
From: Tang Yong <>
Date: Mon, 7 Apr 2008 15:23:50 +0800

Hi Kedar,Admin/JMX Team,

  I am sorry to interrupt your work. I have a problem
about "removeExternalJndiResourceByJndiName".

  In the, I found that
"removeExternalJndiResourceByJndiName" is declared the
interface method.

  However, I didnot find the implemetation of "removeExternalJndiResourceByJndiName".

  By means of the JConsole, I found that the "removeExternalJndiResourceByJndiName"
should lie in the ResourcesMBean.But I did not find it.Then,I searched the GF_SRC, but I
still did not find it.

  Could you please help me provide some suggestion?

  BTW: the reason that why I look for the "removeExternalJndiResourceByJndiName" is
that I found when executing create-jndi-resource/delete-jndi-resource in multi-thread mode,
in the sever.log, the following exception appeared:
        at com.sun.enterprise.server.ResourceDeployerFactory.getResourceDeployer(

Best Regard!
