Re: asadmin create-jvm-options Invalid option: D

From: Amy Roh <Amelia.Roh_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Fri, 17 Jul 2009 09:33:42 -0700

Justin Lee wrote:
> you need to put -- before the name. bill (?) sent an email to dev
> earlier about it.

I found the email.

"In addition to the differences described below, there is a problem
with the create-jvm-options command - if the JVM option starts with
"-" (as it almost always does), you'll need to separate it from the
other options using "--", e.g.,

asadmin create-jvm-options -- -Dfoo=bar

This is a regression that I'll fix soon."


> Amy Roh wrote:
>> Did asadmin create-jvm-options change? What should be the new syntax?
>> asadmin-common-ignore-fail:
>> [echo] asadmin create-jvm-options --user anonymous --passwordfile
>> /files/hudson/workspace/webtier-dev-tests-v3/appserv-tests/config/adminpassword.txt
>> --host localhost --port 44486 --echo=true --terse=true
>> -DjvmRoute=MYINSTANCE
>> [exec] Deprecated syntax: create-jvm-options, Options: [port,
>> host, passwordfile, echo, user, terse]
>> [exec] Invalid option: D
>> [exec] Usage: create-jvm-options [--target <target>]
>> [--help=true|false] jvm_option_name
>> [exec] Result: 1
>> Thanks,
>> Amy
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