Re: Looking up Tx manager in JNDI tree in GFv3

From: Kenneth Saks <Kenneth.Saks_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Mon, 03 Aug 2009 12:35:19 -0400

On Aug 3, 2009, at 12:16 PM, Potociar Marek wrote:

> Hello,
> in GFv2 Metro code relied on a fact that TransactionManager,
> TransactionSynchronizationRegistry and UserTransaction instances
> were bound to JNDI under following names:
> java:appserver/TransactionManager
> java:comp/TransactionSynchronizationRegistry
> java:comp/UserTransaction
> I want to make sure that this has not changed in Gfv3. If yes, what
> is the proper way for obtaining these instances in Gfv3?

Yes, they're in V3. Same as in V2, just use the no-arg
InitialContext() for the lookup.

> Many thanks,
> Marek
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