Re: Unresolved constraint in bundle - external jar for module

From: Claudio Miranda <>
Date: Thu, 8 Jan 2009 15:10:21 -0200

On Thu, Jan 8, 2009 at 2:37 PM, Sahoo <> wrote:
> Looking at the, I don't see the packages being exported with any
> version, so the version defaults to 0.0.0.

Great !
I added the following and it worked. Thanks!


> By the way, do you know how to enable Felix remote shell in GFv3? It is a
> very convenient tool to debug OSGi issues. Take a look at
> $GlassFishRoot/felix/conf/ Search for "shell" in that file
> and you shall find instructions to enable the shell. Once you do that, from
> any host in the network, you can do "telnet <host> 6666". On the telnet
> prompt, you can run Felix shell commands to administer the OSGi runtime.
> Type help to find all the supported commands.

Thanks Sahoo, it is of great help , really appreciated.

  Claudio Miranda
  _______________________________________________   claudio(o)