From: Prasad Subramanian <Prasad.Subramanian_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Mon, 20 Jul 2009 15:16:30 +0530

The CVS workspace for Sailfin TRUNK and GlassFish SJSAS91_FCS_BRANCH is
now open for checkins. Now that we are in the Soft Code freeze period,
the workspace is in a "Restricted" mode. What this means is that you
need a bug id for checkin and if a feature has to be added , you need an
approval from Srikanth and I .

Here is the process for checking in, which has to be followed from now on :


Prasad Subramanian wrote:
> The CVS workspace for Sailfin TRUNK and GlassFish SJSAS91_FCS_BRANCH
> is now closed for checkins. Once the SCF build is promoted, the
> workspace would open again. An *explicit* note would be sent when the
> workspace re-opens. Please do not checkin code till you see that note.
> Thanks
> Prasad
> PS : There will be one checkin for MQ integration later today and
> that is an known and accepted exception.