Re: GAP update: bug reports and process

From: Alexis Moussine-Pouchkine <>
Date: Fri, 30 May 2008 17:14:59 +0200

Filing good bug reports is not always easy. So, as part of the GAP
[1], we encourage users and developers to file bug reports to help
enhance GlassFish and all of its sub-projects.
We do not require patches to be provided. Steps to reproduce and maybe
a testcase are sufficient to compete (good patches are always welcome

If you've filed bugs in the past, please consider submitting it/them
as well as filing more.
It's as easy as sending an email to
  with a link to the bug report.

As GlassFish developer or module owner, you probably know of people
who deserve an award for their past contribution please have them
submit their contribution (I'm sure you all remember a bug or two that
you've fixed thanks to a good report) .

Sun employees don't qualify. Sorry.
A total of $50K awards to be split across reports.
