Hi Jakub,
Look at ejb-container.jar from the use case.
password=GlassFish;mandatory:=password means that the bundle can be used only if
the 'password=GlassFish' is specified in the corresponding import entry.
This is done to avoid conflicts with the user-provided asm jar(s). You can add
your own (not repackaged) asm jar to glassfish/lib directory, or add a
password=GlassFish to your bundle, but please don't change the one that comes
with GF ;).
Jakub Podlesak wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have tried to deploy a Jersey based web application onto GFv3 Prelude b28.
> As Jersey depends on asm-3.1.jar i have hoped it would work fine
> with the GFv3 provided [asm-all-repackaged.jar]. But it does not.
> The corresponding manifest contains:
> Export-Package: org.objectweb.asm.tree.analysis;password=GlassFish;man
> datory:=password;uses:="org.objectweb.asm.tree,org.objectweb.asm";ver
> sion="3.1",org.objectweb.asm.commons;password=GlassFish;mandatory:=pa
> ssword;uses:="org.objectweb.asm.tree,org.objectweb.asm.signature,org.
> objectweb.asm";version="3.1",org.objectweb.asm.tree;password=GlassFis
> h;mandatory:=password;uses:="org.objectweb.asm";version="3.1",org.obj
> ectweb.asm.util;password=GlassFish;mandatory:=password;uses:="org.obj
> ectweb.asm.tree.analysis,org.objectweb.asm.tree,org.objectweb.asm.sig
> nature,org.objectweb.asm";version="3.1",org.objectweb.asm.signature;p
> assword=GlassFish;mandatory:=password;version="3.1",org.objectweb.asm
> .xml;password=GlassFish;mandatory:=password;uses:="org.xml.sax,org.ob
> jectweb.asm.util,org.objectweb.asm,javax.xml.transform,javax.xml.tran
> sform.sax,org.xml.sax.ext,org.xml.sax.helpers,javax.xml.transform.str
> eam";version="3.1",org.objectweb.asm;password=GlassFish;mandatory:=pa
> ssword;version="3.1"
> i am wondering what the additional [password=GlassFish] and
> [mandatory=password] attributes mean there.
> When i put additional [asm.jar] into my GlassFish installation and omit
> the two attributes in it's manifest, things start working for me.
> (i am using java -jar bnd.jar wrap asm-3.1.jar to create the bundle)
> Would it be possible to re-bundle the asm.jar module, so that is does not
> contain the two attributes?
> If not, what is the intended way of using the bundled [asm-all-repackaged.jar]?
> Is there anybody successfully using it as a dependency for his module?
> Thanks in advance for your help,
> ~Jakub