Re: jsr-109 module has SNAPSHOT dependency on webservices and jaxb

From: Sahoo <>
Date: Tue, 14 Oct 2008 00:10:14 +0530

If we can't wait till 24th, I suggest we ask Metro team to publish
whatever bits that are staged as SNAPSHOT as a non-SNAPSHOT version and
we use the same in our pom.xml.


Bhakti Mehta wrote:
> Sahoo,
> I had asked for permission to check in around oct 24 but Abhijit said
> that would be too late and checkins should be done by oct 15
> We are discussing this with Martin and Abhijit . Martin feels metro
> will not be ready by Oct 15 since there are docs testing to be done
> for metro. Abhijit is saying we should look at including a milestone
> release if metro cannot be ready. Can I get back to you on this
> tomorrow after discussing with them.
> Regards,
> Bhakti
> Sahoo wrote:
>> Bhakti,
>> Prelude branch currently depends on SNAPSHOT versions of some Metro
>> artifacts as shown below:
>> glassfish@~/WS/gf/v3-prelude$ grep webservices.version `cat allpoms `
>> ./pom.xml:
>> <webservices.version>1.4-SNAPSHOT</webservices.version>
>> ./webservices/jsr109-impl/pom.xml:
>> <version>${webservices.version}</version>
>> glassfish@~/WS/gf/v3-prelude$ grep jaxb.version `cat allpoms `
>> ./pom.xml: <jaxb.version>2.1.9-SNAPSHOT</jaxb.version>
>> ./webservices/jsr109-impl/pom.xml:
>> <version>${jaxb.version}</version>
>> When are you planning to change them to non-SNAPSHOT versions? We
>> can't release with SNAPSHOT dependency.
>> Thanks,
>> Sahoo
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