Re: serviceability

From: Ken Cavanaugh <Ken.Cavanaugh_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 22 Jul 2009 17:31:58 -0700
Carla Mott wrote:

Hi all,

We need to update the resource bundles to contain diagnostic information for all SEVERE and WARNING messages.

In evaluating the serviceability requirements for GlassFish we found
that there is missing information from the resource bundles.  The
requirement states:

The product shall include the following information in every log entry:
 Timestamp- preferably in a standard format; Module - Acronym of the
module generating the message: LogLevel - Indicates relative
severity(following an applicable standard if any); MessageId - Unique
withing the product: Message Text - brief text message explaining the
message; ContextInfo - key values that go with the message (context),
include stack trace if program error is suspected; Recommendation -
recommended actions to take to further determine the cause of a problem
(not the actual solution).

We have most of this but in many cases we are missing the recommendation
 or what we call the diagnostic part.  We agreed that all SEVERE, WARNING and INFO messages must have a message id.  For the most part that seems to be true but I could not easily determine if all SEVERE messages have a message id.  The message id is important for this task.  I have created a wiki page which lists the
resource bundles that have diagnostic messages and which resource
bundles don't.  We would like to get to a point where all SEVERE, and
WARNING messages have diagnostic information.  The first pass is
targeting all SEVERE messages for code that is in the GlassFish source repository and we're targeting this to be complete by August 3rd.

Please go through the resource bundles listed and verify that all SEVERE and WARNING messages have a message id. If any diagnostic information is missing please provide that in the resource bundle and update the table on the wiki when complete.  We'd like to cover all WARNING messages by August 17.

I can produce a list of message ids which have diagnostic messages but
not sure how useful that is at this point.  I can provide that info if needed.

Thanks for your help


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Here's some information about a number of log messages that
you don't have in the wiki, because CORBA and gmbal are not in the main GFv3 repository:
There is absolutely no way I can meet either of your deadlines for this (especially since I'm taking a vacation next
week).  CORBA in particular will be very difficult to deal with for WARNINGS (607, some of which may be obsolete,
or can never occur in the context of the app server).  I'd also need to extend the various frameworks and code generators,
because there is no other way to maintain this accurately (Gmbal is easy, because it's annotation driven, but the CORBA
scheme message generator is currently a bit more complicated).

Also note that this work has been discussed and planned since the days of AppServer 8.0 (at least), and even when we
had a full CORBA team, we never had time for this work.  Having this come up this close to the end of GFv3 is simply
impossible to deal with.

I think I mostly understand the diagnostic message format:


but what is the last number for?  Is it to add more than one possible cause or check for the same MSGID?
Is it assumed that check.n always applies to cause.n?
The example at
is a bit confusing.

