Re: detecting api versions for Java EE 6 Profile determination....

From: Vince Kraemer <Vince.Kraemer_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Fri, 16 May 2008 13:58:38 -0700

I can live with a GF specific answer. It would probably be better to
have an answer that was based on specs end-to-end and avoided
implementation details... but I realize that increases the overhead of
creating the answer.

I will probably have to settle for a GF specific answer to be able to
query a remote server... (I guess using asadmin's get subcommand).

I think Package might work... but I am a bit worried about the effect of
profiles on this...

Since all the EJB interfaces are in the same package, the vendor, title
or version info would need to include some way of describing which
profile is being implemented...

It seems like that would degenerate into a Class.forName(String) random
walk through apis...


Bill Shannon wrote:
> Vince Kraemer wrote:
>> I was reading through the ejb 3.1 spec and found the required APIs
>> list (section 21.2)
>> It seems like tools will need to be able to detect which APIs a
>> container is supporting at a pretty fine grained level...
>> Do all/any of the apis listed have a sure-fire way to determine the
>> version/subset that is available?
>> Obviously, I can write a tester... that queries the container to
>> determine if all the necessary API are present and have the correct
>> version, by doing things like looking up classes and methods, etc....
>> Do the APIs listed have something better?
>> For example...could the EJB 3.1 have a method that would tell me
>> whether the container had the "full" API or just the "required" subset?
>> This would be very helpful...
> Are you looking for a GlassFish-specific answer, or are you looking
> for something that will work with all Java EE 6 products?
> With GlassFish you might be able to get some of this information
> from OSGi, but I'm not sure we've decided how "stable" the bundle
> information is.
> At the Java EE level we could require the information used by
> java.lang.Package, if that would help.
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