Re: [Fwd: Please review and comment on Admin Console One Pager]

From: Wolfram Rittmeyer <>
Date: Tue, 17 Mar 2009 22:06:10 +0100

Hi Anissa,

2.2 Risks and Assumptions
Bullet point 3: According to the woodstock page 4.2 is the last version
of woodstock. AFAIK woodstock and Icefaces merge, don't they? (after
reading on:) Hm, okay "replacing woodstock" is mentioned as "out of
scope" in 4.6. Didn't read this at first. But I guess version 4.3 of
woodstock was mentioned for a reason. Any outstanding woodstock bug
fixes needed for the admin console?

4.1.2 Application Management
This probably has already been decided but I think it is unfortunate to
provide configuration options for web apps, but not for ejb-jar files,
EARs and so on. The problem area described in the app-management one
pager, e.g. environment entries, applies to other deployment types as
well. Handling one type well and others less so is a bit inconsistent IMHO.

4.3.3 Move from tree-based navigation to a menu-based approach
I'm glad to see that the tree remains (I personally like it).
Nevertheless I recall from the discussion about the prototype that the
tree creation is costly and thus conflicts with one of the main goals
stated in the section "Justification". Is the tree now the only means to
navigate (tags aside) or are menus planned as well together with
like the "toggle" function of the preview? If the tree were optional the
performance penalty (if any) would only apply to e.g. users that want
the tree and users prefering the menu would not be affected.

Wolfram Rittmeyer