Re: new asadmin command

From: Vishal Mehra <>
Date: Wed, 15 Jul 2009 06:40:18 -0700

Thanks Bill, I am aware of these techniques and they work fine in an
environment with limited number of DAS/instances but when we are
working with 10s and 100s of instances, IMHO, having another way to
provide options would be better.

On Wed, Jul 15, 2009 at 12:18 AM, Bill Shannon<> wrote:
> Vishal Mehra wrote on 7/14/09 3:29 PM:
>> Bill,
>> Perhaps, this is out of the scope of the current implementation,
>> however, it would be good feature to have (RFE). In large enterprise
>> settings, wherein we are dealing with multiple instances of app
>> servers and clusters, providing the program options can be tedious
>> even if they are well scripted. Few programs options can run into
>> multiple lines and therefore it becomes challenging to manage them
>> especially when there are changes to the cluster topology, and/or to
>> the network. IMHO, it would nice to provide a configuration file as a
>> parameter to the asadmin command. The configuration could contain
>> program options as name/value pair. At run time, appropriate options
>> file(s) can be provided as a parameter.
>> for example, asadmin_config_file1 could look like
>> host
>> port 4848
>> user admin
>> passwordfile somefile
>> secure false
>> and then the asadmin command would like
>> asadmin -config_file=asadmin_config_file <program>
>> Even in a developer environment, developers would not have to specify
>> these options each time they run the asadmin command. They can set it
>> once and forget it.
>> if you believe there is a value add to the above approach, perhaps, we
>> can extend the concept to create options hierarchy i.e. one (base)
>> option file is extended by another option file.
> There's two simple ways to solve this without any changes to asadmin.
> 1. Create a shell alias or script.  For example:
>        alias myasadmin="asadmin --host myserver --port 1234"
>   or
>        #!/bin/sh
>        exec asadmin --host myserver --port 1234 "$@"
> 2. Set these program options as environment variables:
>        export AS_ADMIN_HOST=myserver
>        export AS_ADMIN_PORT=1234
> I think either of these is easier than using a config file and having
> to specify it for each command.
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