Yes, bean validation is not integrated.
Sahoo wrote:
> The email asks someone to actually modify felix's config file. I don't
> think that has happened so far, so how can we claim beanvalidation has
> been integrated?
> Sahoo
> Jane Young wrote:
>> Hi Sahoo,
>> Ed Burns sent an e-mail to dev_at_glassfish on 3/16. See attached
>> e-mail. I just spoke to Nandini and verified that this is just a
>> source integration.
>> Thanks,
>> Jane
>> Sahoo wrote:
>>> Jane,
>>> Can you point me to the check-in details for bean validation
>>> integration?
>>> Sahoo
>>> Jane Young wrote:
>>>> I forgot to mention that Bean Validation is also integrated in M1
>>>> release.
>>>> Thank you Barbara for pointing this out.
>>>> Jane
>>>> Jane Young wrote:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> GlassFish M1 build (b41) has been promoted. In this build, the
>>>>> following features are integrated:
>>>>> EAR file deployment support
>>>>> Application Client Container
>>>>> JMS integrated
>>>>> RI build available
>>>>> GlassFish Web and Java EE distributions available
>>>>> Please proceed with post-M1work on the trunk.
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> Jane
>>>>> The M1 installer bundles are here:
>>>>> GlassFsh Web:
>>>>> Java EE:
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>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Subject:
>> JSR-303 Source level integration first draft
>> From:
>> Ed Burns <Ed.Burns_at_Sun.COM>
>> Date:
>> Mon, 16 Mar 2009 23:35:44 -0700
>> To:
>> To:
>> CC:
>> Abhijit Kumar <Abhijit.Kumar_at_Sun.COM>, Barbara Louis
>> <Barbara.Louis_at_Sun.COM>, Roger.Kitain_at_Sun.COM
>>>>>>> On Fri, 06 Mar 2009 11:36:06 -0800, Abhijit Kumar
>>>>>>> <Abhijit.Kumar_at_Sun.COM> said:
>> AK> Hi Ed,
>> AK> If changes do not affect GlassFish build, it is okay to make them
>> AK> without review. However, before integrating to GlassFish build
>> process, AK> those files must be reviewed (I am sure you were
>> planning to do that)
>> This email announces the source level integration of JSR-303 Bean
>> Validation into Glassfish V3.
>> The felix file must be modified as follows. Thanks to
>> Nandini Extare for these changes.
>> Index:
>> ===================================================================
>> --- (revision 25400)
>> +++ (revision 25430)
>> -64,7 +64,11 @@
>> ${com.sun.aas.installRootURI}/modules/hk2-core.jar \
>> ${com.sun.aas.installRootURI}/modules/osgi-adapter.jar \
>> ${com.sun.aas.installRootURI}/felix/bundle/ \
>> -
>> ${com.sun.aas.installRootURI}/felix/bundle/
>> +
>> ${com.sun.aas.installRootURI}/felix/bundle/
>> \
>> + ${com.sun.aas.installRootURI}/modules/bean-validator.jar \
>> + ${com.sun.aas.installRootURI}/modules/javax.mail.jar \
>> + ${com.sun.aas.installRootURI}/modules/javax.activation.jar \
>> + ${com.sun.aas.installRootURI}/modules/javax.transaction.jar \
>> # log level 1: error, 2: warning, 3: info, 4: debug
>> felix.log.level=1
>> Can someone please make these changes once they verify the build worked?
>> To build JSR 303 Bean Validation from source, cd to
>> extras/bean-validator and run mvn? This will check out from source a
>> milestone build of JSR-303 API and RI, along with the source for all
>> non-Sun dependencies, save jms-1.1.jar. As each source module is
>> checked out, it is built. When the build is done, the OSGIfied module
>> will reside at
>> extras/bean-validator/bundle/osgi/target/bean-validator-4.0.0.Alpha3.jar
>> This is what needs to be copied to the modules directory.
>> I have verified this worked with the JSF intergration which has a demo
>> that performs bean validation.
>> I'm going to be out of town at a conference. If an urgent matter comes
>> up for this, Nadnini Extare may be able to help since she is familiar
>> with my changes.
>> Ed
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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