Re: QuickLook failing badly today, domain timeout

From: Jane Young <Jane.Young_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Mon, 10 Aug 2009 19:01:02 -0700

FYI: I've upgraded to MacOS 10.5.8, built and ran QL tests with no issues.

Jane Young wrote:
> After killing the QL process, were you able to get it to pass?
> I also executed QL from a clean build and did not run into any
> issues. I'm using MacOS 10.5.7.
> Jane
> Lloyd Chambers wrote:
>> I wish it were that.
>> I did a 'ps' for all java programs, logged out and back in, etc. I
>> am definitely not running v2.
>> However, QL does leave a process running as a result of the failures,
>> and I have to 'kill -9' it.
>> Lloyd