Re: Unresolved constraint in bundle - external jar for module

From: Claudio Miranda <>
Date: Thu, 8 Jan 2009 00:58:03 -0200

On Wed, Jan 7, 2009 at 7:26 PM, Harsha Godugu <> wrote:
> The above is not a viable solution, unless this is just a temporary trial /
> test work.

Just to let you know this is not (for now) a official glassfish
module, but a contribution.
Currently joda-time is already available at mvn repo. As this module
become stable, I will take a look at how to publish bouncycastle to
mvn repo.

> No. What I meant was, v3/distributions/external dir.

Great ! That is exactly what I need.

Thank you for your time, it is really appreciated.

  Claudio Miranda