Re: Stop repackaging Grizzly to support OSGi

From: Oleksiy Stashok <Oleksiy.Stashok_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Fri, 16 Jan 2009 11:20:27 +0100

On Jan 16, 2009, at 6:00 , Sahoo wrote:

> Oleksiy Stashok wrote:
>> Hi Harsha,
>>> Simple.. Alexey didn't bump up the version when he integrated
>>> Grizzly 1.9.3 . Is that correct Alexey? (The fact that 1.9.3
>>> grizzly-utils jar existed before 13th Jan tells me that. ).Nexus
>>> fetches artifacts only once and caches them. If there is already
>>> one available with same version, in the cache, it would get the
>>> same old unless a dependent made a request for the next version of
>>> the artifact/jar/resource.
>> Think it's correct. The reason I didn't bumped new version, because
>> when I deploy Grizzly artifacts to maven, very often I see problem
>> with, when it reports, that connection could not be
>> established. And I can not be sure, if all or half of Grizzly
>> modules were deployed.
> Are you using different techniques that regular GlassFish jobs? How
> come GlassFish hudson jobs don't see such issues?
I think because Glassfish doesn't deploy artifacts to, but
internal maven repository. I observe problem with maven deployment on
Grizzly hudson jobs too.
It looks like this:
>>>>> altDeploymentRepository = null
>>>>> Uploading: java-net:/maven2-repository/trunk/www/repository//
>>>>> trunk/www/repository/com/sun/grizzly/samples/grizzly-comet-chat-
>>>>> iframe/1.9.4/grizzly-comet-chat-iframe-1.9.4.war
>>>>> [INFO] Retrieving previous metadata from
>>>>> [INFO] Uploading repository metadata for: 'artifact
>>>>> com.sun.grizzly.samples:grizzly-comet-chat-iframe'
>>>>> [INFO] Uploading project information for grizzly-comet-chat-
>>>>> iframe 1.9.4
>>>>> [INFO]
>>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>> [INFO]
>>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>> [INFO] Error installing artifact's metadata: Error while
>>>>> deploying metadata: Connection failed: Unable to connect to
>>>>> svn: The specified baseline is not the latest baseline, so it
>>>>> may not be checked out.
>>>>> svn: CHECKOUT of '/svn/maven2-repository/!svn/bln/269968': 409
>>>>> Conflict (
>>>>> [INFO]
>>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>> [INFO] For more information, run Maven with the -e switch
>>> May be Jane / Terena could help Grizzly jars get published?
>> Actually after many retry it eventually works. But that's painful
>> to upload up to 6 times the jars just because of this exception.
>> Now 1.9.4 was finally uploaded :-)

> More over, to know whether your binary has reached the repo or not,
> go to the repo directly and see if it is there or not.
I understand that, but Grizzly has 20+ modules and having in mind how
fast is and that artifacts appear there with lag - I can
spend just hour to understand what was deployed and what wasn't.

>> So when I started to deploy Grizzly 1.9.3, it failed, meantime I
>> made additional "last fixes" and keep redeploying the artifacts
>> until succeeded.
> That's the problem. What justifies making "last fixes?" It appears
> to me that your release process needs to be looked at.
Agree. This was our mistake.


> Thanks,
> Sahoo
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