As part of building the ACC's non-OSGi gf-client.jar file we must
augment its manifest Class-Path to include JARs that do not reside in
the /modules directory.
We used to do this by defining properties in the pom and then passing
them to an ant script which manipulates the manifest's Class-Path.
This change simply moves the property definitions from the pom (which
does not itself use them) into the ant script to clean up the pom and
minimize changes. I have replaced the relevant property definitions in
the pom with a comment explaining where they went and removed the line
which used to pass the now-removed classpath.additions pom property to
the ant script.
- Tim
Index: appclient/client/acc-standlone/pom.xml
--- pom.xml (revision 28881)
+++ pom.xml (working copy)
@@ -67,15 +67,11 @@
- <mq.dir.path>../../mq</mq.dir.path>
- <mq.lib>${mq.dir.path}/lib</mq.lib>
- <jmsra.apps.dir>../lib/install/applications/jmsra</jmsra.apps.dir>
- <mq.classpath.additions>${mq.lib}/imq.jar
${mq.lib}/imqadmin.jar ${mq.lib}/imqutil.jar ${mq.lib}/fscontext.jar
${mq.lib} ${jmsra.apps.dir}/imqjmsra.jar</mq.classpath.additions>
- <derby.jar.classpath.additions>../../javadb/lib/derby.jar
../../javadb/lib/derbyclient.jar ../../javadb/lib/derbynet.jar
+ <!--
+ Property settings used for adding parts to the Class-Path
used to
+ be defined here. They are now in the fixup.xml file instead so
+ the pom is less changeable.
+ -->
@@ -169,7 +165,6 @@
<property name="output.file"
<property name="output.dir"
<property name="stage.dir"
- <property name="classpath.additions"
value="${mq.classpath.additions} ${ds-jdbcra.classpath.additions}
${cp-jdbcra.classpath.additions} ${xa-jdbcra.classpath.additions}
<property name="classpath.file"
<ant antfile="${basedir}/fixup.xml"/>