[v3] Please check your commits with this Hudson Job

From: Jane Young <Jane.Young_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Tue, 24 Mar 2009 16:49:57 -0700


RE continuous job is now on the Hudson external site:
**. This job
is triggered by any svn commits.

 From now on, please check your commits with this job. You'll see that
QuickLook is run on both GlassFish and Web distributions. The reports
are named as: QL-GP-report.html for GlassFish distribution and
QL-WP-report.html for Web distribution.

The distributions are also archived: and

Also note that upon a successful completion of this job, GFv3 SNAPSHOT
artifacts are published to the Maven repository. The publishing job is
now on the internal RE Hudson.

Thanks Terena for making this happen.
