Re: Welcome Dies Koper

From: Jan Luehe <Jan.Luehe_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Fri, 23 Jan 2009 18:40:43 -0800

On 01/23/09 07:52, Hong Zhang wrote:
>>> I would like to extend a rather belated welcome to Dies Koper to the
>>> GlassFish developer community. Dies has been using GlassFish v2 at
>>> Fujitsu for some time, and has submitted a number of patches and bug
>>> reports. He has been a J2EE container developer for six years,
>>> focusing on EJBs, Servlets and Web Services. He has also used and
>>> filed bugs against Apache Tomcat and Axis.
>>> He interested in all parts of the server including spec
>>> implementations. He has submitted over 30 patches - mostly to
>>> GlassFish, but also some to Grizzly and JSP projects. Has been in
>>> contact with Jan, Ken, Marina and Jeanfrancois.
>>> Thanks and welcome Dies!
>> Dies has also submitted several patches to CORBA for GlassFish,
>> which are much appreciated!
> Yes, same for deployment! Welcome!

Are very warm welcome to Dies form the webcontainer team as well!

Dies has already provided a number of high-quality patches for the
web container that we have applied.

Keep up the great work, Dies!
