Re: Felix NPE - Error loading class from module

From: Richard S. Hall <>
Date: Sun, 11 Jan 2009 18:38:48 -0500

Claudio Miranda wrote:
> To better trace things like that, please can you explain how did you
> find that issue ?
> Probably this is going to help people (outside glassfish project) to
> get better educated about felix and glassfish.

The old fashioned way, I just drilled down in Felix to see what was

It actually wasn't that difficult to figure out the original exception
posted to the mailing list wasn't the root cause. If you scrolled up the
server output beyond the reported exception you'd see there was another
logged error from Felix saying it was unable to get the bundle's
manifest, but Felix was swallowing the exception explaining "why" it
couldn't get the manifest. So, I just drilled down to see why, which
ultimately was originating from when we were getting the input stream
from the ZipEntry for META-INF/MANIFEST.MF.

-> richard

> Thanks for your assistance, very appreciated.
> Claudio Miranda
> On Sun, Jan 11, 2009 at 8:45 PM, Richard S. Hall <> wrote:
>> Well, I found the root cause. It is not a bug in Felix, but Felix was hiding
>> the true issue because it was swallowing an exception. Felix gets the
>> following exception when trying to read the bouncy castle bundle manifest:
>> INFO: +++ java.lang.SecurityException: Invalid signature file digest for
>> Manifest main attributes
>> So, it looks like there is a signature problem with the bundle. I will
>> create an issue against Felix to log this exception, rather than swallow it.