Re: Error integrating promoted glassfish-api.jar in jruby connector

From: Sahoo <>
Date: Thu, 15 Jan 2009 08:19:52 +0530

Vivek Pandey wrote:
>> If you use regular expression, then you can also specify a version
>> for a pattern of package names. See maven-bundle-plugin [1]. It is
>> not that error prone. Look at some osgi.bundle file in v3 workspace.
> Ok. I will look at those. BTW, can I also have wildcard (*) along with
> a regexp, such as one below? For other packages, such as grizzly I
> just want bnd to generate the Import-Package entries automatically.
> <Import-Package>
> org.glassfish.api.*;version=3.0.0., *
> </Import-Package>
Yes, you can do this.

I also suggest, at a later point of time, you should consider moving all
the OSGi headers to a separate file to keep your pom.xml clean. See
v3/pom.xml for an example. We keep all the OSGi manifest information in
a separate file called osgi.bundle for each pom.xml.
