inheritedAccessControlContext causing an undeploy leak?

From: Jacob Kessler <Jacob.Kessler_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Fri, 10 Jul 2009 14:39:34 -0700

Continuing to try to clean up things that prevent the JRuby classloader
from being garbage collected after undeploy, I'm seeing in B53 that the
JRuby classloader is loading, and that
after undeploy that still has a referenced object because of the
inheritedAccessControlContext on one of the GlassFish threads. This
reference wasn't present in the last build I was working with (B43), so
seems to be something new farther up the Glassfish chain.

Does anyone have an idea of why the JRuby classloaders are finding their
way into the inheritedAccessControlContext now, or what should be done
to clear that once the JRuby app is undeployed?