Re: new deploy command parameter

From: Bill Shannon <>
Date: Fri, 27 Mar 2009 21:28:51 -0700

Kenneth Saks wrote:
>> This is what would happen when people do not specify the --type
>> parameters. From Hong's example, it's clear that the only interest of
>> specifying the --type parameter would be to say that you want to
>> deploy the web-app part but not the EJB (used as pojo) for instance
>> so you can do
>> deploy --type ejb,web -> would deploy in both container.
>> deploy --type web -> only web container
>> deploy --type ejb -> only ejb container
> Would the deployment framework still be processing the web.xml /
> sun-web.xml in this last case? The EJB
> code could contain dependencies on it. For example : component
> environment entries, EE 6 <module-name> , etc.
> I'm not sure I understand the real value of this. If someone really
> wants ejb components completely
> separated from web components they can just package them in a separate
> ejb-jar.

I agree.

I understand specifying a type when the server can't unambiguously
figure out the type on its own, but using it to "turn off" part of
the functionality seems wrong.

If I deploy something of type "web", I want it to do everything the
web container is supposed to do, which currently includes supporting