Re: Build error

From: Jane Young <Jane.Young_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 15 Jul 2009 14:30:50 -0700

Hi Dianne,

You need to use maven version 2.0.9 and above.

I wonder why maven enforcer plugin didn't catch this...


Dianne Jiao wrote:
> Hi, Jane,
> I don't think it is new.
> After I double checked the error, my build stopped because of the
> following line:
> [INFO] An Ant BuildException has occured: The following error occurred while executing this line:
> /files/projects/glassfish/v3/packager/glassfish-gui/build.xml:29: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException:
> Invalid uri '[1.0.0,)/jcommon-[1.0.0,).pom':
> escaped absolute path not valid
> It should be just a warning, but the build stopped for me, probably only me.
> Maybe it is the ant or maven version I am using. I have ant 1.7.1, mvn 2.0.7.
> Thanks for looking into it.
> Dianne
> Jane Young wrote:
>> Hi Dianne,
>> Is this a new artifact (jamon) introduced to v3 workspace? If yes,
>> in which module?
>> I'll need to add the repo url to Nexus server.
>> Jane
>> Dianne Jiao wrote:
>>> Hi, All,
>>> I got this error build GlassFish from scrach. Thanks in advance for
>>> helping. --Dianne
>>> I started from scratch and here is the error I got:
>>> [INFO] Unable to find resource 'com.jamonapi:jamon:pom:2.4' in repository (
>>> Downloading:
>>> [INFO] Unable to find resource 'com.jamonapi:jamon:pom:2.4' in repository central (
>>> Downloading:[1.0.0,)/jcommon-[1.0.0,).pom
>>> [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> [INFO] An Ant BuildException has occured: The following error occurred while executing this line:
>>> /files/projects/glassfish/v3/packager/glassfish-gui/build.xml:29: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Invalid uri '[1.0.0,)/jcommon-[1.0.0,).pom': escaped absolute path not valid
>>> Checking
>>> Here are all the files there:
>>> jamon-2.4.jar
>>> <>
>>> 27-Jul-2007 11:10 107344
>>> jamon-2.4.jar.md5
>>> <>
>>> 27-Jul-2007 11:14 48
>>> jamon-2.4.jar.sha1
>>> <>
>>> 27