Thanks for the advice Sahoo.
I am not an osgi/felix expert, but could take a look at
distributions/external/asm-all/pom.xml as a sample, I could create the
attached pom file.
It produced a file of 536K as the same size of the jodatime.jar
But deploying those files to $GFV3/modules and restarting gfv3, throws
the following
by: org.osgi.framework.BundleException: Unresolved constraint in
bundle 76: package;
Unfortunately I could not advance, I started to read osgi/felix
guides, but they are not easy to digest in a short time.
Please, could you take a look and see if there is any misconfiguration ?
The manifest file is attached, there are osgi info there.
On Thu, Jan 8, 2009 at 6:13 AM, Sahoo <> wrote:
> An OSGi bundle can't resolve classes from non-OSGi bundles. So, you have to
> convert/wrap those libraries to/as OSGi bundles.
Claudio Miranda