Re: reader-selectors and selectorThreadImpl

From: Justin Lee <Justin.Lee_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Mon, 06 Jul 2009 10:18:45 -0400

That's what I like to hear. :)

Jeanfrancois Arcand wrote:
> Justin Lee wrote:
>> Does that mean I can delete those properties from the
>> ProperitesDesc[] in HttpService and remove all references to them?
>> Or do they just disappear from the documentation. With Tim's tool
>> (and one I'm working on) these properties descriptions will likely
>> show up in the generated documentation.
> Just delete them.
> A+
> -- Jeanfrancois
>> Jeanfrancois Arcand wrote:
>>> Salut,
>>> Justin Lee wrote:
>>>> Jeanfrancois or Jan Luehe can better answer that one.
>>>> June.Parks_at_Sun.COM wrote:
>>>>> So what do they DO? The selectorThreadImpl property appears to
>>>>> take a class name as its value, but what is this class supposed to
>>>>> implement? What is a selector thread? What are reader selectors,
>>>>> and why would a user want to specify them?
>>> Both of them needs to be deprecated. They were added before Grizzly
>>> becomes its own project, and used to extend (mainly JRuby in v2).
>>> But they were never published so we should ignore them.
>>> A+
>>> -- Jeanfrancois
>>>>> June
>>>>> On 07/02/09 11:21, Justin Lee wrote:
>>>>>> There are no defaults, per se. Not in the sense of the
>>>>>> attributes having default values at least. If they're not
>>>>>> present then the underlying engines do their normal thing.
>>>>>> June.Parks_at_Sun.COM wrote:
>>>>>>> What do they do? What are their defaults?
>>>>>>> June
>>>>>>> On 07/02/09 11:04, Justin Lee wrote:
>>>>>>>> Those were the http-listener forms of those properties. Sadly,
>>>>>>>> they're still on http-service. I'd like to remove them all but
>>>>>>>> that has a rather wide impact.
>>>>>>>> June.Parks_at_Sun.COM wrote:
>>>>>>>>> The authPassthroughEnabled, traceEnabled, and tcpNoDelay
>>>>>>>>> properties have been converted to attributes in the new
>>>>>>>>> network configuration, so it seems I can ignore those.
>>>>>>>>> I would like verification that the remaining properties,
>>>>>>>>> listed below, are for virtual servers. If they are for
>>>>>>>>> listeners, they don't belong under http-service anymore.
>>>>>>>> These all eventually get applied to the connector essentially
>>>>>>>> overriding settings on the listeners. Personally, I'd prefer
>>>>>>>> to remove PropertyBag support from all the network related
>>>>>>>> interfaces at least and promote the properties we're actually
>>>>>>>> using to attributes. It makes it so much easier to document
>>>>>>>> what's supported and with what values. And it makes breaks
>>>>>>>> easier to track since the compiler will let us know when we
>>>>>>>> screw up in many cases. But anyway. This is what we have now.
>>>>>>>>> connectionTimeout
>>>>>>>>> proxyHandler
>>>>>>>>> ssl-cache-entries
>>>>>>>>> ssl-session-timeout
>>>>>>>>> ssl3-session-timeout
>>>>>>>>> reader-selectors
>>>>>>>>> selectorThreadImpl
>>>>>>>>> I've never heard of reader-selectors or selectorThreadImpl.
>>>>>>>>> What do they do? What are their defaults?
>>>>>>>>> June
>>>>>>>>> On 07/02/09 08:16, Justin Lee wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> These are the http-service properties I'm finding that are
>>>>>>>>>> still referenced in v3:
>>>>>>>>>> authPassthroughEnabled
>>>>>>>>>> connectionTimeout
>>>>>>>>>> proxyHandler
>>>>>>>>>> reader-selectors
>>>>>>>>>> selectorThreadImpl
>>>>>>>>>> ssl-cache-entries
>>>>>>>>>> ssl-session-timeout
>>>>>>>>>> ssl3-session-timeout
>>>>>>>>>> tcpNoDelay
>>>>>>>>>> traceEnabled
>>>>>>>>>> June.Parks_at_Sun.COM wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> On 07/01/09 14:17, Justin Lee wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> Is this related?
>>>>>>>>>>>> For the record, properties on http-service are still
>>>>>>>>>>>> supported but not on any of the interfaces in
>>>>>>>>>>>> grizzly-config because depending on any glassfish related
>>>>>>>>>>>> to bring in PropertyBag would break the build.
>>>>>>>>>>> Okay, then I need to know SPECIFICALLY which properties of
>>>>>>>>>>> http-service are still supported. A whole bunch of them
>>>>>>>>>>> have been converted to attributes in the new Grizzly
>>>>>>>>>>> configuration. The following have not been converted.
>>>>>>>>>>> Which of these still work, given that they can only apply to
>>>>>>>>>>> virtual servers and not to listeners?
>>>>>>>>>>> use-nio-direct-bytebuffer
>>>>>>>>>>> rcmSupport
>>>>>>>>>>> proxyHandler
>>>>>>>>>>> proxiedProtocols
>>>>>>>>>>> recycle-objects
>>>>>>>>>>> reader-threads
>>>>>>>>>>> acceptor-queue-length
>>>>>>>>>>> reader-queue-length
>>>>>>>>>>> connectionTimeout
>>>>>>>>>>> monitoring-cache-enabled
>>>>>>>>>>> monitoring-cache-refresh-in-millis
>>>>>>>>>>> ssl-cache-entries
>>>>>>>>>>> ssl-session-timeout
>>>>>>>>>>> ssl3-session-timeout
>>>>>>>>>>> June
>>>>>>>>>>>> Jan Luehe wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 07/ 1/09 12:03 PM, June.Parks_at_Sun.COM wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The Grizzly team told me that the proxy-related
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> properties of http-listener/http-service to which you
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> refer are not supported in the v3 network-service.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> I think that decision needs to be revisited.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Jan
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> June
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 07/01/09 11:52, Jan Luehe wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I'm trying to fix a package regression of an exposed
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> interface.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Earlier versions of GlassFish started exposing the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> com.sun.appserv.ProxyHandler interface, which is useful
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> for when
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> GlassFish is front-ended by an SSL-offloading
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> load-balancer. Its
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> default implementation (which works with Sun's
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> load-balancer plug-in) is
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> given by com.sun.enterprise.web.ProxyHandlerImpl, and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> alternative
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> implementations may be specified (as
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> http-listener/http-service
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> properties, using their FQCN) in domain.xml.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Since this has been an exposed interface, it must be
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> preserved for
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> backward compatibility reasons.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> In GlassFish v3, the ProxyHandler interface was moved from
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "com.sun.appserv" to "".
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> It needs to be moved back to its original package. In
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> order to avoid any
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> split-packages, that would mean moving to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> common/common-util/src/main/java/com/sun/appserv
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> which already contains and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and therefore "owns" the com.sun.appserv package.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> imports
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest, so if we
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> moved it to "common/common-util", then we would also
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> have to move
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "web/javax.servlet" to "javaee-api/javax.servlet", since
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "common" builds after
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "javaee-api", and to avoid any circular dependencies
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> between "common" and "web".
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Does anybody see any issues with moving
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "web/javax.servlet" to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "javaee-api/javax.servlet"?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Jan
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