Java EE 6 info query

From: Vince Kraemer <Vince.Kraemer_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 01 May 2008 09:38:42 -0700

I am trying to get info on the changes that are planned between Java EE
5 and Java EE 6.

On the "home page" for the Java EE 6 spec, there is a list of
technologies that are going to get updated.

I was able to find the JSR's for most of them... but one of them still
vexes me...

Is the update of JAX-WS (jsr 224) going to be a "Maintenance Release" or
is it going to get a new JSR, like many of the other Java EE
technologies appear to be getting? If the update of JAX-WS has or is
getting a new JSR, what is it?
