Re: Inconsistency between deploy & undeploy CLI

From: vince kraemer <Vince.Kraemer_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Sun, 18 May 2008 08:54:55 -0700

That sounds like a great CLI enhancement, to me.

I hate to type. I love it when a tool "does the right thing", even if I
make a bit of a mistake.


Arun Gupta wrote:
>> I don't exactly understand the question you are asking in this e-mail...
>> I think you are asking for something like this...
>> If the user enters 'asadmin deploy hello', then the operand will be
>> used as the "root" of a matching scheme...
>> The deploy command would search to see if there was a hello.war or
>> hello.ear or hello.jar or a directory named hello... in some order...
>> The first match found would be deployed.
>> Does that summarize your request correctly... or at least closely?
> Yes
> -Arun
>> I would be a bit concerned about what would happen if there was a
>> file named hello (with no extension)
>> vbk
>> Arun Gupta wrote:
>>> An application is deployed as:
>>> asadmin deploy hello.war or
>>> asadmin deploy hello.ear or
>>> asadmin deploydir hello
>>> and all 3 deployments are undeployed as
>>> asadmin undeploy hello
>>> Now the question ...
>>> Can the deployment be simplified by creating precedence rules and
>>> making the extension redundant ?
>>> -Arun