>>>> [testng] ===============================================
>>>>>>>> [testng] jpa_inject_emf
>>>>>>>> [testng] Tests run: 2, Failures: 1, Skips: 1
>>>>>>>> [testng] ===============================================
>>>>>>>> [testng] ERROR: Anonymous Client access was Allowed,
>>>>>>>> security- constraint not Enforced correctly
>>>>>>>> [testng] ERROR: Anonymous Client access was Allowed,
>>>>>>>> security- constraint not Enforced correctly
>>>>>>>> [testng] ERROR: Anonymous Client access was Allowed,
>>>>>>>> security- constraint not Enforced correctly
>>>>>>>> [testng] FAILED: staticHTMLPageTest
>>>>>>>> [testng] java.lang.AssertionError: Anonymous Client acess
>>>>>>>> was Allowed, security-constraint not Enforced
>>>>>>>> expected:<true> but was:<false>
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> test
>>>>>>>> .security
>>>>>>>> .hellojsp
>>>>>>>> .HelloSecurityTestNG
>>>>>>>> .staticHTMLPageTest( 172)
>>>>>>>> [testng] ... Removed 26 stack frames
>>>>>>>> [testng] FAILED: simpleServletTest
>>>>>>>> [testng] java.lang.AssertionError: Anonymous Client acess
>>>>>>>> was Allowed, security-constraint not Enforced
>>>>>>>> expected:<true> but was:<false>
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> test
>>>>>>>> .security
>>>>>>>> .hellojsp
>>>>>>>> .HelloSecurityTestNG
>>>>>>>> .simpleServletTest(
>>>>>>>> [testng] ... Removed 26 stack frames
>>>>>>>> [testng] FAILED: simpleJSPTestPage
>>>>>>>> [testng] java.lang.AssertionError: Anonymous Client acess
>>>>>>>> was Allowed, security-constraint not Enforced
>>>>>>>> expected:<true> but was:<false>
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> test
>>>>>>>> .security
>>>>>>>> .hellojsp
>>>>>>>> .HelloSecurityTestNG
>>>>>>>> .simpleJSPTestPage(
>>>>>>>> [testng] ... Removed 26 stack frames
>>>>>>>> [testng] ===============================================
>>>>>>>> [testng] security_hello_jsp
>>>>>>>> [testng] Tests run: 3, Failures: 3, Skips: 0
>>>>>>>> [testng] ===============================================
>>>>>>>> [testng] String not found: RESULT: principal: testuser42
>>>>>>>> [testng] String not found: HTTP/1.1 401
>>>>>>>> [testng] String not found: RESULT: principal: testuser3
>>>>>>>> [testng] String not found: HTTP/1.1 403
>>>>>>>> [testng] FAILED: testAuthGroupMappedUser
>>>>>>>> [testng] java.lang.AssertionError: BASIC auth: Group mapped
>>>>>>>> user, testuser42 expected:<false> but was:<true>
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> test
>>>>>>>> .security
>>>>>>>> .basicauth
>>>>>>>> .BasicAuthTestNG
>>>>>>>> .testAuthGroupMappedUser(
>>>>>>>> [testng] ... Removed 25 stack frames
>>>>>>>> [testng] FAILED: testAuthNotValidPassword
>>>>>>>> [testng] java.lang.AssertionError: BASIC auth: Valid user
>>>>>>>> and invalid password expected:<false> but was:<true>
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> test
>>>>>>>> .security
>>>>>>>> .basicauth
>>>>>>>> .BasicAuthTestNG
>>>>>>>> .testAuthNotValidPassword(
>>>>>>>> [testng] ... Removed 25 stack frames
>>>>>>>> [testng] FAILED: testAuthRoleMappedUser
>>>>>>>> [testng] java.lang.AssertionError: BASIC auth: Role Mapped
>>>>>>>> User, testuser3 expected:<false> but was:<true>
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> test
>>>>>>>> .security
>>>>>>>> .basicauth
>>>>>>>> .BasicAuthTestNG
>>>>>>>> .testAuthRoleMappedUser( 88)
>>>>>>>> [testng] ... Removed 25 stack frames
>>>>>>>> [testng] FAILED: testAuthNotAuthorizedUser
>>>>>>>> [testng] java.lang.AssertionError: BASIC auth: Not
>>>>>>>> authorized user, testuser42 expected:<false> but was:<true>
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> test
>>>>>>>> .security
>>>>>>>> .basicauth
>>>>>>>> .BasicAuthTestNG
>>>>>>>> .testAuthNotAuthorizedUser(
>>>>>>>> [testng] ... Removed 25 stack frames
>>>>>>>> [testng] ===============================================
>>>>>>>> [testng] security_hello_basicauth
>>>>>>>> [testng] Tests run: 4, Failures: 4, Skips: 0
>>>>>>>> [testng] ===============================================
>>>>>>>> [testng] Aug 11, 2009 9:13:33 AM
>>>>>>>> com
>>>>>>>> .sun
>>>>>>>> .enterprise.transaction.JavaEETransactionManagerSimplified
>>>>>>>> initDelegates
>>>>>>>> [testng] INFO: Using
>>>>>>>> com
>>>>>>>> .sun
>>>>>>>> .enterprise
>>>>>>>> .transaction.jts.JavaEETransactionManagerJTSDelegate as the
>>>>>>>> delegate
>>>>>>>> [testng] FAILED: helloRemote
>>>>>>>> [testng] javax.naming.NamingException: Lookup failed for
>>>>>>>> 'java:global/remoteview/HelloBean!remoteview.HelloHome' in
>>>>>>>> SerialContext
>>>>>>>> ,orb'sInitialHost=localhost,orb'sInitialPort=3700 [Root
>>>>>>>> exception is javax.naming.NamingException: Unable to
>>>>>>>> acquire SerialContextProvider for
>>>>>>>> SerialContext
>>>>>>>> ,orb'sInitialHost=localhost,orb'sInitialPort=3700 [Root
>>>>>>>> exception is org.omg.CORBA.COMM_FAILURE: vmcid: SUN minor
>>>>>>>> code: 201 completed: No]]
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> com
>>>>>>>> .sun
>>>>>>>> .enterprise
>>>>>>>> .naming.impl.SerialContext.lookup( 439)
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> javax.naming.InitialContext.lookup(
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> test
>>>>>>>> .ejb
>>>>>>>> .remoteview
>>>>>>>> .RemoteViewTestNG.helloRemote( 18)
>>>>>>>> [testng] Caused by: javax.naming.NamingException: Unable to
>>>>>>>> acquire SerialContextProvider for
>>>>>>>> SerialContext
>>>>>>>> ,orb'sInitialHost=localhost,orb'sInitialPort=3700 [Root
>>>>>>>> exception is org.omg.CORBA.COMM_FAILURE: vmcid: SUN minor
>>>>>>>> code: 201 completed: No]
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> com
>>>>>>>> .sun
>>>>>>>> .enterprise
>>>>>>>> .naming.impl.SerialContext.getProvider(
>>>>>>>> 273)
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> com
>>>>>>>> .sun
>>>>>>>> .enterprise
>>>>>>>> .naming.impl.SerialContext.lookup( 427)
>>>>>>>> [testng] ... 24 more
>>>>>>>> [testng] Caused by: org.omg.CORBA.COMM_FAILURE: vmcid:
>>>>>>>> SUN minor code: 201 completed: No
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> com
>>>>>>>> .sun
>>>>>>>> .corba
>>>>>>>> .ee
>>>>>>>> .impl
>>>>>>>> .logging
>>>>>>>> .ORBUtilSystemException
>>>>>>>> .connectFailure( 2747)
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> com
>>>>>>>> .sun
>>>>>>>> .corba
>>>>>>>> .ee
>>>>>>>> .impl
>>>>>>>> .logging
>>>>>>>> .ORBUtilSystemException
>>>>>>>> .connectFailure( 2768)
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> com
>>>>>>>> .sun
>>>>>>>> .corba
>>>>>>>> .ee
>>>>>>>> .impl
>>>>>>>> .transport
>>>>>>>> .SocketOrChannelConnectionImpl
>>>>>>>> .<init>(
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> com
>>>>>>>> .sun
>>>>>>>> .corba
>>>>>>>> .ee
>>>>>>>> .impl
>>>>>>>> .transport
>>>>>>>> .SocketOrChannelConnectionImpl
>>>>>>>> .<init>(
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> com
>>>>>>>> .sun
>>>>>>>> .corba
>>>>>>>> .ee
>>>>>>>> .impl
>>>>>>>> .transport
>>>>>>>> .SocketOrChannelContactInfoImpl
>>>>>>>> .createConnection(
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> com
>>>>>>>> .sun
>>>>>>>> .corba
>>>>>>>> .ee
>>>>>>>> .impl
>>>>>>>> .protocol
>>>>>>>> .CorbaClientRequestDispatcherImpl
>>>>>>>> .beginRequest(
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> com
>>>>>>>> .sun
>>>>>>>> .corba
>>>>>>>> .ee
>>>>>>>> .impl
>>>>>>>> .protocol
>>>>>>>> .CorbaClientDelegateImpl
>>>>>>>> .request( 181)
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> com
>>>>>>>> .sun
>>>>>>>> .corba
>>>>>>>> .ee
>>>>>>>> .impl
>>>>>>>> .protocol
>>>>>>>> .CorbaClientDelegateImpl.is_a(
>>>>>>>> 325)
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> org.omg.CORBA.portable.ObjectImpl._is_a(
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> org
>>>>>>>> .omg
>>>>>>>> .CosNaming
>>>>>>>> .NamingContextHelper.narrow( 69)
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> com
>>>>>>>> .sun
>>>>>>>> .enterprise
>>>>>>>> .naming
>>>>>>>> .impl.SerialContext.narrowProvider(
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> com
>>>>>>>> .sun
>>>>>>>> .enterprise
>>>>>>>> .naming
>>>>>>>> .impl.SerialContext.getRemoteProvider(
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> com
>>>>>>>> .sun
>>>>>>>> .enterprise
>>>>>>>> .naming.impl.SerialContext.getProvider(
>>>>>>>> 269)
>>>>>>>> [testng] ... 25 more
>>>>>>>> [testng] Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException:
>>>>>>>> Connection refused
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> org
>>>>>>>> .glassfish
>>>>>>>> .enterprise
>>>>>>>> .iiop
>>>>>>>> .impl
>>>>>>>> .IIOPSSLSocketFactory
>>>>>>>> .createSocket( 340)
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> com
>>>>>>>> .sun
>>>>>>>> .corba
>>>>>>>> .ee
>>>>>>>> .impl
>>>>>>>> .transport
>>>>>>>> .SocketOrChannelConnectionImpl
>>>>>>>> .<init>(
>>>>>>>> [testng] ... 35 more
>>>>>>>> [testng] Caused by: Connection
>>>>>>>> refused
>>>>>>>> [testng] at Method)
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> 507)
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> com
>>>>>>>> .sun
>>>>>>>> .corba
>>>>>>>> .ee
>>>>>>>> .impl.orbutil.ORBUtility.openSocketChannel(
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> org
>>>>>>>> .glassfish
>>>>>>>> .enterprise
>>>>>>>> .iiop
>>>>>>>> .impl
>>>>>>>> .IIOPSSLSocketFactory
>>>>>>>> .createSocket( 325)
>>>>>>>> [testng] ... 36 more
>>>>>>>> [testng] ... Removed 22 stack frames
>>>>>>>> [testng] Unexpected return code: 404
>>>>>>>> [testng] SKIPPED: nonPortableGlobal
>>>>>>>> [testng] SKIPPED: portableGlobal
>>>>>>>> [testng] ===============================================
>>>>>>>> [testng] ejb_remoteview
>>>>>>>> [testng] Tests run: 3, Failures: 1, Skips: 2
>>>>>>>> [testng] ===============================================
>>>>>>>> [testng] FAILED: singletonStartup
>>>>>>>> [testng] java.lang.AssertionError: Unexpected Results
>>>>>>>> expected:<true> but was:<false>
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> test
>>>>>>>> .ejb
>>>>>>>> .singleton
>>>>>>>> .SingletonTestNG.singletonStartup(
>>>>>>>> [testng] ... Removed 26 stack frames
>>>>>>>> [testng] SKIPPED: singletonInjectLookup
>>>>>>>> [testng] ===============================================
>>>>>>>> [testng] ejb_singleton_ear_redeploy
>>>>>>>> [testng] Tests run: 2, Failures: 1, Skips: 1
>>>>>>>> [testng] ===============================================
>>>>>>>> [testng] Unexpected return code: 404
>>>>>>>> [testng] Unexpected return code: 404
>>>>>>>> [testng] FAILED: SetName
>>>>>>>> [testng] java.lang.AssertionError: Unexpected Results
>>>>>>>> expected:<true> but was:<false>
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> test.ejb.sfulnoi.SfulnoiTestNG.SetName(
>>>>>>>> [testng] ... Removed 26 stack frames
>>>>>>>> [testng] FAILED: EJBInject
>>>>>>>> [testng] java.lang.AssertionError: Unexpected Results
>>>>>>>> expected:<true> but was:<false>
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> test
>>>>>>>> .ejb.slsbnicmt.SlsbnicmtTestNG.EJBInject(
>>>>>>>> 60)
>>>>>>>> [testng] ... Removed 26 stack frames
>>>>>>>> [testng] SKIPPED: GetName
>>>>>>>> [testng] SKIPPED: JpaPersist
>>>>>>>> [testng] SKIPPED: JpaRemove
>>>>>>>> [testng] SKIPPED: JpaVerify
>>>>>>>> [testng] ===============================================
>>>>>>>> [testng] ejb_stateful_cmt_ni_war
>>>>>>>> [testng] Tests run: 6, Failures: 2, Skips: 4
>>>>>>>> [testng] ===============================================
>>>>>>>> [testng] http://localhost:8080/roster/Roster
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> sun
>>>>>>>> .reflect.GeneratedConstructorAccessor23.newInstance(Unknown
>>>>>>>> Source)
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> sun
>>>>>>>> .reflect
>>>>>>>> .DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl
>>>>>>>> .newInstance(
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> $
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> Method)
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> (
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> (
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> test.CmpRosterTestNG.test(
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> sun
>>>>>>>> .reflect
>>>>>>>> .NativeMethodAccessorImpl
>>>>>>>> .invoke( 39)
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> sun
>>>>>>>> .reflect
>>>>>>>> .DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl
>>>>>>>> .invoke( 25)
>>>>>>>> [testng] at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
>>>>>>>> 597)
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> org
>>>>>>>> .testng.internal.MethodHelper.invokeMethod(
>>>>>>>> 604)
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> org.testng.internal.Invoker.invokeMethod( 470)
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> org.testng.internal.Invoker.invokeTestMethod(
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> org.testng.internal.Invoker.invokeTestMethods(
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> org
>>>>>>>> .testng
>>>>>>>> .internal
>>>>>>>> .TestMethodWorker.invokeTestMethods( 125)
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> org
>>>>>>>> 109)
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> org.testng.TestRunner.runWorkers( 678)
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> org.testng.TestRunner.privateRun( 624)
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> org.testng.SuiteRunner.runTest( 300)
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> org.testng.SuiteRunner.runSequentially(
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> org.testng.SuiteRunner.privateRun(
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> 190)
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> org.testng.TestNG.createAndRunSuiteRunners(
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> org.testng.TestNG.runSuitesLocally(
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> [testng] at org.testng.TestNG.privateMain(
>>>>>>>> [testng] at org.testng.TestNG.main(
>>>>>>>> [testng] Caused by: http://localhost:8080/roster/Roster
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> (
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> java
>>>>>>>> .net
>>>>>>>> .HttpURLConnection.getResponseCode( 373)
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> test.CmpRosterTestNG.test(
>>>>>>>> [testng] ... 22 more
>>>>>>>> [testng] FAILED: test
>>>>>>>> [testng] java.lang.Exception: http://localhost:8080/roster/Roster
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> test.CmpRosterTestNG.test(
>>>>>>>> [testng] Caused by: http://localhost:8080/roster/Roster
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> $
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> Method)
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> (
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> (
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> test.CmpRosterTestNG.test(
>>>>>>>> [testng] ... 22 more
>>>>>>>> [testng] Caused by: http://localhost:8080/roster/Roster
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> (
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> java
>>>>>>>> .net
>>>>>>>> .HttpURLConnection.getResponseCode( 373)
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> test.CmpRosterTestNG.test(
>>>>>>>> [testng] ... 22 more
>>>>>>>> [testng] ... Removed 25 stack frames
>>>>>>>> [testng] ===============================================
>>>>>>>> [testng] ejb_cmp_ear
>>>>>>>> [testng] Tests run: 1, Failures: 1, Skips: 0
>>>>>>>> [testng] ===============================================
>>>>>>>> [testng] FAILED: createJMSRscTest("ejb/mdb/
>>>>>>>> create_resources.asadmin")
>>>>>>>> [testng] java.lang.AssertionError: Create jdbc connection
>>>>>>>> pool failed ... expected:<true> but was:<false>
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> test.mdb.MDBTests.createJMSRscTest( 58)
>>>>>>>> [testng] ... Removed 26 stack frames
>>>>>>>> [testng] SKIPPED: deployJMSAppTest
>>>>>>>> [testng] SKIPPED: runJMSAppTest
>>>>>>>> [testng] SKIPPED: undeployJMSAppTest
>>>>>>>> [testng] SKIPPED: deleteJMSRscTest
>>>>>>>> [testng] ===============================================
>>>>>>>> [testng] MDB_tests
>>>>>>>> [testng] Tests run: 5, Failures: 1, Skips: 4
>>>>>>>> [testng] ===============================================
>>>>>>>> [testng] http://localhost:8080/simple-bv-servlet/test
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> sun
>>>>>>>> .reflect.GeneratedConstructorAccessor23.newInstance(Unknown
>>>>>>>> Source)
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> sun
>>>>>>>> .reflect
>>>>>>>> .DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl
>>>>>>>> .newInstance(
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> $
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> Method)
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> (
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> (
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> test
>>>>>>>> .bv
>>>>>>>> .servlet
>>>>>>>> .simple
>>>>>>>> .SimpleBVServletTestNG
>>>>>>>> .executeServlet(
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> sun
>>>>>>>> .reflect
>>>>>>>> .NativeMethodAccessorImpl
>>>>>>>> .invoke( 39)
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> sun
>>>>>>>> .reflect
>>>>>>>> .DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl
>>>>>>>> .invoke( 25)
>>>>>>>> [testng] at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
>>>>>>>> 597)
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> org
>>>>>>>> .testng.internal.MethodHelper.invokeMethod(
>>>>>>>> 604)
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> org.testng.internal.Invoker.invokeMethod( 470)
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> org.testng.internal.Invoker.invokeTestMethod(
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> org.testng.internal.Invoker.invokeTestMethods(
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> org
>>>>>>>> .testng
>>>>>>>> .internal
>>>>>>>> .TestMethodWorker.invokeTestMethods( 125)
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> org
>>>>>>>> 109)
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> org.testng.TestRunner.runWorkers( 678)
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> org.testng.TestRunner.privateRun( 624)
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> org.testng.SuiteRunner.runTest( 300)
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> org.testng.SuiteRunner.runSequentially(
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> org.testng.SuiteRunner.privateRun(
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> 190)
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> org.testng.TestNG.createAndRunSuiteRunners(
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> org.testng.TestNG.runSuitesLocally(
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> [testng] at org.testng.TestNG.privateMain(
>>>>>>>> [testng] at org.testng.TestNG.main(
>>>>>>>> [testng] Caused by: http://localhost:8080/simple-bv-servlet/test
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> (
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> java
>>>>>>>> .net
>>>>>>>> .HttpURLConnection.getResponseCode( 373)
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> test
>>>>>>>> .bv
>>>>>>>> .servlet
>>>>>>>> .simple
>>>>>>>> .SimpleBVServletTestNG
>>>>>>>> .executeServlet(
>>>>>>>> [testng] ... 22 more
>>>>>>>> [testng] FAILED: executeServlet
>>>>>>>> [testng] java.lang.Exception: http://localhost:8080/simple-bv-servlet/test
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> test
>>>>>>>> .bv
>>>>>>>> .servlet
>>>>>>>> .simple
>>>>>>>> .SimpleBVServletTestNG
>>>>>>>> .executeServlet( 129)
>>>>>>>> [testng] Caused by: http://localhost:8080/simple-bv-servlet/test
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> $
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> Method)
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> (
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> (
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> test
>>>>>>>> .bv
>>>>>>>> .servlet
>>>>>>>> .simple
>>>>>>>> .SimpleBVServletTestNG
>>>>>>>> .executeServlet(
>>>>>>>> [testng] ... 22 more
>>>>>>>> [testng] Caused by: http://localhost:8080/simple-bv-servlet/test
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> (
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> java
>>>>>>>> .net
>>>>>>>> .HttpURLConnection.getResponseCode( 373)
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> test
>>>>>>>> .bv
>>>>>>>> .servlet
>>>>>>>> .simple
>>>>>>>> .SimpleBVServletTestNG
>>>>>>>> .executeServlet(
>>>>>>>> [testng] ... 22 more
>>>>>>>> [testng] ... Removed 25 stack frames
>>>>>>>> [testng] ===============================================
>>>>>>>> [testng] bv_servlet_simple
>>>>>>>> [testng] Tests run: 1, Failures: 1, Skips: 0
>>>>>>>> [testng] ===============================================
>>>>>>>> [testng] http://localhost:8080/numberguess/home.jsf
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> sun
>>>>>>>> .reflect.GeneratedConstructorAccessor23.newInstance(Unknown
>>>>>>>> Source)
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> sun
>>>>>>>> .reflect
>>>>>>>> .DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl
>>>>>>>> .newInstance(
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> $
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> Method)
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> (
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> (
>>>>>>>> [testng] at test.web.numberguess.NumberGuessTestNG.appDeployedFirstPagetest
>>>>>>>> (
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> sun
>>>>>>>> .reflect
>>>>>>>> .NativeMethodAccessorImpl
>>>>>>>> .invoke( 39)
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> sun
>>>>>>>> .reflect
>>>>>>>> .DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl
>>>>>>>> .invoke( 25)
>>>>>>>> [testng] at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
>>>>>>>> 597)
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> org
>>>>>>>> .testng.internal.MethodHelper.invokeMethod(
>>>>>>>> 604)
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> org.testng.internal.Invoker.invokeMethod( 470)
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> org.testng.internal.Invoker.invokeTestMethod(
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> org.testng.internal.Invoker.invokeTestMethods(
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> org
>>>>>>>> .testng
>>>>>>>> .internal
>>>>>>>> .TestMethodWorker.invokeTestMethods( 125)
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> org
>>>>>>>> 109)
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> org.testng.TestRunner.runWorkers( 678)
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> org.testng.TestRunner.privateRun( 624)
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> org.testng.SuiteRunner.runTest( 300)
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> org.testng.SuiteRunner.runSequentially(
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> org.testng.SuiteRunner.privateRun(
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> 190)
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> org.testng.TestNG.createAndRunSuiteRunners(
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> org.testng.TestNG.runSuitesLocally(
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> [testng] at org.testng.TestNG.privateMain(
>>>>>>>> [testng] at org.testng.TestNG.main(
>>>>>>>> [testng] Caused by: http://localhost:8080/numberguess/home.jsf
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> (
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> java
>>>>>>>> .net
>>>>>>>> .HttpURLConnection.getResponseCode( 373)
>>>>>>>> [testng] at test.web.numberguess.NumberGuessTestNG.appDeployedFirstPagetest
>>>>>>>> (
>>>>>>>> [testng] ... 22 more
>>>>>>>> [testng] FAILED: appDeployedFirstPagetest
>>>>>>>> [testng] java.lang.Exception: http://localhost:8080/numberguess/home.jsf
>>>>>>>> [testng] at test.web.numberguess.NumberGuessTestNG.appDeployedFirstPagetest
>>>>>>>> (
>>>>>>>> [testng] Caused by: http://localhost:8080/numberguess/home.jsf
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> $
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> Method)
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> (
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> (
>>>>>>>> [testng] at test.web.numberguess.NumberGuessTestNG.appDeployedFirstPagetest
>>>>>>>> (
>>>>>>>> [testng] ... 22 more
>>>>>>>> [testng] Caused by: http://localhost:8080/numberguess/home.jsf
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> (
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> java
>>>>>>>> .net
>>>>>>>> .HttpURLConnection.getResponseCode( 373)
>>>>>>>> [testng] at test.web.numberguess.NumberGuessTestNG.appDeployedFirstPagetest
>>>>>>>> (
>>>>>>>> [testng] ... 22 more
>>>>>>>> [testng] ... Removed 25 stack frames
>>>>>>>> [testng] ===============================================
>>>>>>>> [testng] webbeans_numberguess
>>>>>>>> [testng] Tests run: 1, Failures: 1, Skips: 0
>>>>>>>> [testng] ===============================================
>>>>>>>> [testng] PASSED: createListener
>>>>>>>> [testng] PASSED: createPool
>>>>>>>> [testng] PASSED: createJoe
>>>>>>>> [testng] PASSED: ensureCreatedJoeExists
>>>>>>>> [testng] PASSED: deleteJoe
>>>>>>>> [testng] PASSED: ensureCreatedListenerExists
>>>>>>>> [testng] PASSED: deleteListener
>>>>>>>> [testng] PASSED: ensureDeletedListenerDoesNotExist
>>>>>>>> [testng] PASSED: pingPool
>>>>>>>> [testng] PASSED: deletedJoeDoesNotExist
>>>>>>>> [testng] PASSED: ensureCreatedPoolExists
>>>>>>>> [testng] PASSED: deletePool
>>>>>>>> [testng] PASSED: deletedPoolDoesNotExist
>>>>>>>> [testng] ===============================================
>>>>>>>> [testng] asadmin_tests
>>>>>>>> [testng] Tests run: 13, Failures: 0, Skips: 0
>>>>>>>> [testng] ===============================================
>>>>>>>> [testng] Got ex, class is not loaded.
>>>>>>>> [testng] FAILED CONFIGURATION: @BeforeTest loadClass
>>>>>>>> [testng] java.lang.Exception:
>>>>>>>> java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:
>>>>>>>> jaxwsfromwsdl.client.AddNumbersClient
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> jaxwsfromwsdl.client.JaxwsFromWsdlTestNG.loadClass(Unknown
>>>>>>>> Source)
>>>>>>>> [testng] Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:
>>>>>>>> jaxwsfromwsdl.client.AddNumbersClient
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> $ 200)
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> Method)
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> 188)
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass( 319)
>>>>>>>> [testng] at sun.misc.Launcher
>>>>>>>> $AppClassLoader.loadClass(
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass( 254)
>>>>>>>> [testng] at
>>>>>>>> java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClassInternal(
>>>>>>>> [testng] at java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method)
>>>>>>>> [testng] at java.lang.Class.forName(
>>>>>>>> [testng] ... 20 more
>>>>>>>> [testng] ... Removed 19 stack frames
>>>>>>>> [testng] SKIPPED: testAddNumbers_JaxwsFromWsdl
>>>>>>>> [testng] SKIPPED: testAddNumbersException_JaxwsFromWsdl
>>>>>>>> [testng] ===============================================
>>>>>>>> [testng] wsit_jaxws_tests
>>>>>>>> [testng] Tests run: 2, Failures: 0, Skips: 2
>>>>>>>> [testng] Configuration Failures: 1, Skips: 0
>>>>>>>> [testng] ===============================================
>>>>>>>> [testng] ===============================================
>>>>>>>> [testng] QuickLookTests
>>>>>>>> [testng] Total tests run: 98, Failures: 25, Skips: 16
>>>>>>>> [testng] Configuration Failures: 1, Skips: 0
>>>>>>>> [testng] ===============================================
>>>>>>>> undeploy:
>>>>>>>> undeploy:
>>>>>>>> setOSConditions:
>>>>>>>> undeploy-v3-impl:
>>>>>>>> [echo] ./hellojsp
>>>>>>>> undeploy-v3-impl-unix:
>>>>>>>> [exec] CLI001 Invalid Command: undeploy
>>>>>>>> [exec] Command undeploy failed.
>>>>>>>> [exec] Result: 1
>>>>>>>> undeploy-v3-impl-windows:
>>>>>>>> undeploy:
>>>>>>>> setOSConditions:
>>>>>>>> undeploy-v3-impl:
>>>>>>>> [echo] ./jsfastrologer
>>>>>>>> undeploy-v3-impl-unix:
>>>>>>>> [exec] CLI001 Invalid Command: undeploy
>>>>>>>> [exec] Command undeploy failed.
>>>>>>>> [exec] Result: 1
>>>>>>>> undeploy-v3-impl-windows:
>>>>>>>> undeploy:
>>>>>>>> setOSConditions:
>>>>>>>> undeploy-v3-impl:
>>>>>>>> [echo] ./jsfinjection
>>>>>>>> undeploy-v3-impl-unix:
>>>>>>>> [exec] CLI001 Invalid Command: undeploy
>>>>>>>> [exec] Command undeploy failed.
>>>>>>>> [exec] Result: 1
>>>>>>>> undeploy-v3-impl-windows:
>>>>>>>> undeploy:
>>>>>>>> setOSConditions:
>>>>>>>> undeploy-v3-impl:
>>>>>>>> [echo] ./jdbcusertx
>>>>>>>> undeploy-v3-impl-unix:
>>>>>>>> [exec] CLI001 Invalid Command: undeploy
>>>>>>>> [exec] Command undeploy failed.
>>>>>>>> [exec] Result: 1
>>>>>>>> undeploy-v3-impl-windows:
>>>>>>>> undeploy:
>>>>>>>> setOSConditions:
>>>>>>>> undeploy-v3-impl:
>>>>>>>> [echo] ./jpainjectemf
>>>>>>>> undeploy-v3-impl-unix:
>>>>>>>> [exec] CLI001 Invalid Command: undeploy
>>>>>>>> [exec] Command undeploy failed.
>>>>>>>> [exec] Result: 1
>>>>>>>> undeploy-v3-impl-windows:
>>>>>>>> undeploy:
>>>>>>>> setOSConditions:
>>>>>>>> undeploy-v3-impl:
>>>>>>>> [echo] ./hellojspsecure
>>>>>>>> undeploy-v3-impl-unix:
>>>>>>>> [exec] CLI001 Invalid Command: undeploy
>>>>>>>> [exec] Command undeploy failed.
>>>>>>>> [exec] Result: 1
>>>>>>>> undeploy-v3-impl-windows:
>>>>>>>> undeploy:
>>>>>>>> setOSConditions:
>>>>>>>> undeploy-v3-impl:
>>>>>>>> [echo] ./basicauth
>>>>>>>> undeploy-v3-impl-unix:
>>>>>>>> [exec] CLI001 Invalid Command: undeploy
>>>>>>>> [exec] Command undeploy failed.
>>>>>>>> [exec] Result: 1
>>>>>>>> undeploy-v3-impl-windows:
>>>>>>>> unsetup:
>>>>>>>> setOSConditions:
>>>>>>>> delete-user-common-v3-impl:
>>>>>>>> delete-user-common-v3-impl-unix:
>>>>>>>> [exec] CLI001 Invalid Command: delete-file-user
>>>>>>>> [exec] Result: 1
>>>>>>>> delete-user-common-v3-impl-windows:
>>>>>>>> setOSConditions:
>>>>>>>> delete-user-common-v3-impl:
>>>>>>>> delete-user-common-v3-impl-unix:
>>>>>>>> [exec] CLI001 Invalid Command: delete-file-user
>>>>>>>> [exec] Result: 1
>>>>>>>> delete-user-common-v3-impl-windows:
>>>>>>>> setOSConditions:
>>>>>>>> delete-user-common-v3-impl:
>>>>>>>> delete-user-common-v3-impl-unix:
>>>>>>>> [exec] CLI001 Invalid Command: delete-file-user
>>>>>>>> [exec] Result: 1
>>>>>>>> delete-user-common-v3-impl-windows:
>>>>>>>> undeploy:
>>>>>>>> setOSConditions:
>>>>>>>> undeploy-v3-impl:
>>>>>>>> [echo] ./slsbnicmt
>>>>>>>> undeploy-v3-impl-unix:
>>>>>>>> [exec] CLI001 Invalid Command: undeploy
>>>>>>>> [exec] Command undeploy failed.
>>>>>>>> [exec] Result: 1
>>>>>>>> undeploy-v3-impl-windows:
>>>>>>>> undeploy:
>>>>>>>> setOSConditions:
>>>>>>>> undeploy-v3-impl:
>>>>>>>> [echo] ./sfulnoi
>>>>>>>> undeploy-v3-impl-unix:
>>>>>>>> [exec] CLI001 Invalid Command: undeploy
>>>>>>>> [exec] Command undeploy failed.
>>>>>>>> [exec] Result: 1
>>>>>>>> undeploy-v3-impl-windows:
>>>>>>>> undeploy:
>>>>>>>> setOSConditions:
>>>>>>>> undeploy-v3-impl:
>>>>>>>> [echo] ./simple-bv-servlet
>>>>>>>> undeploy-v3-impl-unix:
>>>>>>>> [exec] CLI001 Invalid Command: undeploy
>>>>>>>> [exec] Command undeploy failed.
>>>>>>>> [exec] Result: 1
>>>>>>>> undeploy-v3-impl-windows:
>>>>>>>> undeploy-gd:
>>>>>>>> undeploy:
>>>>>>>> setOSConditions:
>>>>>>>> undeploy-v3-impl:
>>>>>>>> [echo] ./singleton
>>>>>>>> undeploy-v3-impl-unix:
>>>>>>>> [exec] CLI001 Invalid Command: undeploy
>>>>>>>> [exec] Command undeploy failed.
>>>>>>>> [exec] Result: 1
>>>>>>>> undeploy-v3-impl-windows:
>>>>>>>> undeploy:
>>>>>>>> setOSConditions:
>>>>>>>> undeploy-v3-impl:
>>>>>>>> [echo] ./remoteview
>>>>>>>> undeploy-v3-impl-unix:
>>>>>>>> [exec] CLI001 Invalid Command: undeploy
>>>>>>>> [exec] Command undeploy failed.
>>>>>>>> [exec] Result: 1
>>>>>>>> undeploy-v3-impl-windows:
>>>>>>>> undeploy:
>>>>>>>> setOSConditions:
>>>>>>>> undeploy-v3-impl:
>>>>>>>> [echo] ./RosterApp
>>>>>>>> undeploy-v3-impl-unix:
>>>>>>>> [exec] CLI001 Invalid Command: undeploy
>>>>>>>> [exec] Command undeploy failed.
>>>>>>>> [exec] Result: 1
>>>>>>>> undeploy-v3-impl-windows:
>>>>>>>> undeploy:
>>>>>>>> setOSConditions:
>>>>>>>> undeploy-v3-impl:
>>>>>>>> [echo] ./JaxwsFromWsdl
>>>>>>>> undeploy-v3-impl-unix:
>>>>>>>> [exec] CLI001 Invalid Command: undeploy
>>>>>>>> [exec] Command undeploy failed.
>>>>>>>> [exec] Result: 1
>>>>>>>> undeploy-v3-impl-windows:
>>>>>>>> undeploy:
>>>>>>>> setOSConditions:
>>>>>>>> undeploy-v3-impl:
>>>>>>>> [echo] ./numberguess
>>>>>>>> undeploy-v3-impl-unix:
>>>>>>>> [exec] CLI001 Invalid Command: undeploy
>>>>>>>> [exec] Command undeploy failed.
>>>>>>>> [exec] Result: 1
>>>>>>>> undeploy-v3-impl-windows:
>>>>>>>> quicklook-summary:
>>>>>>>> setOSConditions:
>>>>>>>> build-version:
>>>>>>>> build-version-unix:
>>>>>>>> build-version-windows:
>>>>>>>> quicklook-report:
>>>>>>>> [delete] Deleting: /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/tests/
>>>>>>>> quicklook/ version.output
>>>>>>>> setOSConditions:
>>>>>>>> stop-server:
>>>>>>>> [echo] stopping server
>>>>>>>> stop-server-unix:
>>>>>>>> [exec] CLI306 Warning - server is not running.
>>>>>>>> [exec] Command stop-domain executed successfully.
>>>>>>>> stop-server-windows:
>>>>>>>> setOSConditions:
>>>>>>>> stop-derby:
>>>>>>>> stop-derby-unix:
>>>>>>>> [exec] Connection obtained for host:, port number
>>>>>>>> 1527.
>>>>>>>> [exec] Apache Derby Network Server - - (706043)
>>>>>>>> shutdown at 2009-08-11 16:15:00.472 GMT
>>>>>>>> [exec] Command stop-database executed successfully.
>>>>>>>> stop-derby-windows:
>>>>>>>> [copy] Copying 1 file to /Volumes/Spare4/work/v3/code/
>>>>>>>> tests/ quicklook/test-output
>>>>>>>> testng-summary:
>>>>>>>> [echo] [testng]
>>>>>>>> ===============================================
>>>>>>>> [echo] [testng] QuickLookTests
>>>>>>>> [echo] [testng] Total tests run: 98, Failures: 25, Skips:
>>>>>>>> 16
>>>>>>>> [echo] [testng] Configuration Failures: 1, Skips: 0
>>>>>>>> [echo] [testng]
>>>>>>>> ===============================================
>>>>>>>> [echo] [testng]
>>>>>>>> [INFO] Executed tasks
>>>>>>>> [INFO]
>>>>>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>>>>> [INFO]
>>>>>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>>>>> [INFO] Total time: 3 minutes 29 seconds
>>>>>>>> [INFO] Finished at: Tue Aug 11 09:15:00 PDT 2009
>>>>>>>> [INFO] Final Memory: 29M/504M
>>>>>>>> [INFO]
>>>>>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>>>>> llcMP:quicklook llc$
>>>>>>>> Lloyd
>>>>>>>> On Aug 10, 2009, at 7:01 PM, Jane Young wrote:
>>>>>>>>> FYI: I've upgraded to MacOS 10.5.8, built and ran QL tests
>>>>>>>>> with no issues.
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>>>> Lloyd Chambers
>>>> GlassFish Team
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>>> For additional commands, e-mail:
>> Lloyd Chambers
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Lloyd Chambers
GlassFish Team