Re: [v3 build error] missing webbeans-integration artifact

From: Tim Quinn <Timothy.Quinn_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 30 Jul 2009 15:04:54 -0500

For all I know, it really could have been a repository issue and my use
of Shing Wai's suggestion was coincidental with the repos getting
up-to-date so mvn downloaded the required module when I next rebuilt.

(correlation does not imply causality!)

Anyway, it worked for me for whatever reason.

- Tim

Snjezana Sevo-Zenzerovic wrote:
> FWIW, using maven clean plugin in packager and distributions would not
> make any difference with Tim's original issue. His build was failing
> during web module build which is the first place in the build sequence
> that is referencing this artifact...
> This particular workaround just might be the coincidence, not that I
> am willing to bet on it :-)
> Jane Young wrote:
>> Sorry, I don't understand the workaround. I recently put in the
>> Maven clean plugin in packager and distributions modules (see
>> pom.xml) so "clean" always get invoked when building from the top
>> level. See: IT 8492
>> <> .
>> I believe it's related to Nexus...
>> Tim Quinn wrote:
>>> Shing Wai,
>>> Thanks for the tip. That worked for me, too.
>>> - Tim
>>> Shing Wai Chan wrote:
>>>> I seen that, too.
>>>> My workaround is mvn clean in distributions first.
>>>> And then mvn install in the top level.
>>>> Shing Wai Chan
>>>> Tim Quinn wrote:
>>>>> I very recently updated my workspace and now I get the error below.
>>>>> Will this resolve itself once something gets published to the
>>>>> repository or is this a problem someone needs to look at?
>>>>> - Tim
>>>>> [INFO] Failed to resolve artifact.
>>>>> Missing:
>>>>> ----------
>>>>> 1) org.jboss.webbeans:webbeans-osgi-bundle:jar:1.0.0.PREVIEW2.SP2
>>>>> Try downloading the file manually from the project website.
>>>>> Then, install it using the command:
>>>>> mvn install:install-file -DgroupId=org.jboss.webbeans
>>>>> -DartifactId=webbeans-osgi-bundle -Dversion=1.0.0.PREVIEW2.SP2
>>>>> -Dpackaging=jar -Dfile=/path/to/file
>>>>> Alternatively, if you host your own repository you can deploy the
>>>>> file there:
>>>>> mvn deploy:deploy-file -DgroupId=org.jboss.webbeans
>>>>> -DartifactId=webbeans-osgi-bundle -Dversion=1.0.0.PREVIEW2.SP2
>>>>> -Dpackaging=jar -Dfile=/path/to/file -Durl=[url] -DrepositoryId=[id]
>>>>> Path to dependency:
>>>>> 1) org.glassfish.web:webbeans-integration:hk2-jar:3.0-SNAPSHOT
>>>>> 2)
>>>>> org.jboss.webbeans:webbeans-osgi-bundle:jar:1.0.0.PREVIEW2.SP2
>>>>> ----------
>>>>> 1 required artifact is missing.
>>>>> for artifact:
>>>>> org.glassfish.web:webbeans-integration:hk2-jar:3.0-SNAPSHOT
>>>>> from the specified remote repositories:
>>>>> (,
>>>>> (,
>>>>> (,
>>>>> glassfish-repository-wsinterop (,
>>>>> glassfish-repo-archive-dummy
>>>>> (,
>>>>> glassfish-repository (,
>>>>> EclipseLink Repo
>>>>> (,
>>>>> central (,
>>>>> java-dev-repository
>>>>> (,
>>>>> glassfish-repo-archive
>>>>> (,
>>>>> Netbeans repo (
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