Where is the Java EE 6 EDR?

From: Vince Kraemer <Vince.Kraemer_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Fri, 16 May 2008 10:23:43 -0700

i was reading through the EJB 3.1 spec and hit a question that seems

If I have ejbs in a .war file... it looks like those ejbs can be used by
a different web app in the same ear...

If you can have webapp2.war "use" the beans in webapp1.war then there
may be situations when an application assembler want to use the beans in
a web app that they do not want to expose...

How do they say that?

Since this seems like an app assembly question... I figured that the EDR
for JSR-316 would have the answer... but I cannot find it...
