Re: maven repo down?

From: Ken Cavanaugh <Ken.Cavanaugh_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 19 Mar 2009 17:06:27 -0700
Jane Young wrote:
Is the build broken?   The "glassfish-repository" is and it's up and running. 

Lloyd Chambers wrote:
[INFO] Building Glassfish MBeanServer support
[INFO]    task-segment: [install]
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] snapshot org.glassfish.external:external:3.0-SNAPSHOT: checking for updates from glassfish-repo-archive
[INFO] snapshot org.glassfish.external:external:3.0-SNAPSHOT: checking for updates from glassfish-repository-wsinterop
[INFO] snapshot org.glassfish.external:external:3.0-SNAPSHOT: checking for updates from glassfish-repository

[WARNING] repository metadata for: 'snapshot org.glassfish.external:external:3.0-SNAPSHOT' could not be retrieved from repository: glassfish-repository due to an error: Error transferring file
[INFO] Repository 'glassfish-repository' will be blacklisted

I can see it fine, but I apparently can't upload anything to it.  I don't use maven, as my
ORB builds are all ant based.  Instead, I use the maven-ant-tasks-2.0.9 module along
with the svn wagon (probably pretty much the same as the maven build in any case).
I pushed the ORB jars to maven around noon or so today, but the latest (3.0.0-b016)
STILL has not appeared on
My ORB bundles normally appear around 30 minutes after the ant target that
pushes them completes.  This has been working fine for quite a while, and I have
updated my URL to remove the "www" part that was causing problems earlier.
I'll try pushing again for the next version, but why doesn't this work better?
I'd expect that a successful run of the maven ant tasks and the svn wagon would
indicate that the data has really been delivered, but apparently this is not the case.
