Network config questions

From: Kim Haase <Camilla.Haase_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Tue, 28 Jul 2009 13:42:02 -0400

I'm working on the GFv3 Admin Console online help for network
configuration and related elements -- network listeners, protocols,
thread pools, virtual servers. June Parks's draft of the Domain File
Format Reference, available at,
has been extremely helpful. However, I'm wondering about what order an
administrator needs to create these objects in.

The draft Domain File Format Reference entry on the protocol attribute
of the network-listener element is a bit confusing -- it says,

"Specifies the name of the protocol associated with this network
listener. Although this attribute is required, a protocol is
automatically created with the same name as the network listener when
you use the asadmin create-http-listener command to create a network

Actually the command to create a network listener is of course
create-network-listener, and it does not seem to create a protocol
automatically. Should it? (Whether it should or not, there are some
ramifications both for the command line and the Admin Console, but I can
file issues depending on what ought to happen.)

So if you want to create a network listener, do you have to create a
protocol first? Do you have to have a unique protocol for each network
listener and vice versa? This seems to be the case for the ones that are
created by default.

Also, is it correct that a virtual server is normally associated with
one or more network listeners, but that you can create a virtual server
that isn't associated with any network listener, then create the network
listener, then edit the virtual server to specify that network listener?

Thanks very much,
Kim Haase